mechanical corpse

Chapter 109 The Land of Raising Corpses

Chapter 109 The Land of Raising Corpses
Chapter [-]: The Place to Raise Corpse

It wasn't anything else that fell from the sky, but a living person. Jiang Ping, who witnessed this scene, almost became cold from head to toe.As if someone had poured a bucket of cold water, he stood there numbly, shocked by the scene like Shura's hell in front of him.

Of course, he wouldn't be frightened. It's not like he hasn't seen more cruel scenes than this, and it's not just the end of the world.Sunshine is beautiful, but as long as there is sunshine, there are always a few shadows that people ignore intentionally or unintentionally.

After the helicopter dropped twenty or thirty living people, it roared and flew towards another place. Just looking at the size of this giant armed helicopter, Jiang Ping knew that there must be hidden in this black market all kinds of necessities that would satisfy him enough. Goods, especially high-tech equipment!

The heavy-duty helicopter just now is not particularly common. It is Huaxia in the previous life, and it has just been developed. It is a type of large-scale transport helicopter, which is generally used for emergency rescue and disaster relief or other major military activities.The load alone is as high as 20 tons, which is several times that of ordinary helicopters!
The strength of Ax Technology may have to be re-evaluated.Jiang Ping sighed, thinking silently.

Perhaps the allure of fresh human blood was greater than the deterrent power of high-level zombies, and they rushed to snatch the group of low-level zombies out of instinctive fear and did not have the guts to do so.However, apart from the blood food being enjoyed by the dozens of nearby zombies, many people were directly thrown to the ground, with breath in but not out, even if they were alive, it seemed that they were not much better than death.I don't know that the courageous walking corpse took the lead, a group of extremely hungry zombies rushed over one after another, stretched out their rotten claws, and rushed towards the poor fellows who were thrown bloody and bloody. catch.The red and white in the hands meet, colorful things are stuffed into the mouth without any pickiness, making a disgusting chewing sound...

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", staring enviously at the group of zombies who are eating like crazy dogs grabbing food in front of them, with their long tongues sticking out, and giving Jiang Ping a pitiful look.

It naturally knew that it was impossible for Jiang Ping to give it a chance to devour humans directly, but the sweet smell of those fresh flesh and blood was as alluring to zombies as drugs, oh, it was a dog lure.So, I still couldn't help sending out a hint of longing.

"Let's go!" Jiang Ping ignored the guy's pleading, took advantage of the chaos and grabbed the fur of the guy's neck, and walked towards the "eight trigrams array" that had long been in ruins...

"Manager Sun, the blood food has been released, and all the mutated corpses in the base have been released, the next step..." A wretched guy leaned over and carefully asked for instructions.

"The Yangtze River Bridge should have been repaired, right?" Manager Sun put down the binoculars in his hand and asked.

"Yes, it was just completed half an hour ago. That bridge is located at the junction of the three cities. The zombies we lured away just after it was repaired swarmed in with the zombies from the other two cities. These high-level zombies that went out, a wave of corpses that Wenhan City has never seen before..."

"Nonsense!" Manager Sun interrupted his subordinates a little angrily, "You need to talk too much, this is what I want!"

"However, once the scale of the corpse tide gets out of control, will we get burned?" the wretched man cautiously reminded.

Manager Sun frowned slightly. He was also a little worried about this point. It's okay to talk about walking corpses and fast corpses. If there are high-level zombies, or even guys at the level of smart corpses who are unwilling to be lonely and participate, things will eventually have some twists and turns. of.However, his eyes soon became firm. This opportunity is once in a hundred years. Whether he can seize it depends on this gamble!

After Lao Tzu died, who cares about his flood!What's more, Young Master Wang is still staying here, those ten famous corpse hunters are not out to eat dry food!

"You don't need to worry about these, ask someone to lure the group of guys just released to other survivor bases, I will turn the entire Wenhan City upside down in one day, and reshuffle all human forces. From now on, I want Wenhan Even if there is an ant in the city, it will have the logo of my ax technology engraved on its butt!" Manager Sun said coldly.

Using corpses as Gu is a project that Fuzi Technology has been working on for the past two years.In fact, the humans in the entire Antarctic base are more or less studying zombies.No one wants to live forever in the shadow of this group of guys who only know how to grin their teeth and eat human flesh raw.Almost all human scientists, all scientific research institutions, and all scientific research directions are devoted to solving the mystery of the emergence of zombies.

The same is true of the ax technology, countless zombies were hunted in one by one, group after group.Walking corpses that are extremely slow and clumsy, swift corpses that come and go like the wind without a shadow, zombies with extremely tenacious vitality, even intelligent corpses that have wisdom and can imitate human beings, there are countless mutant corpses, evolution corpses...

It's almost like an assembly line before the end of the world. A zombie is broken down into countless broken arms and limbs, even at the cell level, and is thoroughly studied by scientists, doctors, even thinkers and theologians. A thorough.It's just that no one can explain the specific reason for the appearance of the zombies.

Ax Technology also undertakes part of the research tasks, and the core research field is the evolution of zombies.Most scientists agree that the evolution of zombies is just a process of absorbing dark energy and transforming it into its own energy, from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Ax Technology has simulated the whole process of zombie devouring evolution hundreds of times!
Other breakthrough discoveries were not found, but a palpitating result was obtained, which was called a voodoo by some people who knew the inside story.

From human beings to corpses, human beings raise corpses.Use extremely advanced scientific machinery to control the human brain, and then inject the zombie virus into the human whose brain has been controlled.The process of transforming into a zombie is extremely long, and everything during this period requires extremely precise adjustments. Often dozens or even hundreds of samples can create a zombie that can be artificially controlled.

Transforming from a human being who can be charged to a zombie who can be charged is the most difficult step.And after this step is completed, it is only necessary to let this controllable zombie continue to devour and evolve. Although the process is arduous, it has no technical content.

The black market in Wenhan City is a secret base used by Ax Technology to accept zombies that can be controlled by humans.

It can also be called, the land of corpses!

(End of this chapter)

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