Chapter 116
Chapter [-]
Jiang Ping could never have imagined that the underground secret base of Fuzi Technology would allow himself to sneak in so simply, and everything about the entire underground base would be so nakedly exposed to Jiang Ping's eyes.

It has to be said that Jiang Ping can be regarded as a blind cat meeting a dead mouse this time, and broke in by mistake.Originally, the entire underground base was made of steel, and there was only one real entrance, which was through the secret elevator inside Axe Technology.

As for the so-called tunnel that Jiang Ping and Xiao Er ran into by mistake, it was actually a special experimental secret tunnel created by Axe Technology to conduct experiments on voodoo corpses.Over the past few years, the detection or research of various data performances of all voodoo zombies has been completed in that long channel.

The entire passage is 3000 meters long, and there are a total of 100 small secret rooms in the middle. There is an automatically controlled lift door every [-] meters, not only to prevent zombies from invading, but also to facilitate the extraction of various items. The bots of the data are separated.

And this passage is extremely secretive, and if you want to pass through, you must go through the path of death composed of countless voodoo corpses above the secret passage.Therefore, the defense here has always been the weakest link.

As for why the door of the secret passage was not closed in time, maybe Jiang Ping would like to thank Liang Yurou.After she regained control of the Corpse Hunter by accident, in order to regain control of the Corpse Hunter, most of the power in the base was directly supplied to the emergency recall system that belonged exclusively to the Corpse Hunter.In addition, at the same time, Manager Sun ordered all the voodoo corpses to be released at the same time, and this passage was so muddled and forgotten.As for the smart reminder system, it was automatically turned off due to insufficient power.

Even Manager Sun would not realize that the gathering of these seemingly ordinary trivial matters would have such serious consequences.The two little butterflies, Jiang Ping and Liang Yurou, flapped their wings slightly. The family business that Fuzi Technology has worked so hard to build in Wenhan City for several years is about to be completely destroyed by the hurricane they unintentionally caused...

Jiang Ping was naturally unaware of all this, he was just cautiously wandering around in this seemingly extremely tall place without any direction, and he really didn't know how far he could do things just by relying on himself as a person and a dog.

"Hiss—" Another few unlucky ones who had just been transformed into zombies rushed towards Jiang Ping with their teeth bared.Naturally, these unqualified walking corpses would not cause any confusion to Jiang Ping, and he did not know from which operating table he took a scalpel.When those walking corpses rushed towards him, Jiang Ping barely made any extra movements, just dodged slightly, and the sharp scalpel was inserted straight like cutting a watermelon, pulled out, inserted again, pulled out again...

Xiao Er glanced at the zombies lying on the ground in all odds, probably because he was frightened by Jiang Ping's calmness in chopping melons and vegetables, so he grunted a few times honestly, Dian'er Bian'er ran to the front of Jiang Ping to lead the way.

Jiang Ping was also a little puzzled by this, he was obviously a zombie, why would he be targeted by this group of stupid walking corpses?

Somewhat helplessly, he glanced at Xiao Er who held his head high and chest out in front of him. He was also a zombie. Xiao Er only had to release his high-level zombie aura to the outside.Among this group of minions who had just transformed into zombies, they were simply domineering, and the entire corridor was much cleaner.

"But why did the zombies attack me?" Jiang Ping couldn't help scratching his head, shaking his head in puzzlement.

Compared with the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere here in Jiangping, Boss Zhang is almost exhausted.At this time, he was leading dozens of people from Huxin Island, and under the guidance of Yao Kun, he ran towards the Huxin Island that he had just escaped with all his might.

It can be regarded as a wave of ups and downs, and a wave of ups and downs. I just evacuated from the island in the middle of the lake with people in the morning, and packed several cars with countless belongings.Before they reached the next survival base, thousands of zombies suddenly appeared in front of everyone without any warning.Fortunately, Yao Kun sent out spies early on to find a group of zombies right in front of their evacuation route in advance. Otherwise, he would have accidentally fought an encounter with those guys.

Before everyone could catch their breath, a younger brother sent by Wang Qi told them to go back to Huxin Island as soon as possible, saying that the crisis of corpse hunters had been resolved, and the so-called corpse wave suddenly broke out in Wenhan City.

Without stopping, everyone hurriedly turned around and headed back home. Before they could retreat to the island in the middle of the lake, the number of zombies gradually increased.Fortunately, the tide of corpses seems to have a certain direction. The road they are taking is not a great road. For a while, there is no other danger except for a few walking corpses who have left the army and staggered after them.

Naturally, these walking corpses couldn't be killed with a gun, so Zhang Jie had to stay behind and kill them one by one with a knife.At this time, everyone is not too far away from the island in the middle of the lake, and they will be able to go back in about ten miles. I just hope that there will be no accidents on the way...

The first to return to the island were actually Liang Yurou, Wang Qi and Deng Xiaopang.After they separated from Jiang Ping, they accidentally discovered the tide of corpses, especially after Liang Yurou's spiritual power returned, her sensing ability was much stronger than before.After finding something wrong, Wang Qi quickly got in touch with the younger brothers in the back of the hall, and sent them out one by one to investigate the situation.

"Is Jiang Ping all right?" Liang Yurou, who was sitting by the lake, looked worriedly at the increasing number of zombies on the shore, and couldn't help but ask worriedly.

"Sister Xiaorou, don't worry." Deng Xiaopang didn't seem to panic, "Zombies can't possibly pose any threat to Brother Jiang. Even if there is a wave of corpses, he and Xiaoer are both zombies. What is there to be afraid of if you meet your own people!"

"Did you say so, Brother Wang?" Deng Xiaopang somehow diverted the topic to Wang Qi who closed his eyes as if sensing something.

The hidden meaning in his words, Wang Qi can naturally hear that this body is far away from the main body, and it is indeed difficult to sense any detailed information.Although the soul is shared by two people, as time goes by, the connection between the spiritual power that originally belonged to the same person becomes somewhat weaker inexplicably.In fact, sometimes, even he himself can't help but start to wonder whether he is Wang Qi or still Yao Kun.

After confirming that the main body was in good condition and there was nothing unexpected, Wang Qi suddenly opened his eyes after listening to Xiaopang's words for a long time!
"Wang, Wang, Brother Wang, I, I..." Wang Qi shot Deng Xiaopang with sharp eyes like a blade, as if he was going to dig something out of him, and Deng Xiaopang couldn't help being frightened for a while. stuttered...

(End of this chapter)

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