mechanical corpse

Chapter 115 Song Zhe of the Bereaved Family

Chapter 115 Song Zhe of the Bereaved Family (All kinds of begging!)
Chapter [-]: Song Zhe of the Sorrower
Song Zhe could never have imagined that in just one day, he had to run away twice.

Although the situation was critical for the first time, after all, I had a definite direction for my escape. After all, there was a hidden "hidden wolf" behind me. This was a hidden force that Ma Rong didn't even know about.The result naturally made him quite satisfied. A mere small corpse hunter was quickly attacked from behind by Wu Song's group in the dark, and he was completely dismantled.

But this time, zombies all over the sky swept in like a flood.Song Zhe could never have imagined that there would be two waves of corpses in Wenhan City in a short period of time. If the last time Fuzi Technology deliberately cleaned up a large number of zombies crossing the river, this time the tide of corpses would appear It seems a bit abrupt and weird.

It's just that Song Zhe didn't have time to think about it at this time, the wave of corpses came too suddenly, Wu Song and the others were naturally unprepared, a group of people boarded a bus that was always used for transfer, and drove forward desperately.

"Xiao Wu, it seems that the tide of corpses came from the other side of the river. It is very likely that something happened to the Yangtze River." With a certain distance from the tide of corpses, several younger brothers took guns and killed several extremely fast people in an orderly manner. Song Zhe calmed down and analyzed it carefully, "I'm afraid it's too late to go out of the city. At this time, the only one with the strength to fight against the tide of corpses is Ax Technology, so find a way to go to the black market!"

"Ax technology?" Wu Song snorted with some disdain, "Can the people in the Antarctic base be relied upon?"

"Who can be sure about whether you can rely on it or not." Song Zhe thought that the person from Ax Technology might have snatched Ma Rong, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "At least there are the most weapons and equipment there. The fortifications are the most powerful defense force. Now, the survivors of the entire Wenhan City are probably scrambling to get there, and the earliest ones will definitely occupy all the resources first. In this way, the survivors of Wenhan City may Those who want to go through a new big reshuffle..."

Song Zhe had just finished speaking halfway, but suddenly closed his mouth as if he short-circuited or remembered something unusual.

Wu Song, who was focused on driving, didn't ask too much. More and more zombies gathered, and the bus turned to drive towards the black market. The number of zombies would inevitably increase in the city center.However, what Song Zhe said just now is indeed very reasonable. If you want to survive, the black market, Yida Mall, and Fuzi Technology may be the best and most secure places to go in Wenhan City under the tide of corpses...

An extremely astonishing, even absurd idea was brewing in Song Zhe's head.Ma Rong's inexplicable mutiny, the sudden large-scale corpse tide in Wenhan City, the most powerful ax technology... If all these things are sandwiched together, it will be like a huge whirlpool. If it is controlled by human beings, then the person who benefits the most must be Axe Technology!

Thinking of this, Song Zhe couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his back.Then he shook his head with some self-deprecating, hehe, in the end, he just went to the enemy to change his life...

Manager Sun naturally wouldn't know that Song Zhe would make a wrong guess about his long-planned plan. In fact, even if Song Zhe had guessed it completely, he wouldn't have the slightest doubt, that's right, because it was right. It's a conspiracy!

The tide of corpses was deliberately released by Axe Technology, and even the people were deliberately killed by Axe Technology.The groups of survivors without a leader, just after experiencing a storm of rebellion, what followed immediately was a sudden catastrophe-the tide of corpses.

All the survivors of Wenhan City should know that the only way to survive such a large-scale corpse tide is to go to the black market and go to Ax Technology.No one knows exactly how many things there are here, but every time you participate in the auction, there are countless guns, knives and axes, the piles of bullets and grenades, and the endless delicacies of mountains and seas...

There is nothing that does not show the powerful strength and unfathomable background unique to Ax Technology.

Those who want to survive can only put down everything in their hands and try to reach Axe Technology, the black market, and Yida Mall before they die!And these people, these people who have the ability to try their best to come here in such a short period of time and get a life, are the best survivors in Wenhan City!
Ax Technology can obtain a large number of outstanding and unparalleled excellent employees without any effort. , and almost [-]% control over these survivors who have just lost their organizations and lost everything.Even a small steamed bun can make people pay their lives for it!

Of course, as for the countless unlucky ones who died in the tide of corpses, Manager Sun would not say a word of apology.In the last days, dying anytime and anywhere should be the consciousness that every survivor must have!
It's just that the nearly perfect plan has been implemented quite smoothly, and Manager Sun could never have imagined that the problem that would arise at this time is the seemingly impregnable and flawless underground base.

The moment he got the news that zombies had invaded the underground base, Manager Sun almost passed out!This is really not good news, especially for him who is about to reach the pinnacle of his life!

It's like the colorful flags fluttering outside, but the house suddenly turns into a grassland.The fire in the backyard could actually happen to him. The underground base has the largest scientific research base owned by the company's headquarters in Wenhan City.Some experiments that cannot be carried out in Antarctica can be carried out unscrupulously here, and those research materials are almost worth a fortune!
Moreover, the most precious are the group of scientists and researchers who are helpless.Even if they are in the Antarctic base, they can be regarded as the core employees of Axe Technology, and they are the most valuable asset of Axe Technology. There are too many casualties, no matter how much credit they make this time, it is not enough for the death of these characters. Come the loss!
"At all costs, ensure the safety of personnel!" This is the task Manager Sun gave to all the rescuers who went down in a panic.

Success is also a zombie, and failure is also a zombie.In any case, Manager Sun couldn't figure out how the zombies got into the underground research center of Ax Technology.However, if he knew that all of this was caused by a little zombie dog, he wondered if he would have skinned and cramped Xiao Er!

Of course, Xiao Er may not care too much about these things, it is now following behind Jiang Ping, walking cautiously...

(End of this chapter)

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