mechanical corpse

Chapter 121 Opponents

Chapter 121 Opponents
Chapter [-] Opponents

The first shot in the dark night was fired when Jiang Ping was halfway through smoking his second cigarette. The bullet accurately shot out the cigarette that was only half left in his mouth. Unexpectedly, , Such accurate marksmanship did not aim at his own head.

"You've been surrounded, don't resist, I promise you won't die for a while." A very smelly guy in a white navy uniform smiled and suggested to Jiang Ping.

"Sea police?" Jiang Ping ignored the man's words, but frowned slightly and snorted, with a little surprise and a hint of understanding.

"What about you?" The guy in white, who is obviously not a prince, looked at Jiang Ping with interest, "Just looking at the way my brother walks, I am afraid that he is not from the general army. We are all soldiers, and we can do anything. discuss."

Jiang Ping couldn't imagine that the other party was so patient. As for why a soldier with such skill would serve as a running dog for a broken company, Jiang Ping couldn't ask.Since it is the end of the world and the country is gone, talking about righteousness and the like is nothing more than self-deception. No matter who it is, it is only living for itself in the end.

"Are you discussing?" Jiang Ping smiled slightly, and lit another cigarette, "I'm afraid there is nothing to discuss between us, especially Fuzi Technology. I have never been very interested in you."

"Oh?" The man was slightly surprised, "Then you think you can escape with your life surrounded by thirteen of us? You know, even if you can escape, there are still a lot of people outside." The strength of the company is waiting for you, and the strength of the ax technology is not something you can easily guess."

"Hehe." Jiang Ping lightly exhaled a smoke ring, and watched with great interest as the small smoke ring gradually expanded, expanded, and then slowly dissipated, "Escape? Who will kill who may not be sure." Bar?"

"Bang—" A gunshot sounded suddenly.

Xu Dui glanced back angrily, and cursed: "Who allowed you to shoot, I—"

He stopped in the middle of his words, and the guy standing beside him still stretched his right arm straight forward, his right index finger was still firmly on the trigger, and the pistol just fired some remaining gunpowder. The smoke produced is still rising slowly.However, that person's cheek slowly shed a trace of blood...

Xu Dui turned his head abruptly, and the place where one person and one dog were originally staying was actually empty at this time.Before he could react, countless firearms began to crackle, and the bullets between the small corridors shot out in all directions.The originally pitch-black night was brightened by the light emitted by gunfire...

Xu Dui is a soldier after all. Although he was surprised by the speed and ruthlessness of the opponent, he still reacted immediately.Just pull out the pistol and aim at the distance. Although everyone is fighting hard, but if you are careful, the team will find that the target has disappeared without a trace.Even the night vision device that can sense heat, failed to detect even the slightest fluctuation in heat for a while...

"Captain Xu, the No. 5 area you are in has been completely closed. You lead people to evacuate to No. [-] area. I will arrange to open the door there." When the gunshots rang out, Manager Sun's voice suddenly came from the earphone, " Conserve your strength, the opponent is extremely difficult to deal with, and the small corpse hunter will arrive in about [-] minutes."

Xiong Fei, who was forcibly carried out from the underground base, was stunned when he inadvertently scanned the picture of Jiang Ping and Xiao Er that Manager Sun kept replaying on the screen.Almost instantly, he immediately woke up from his insanity.For the giant corpse hunter that he can control several times without losing the wind by relying on his own strength, this guy's strength is almost as good as the first level of intelligent corpse, which Xu team and his team can deal with.

The so-called meeting of enemies makes one extremely jealous.Xiong Fei, who recognized Jiang Ping's identity at a glance, woke up in an instant. The woman who snatched his corpse hunter had a good relationship with this kid. As long as he can take down this kid, it will be easy to regain the corpse hunter.

Xiong Fei couldn't help but look up to the sky and laugh, as the saying goes, if you don't walk in heaven, you will come to hell if there is no door.His status is much higher than that of Manager Sun, and with his status as a driver, he told Jiang Ping's news.Manager Sun immediately reported the situation to Wang Chong, and Wang Chong immediately sent a small body hunter under his command to help.

Since Jiang Ping could fight the giant corpse hunter head-on without losing the wind, although it was only a few short rounds, it was no longer a category that manpower could deal with.Manager Sun immediately got in touch with the Xu team below, trying to let him lead the people to run first.However, what he didn't expect was that it was a lot late to get this news...


"Da da da……"

The sound of guns fighting never stopped. Although Xu Dui was an elite soldier, the men he trained were even more well-trained.But first of all, Jiang Ping's previous life can be regarded as a first-level existence of a soldier king. Although Dui Xu has some materials, it is really not enough to face the monster-like Jiang Ping; moreover, the reborn Jiang Ping is a monster. Zombies, especially now that his strength is close to that of high-level zombies, and he is several times stronger than humans; thirdly, Xiao Er, who is more fun than anyone else, is not a joke when fighting, just this dog, back and forth Back quietly rushed several times, killing at least four opponents!

While withdrawing, he raised his gun and shot indiscriminately. In any case, Xu Dui would never have thought that he would encounter such an evil star, but it was just one person and one dog. It took less than 3 minutes to fight, and half of the guys here were well-equipped and experienced. It turned into nothing.

He led a few people to fight and push around him, shooting indiscriminately, for fear that he would be the next to be killed.


The door was slowly opening, and there was a whole team of 13 people, but at this time there were only two people left.This was an unfair battle at all. Xu Dui, who had been wronged by information, intentionally controlled it in a certain area. He didn't expect that he would be the one who was almost caught in the urn in the end.

"Release bigbaby!" Xu Dui yelled at the communicator, and was almost killed by a monster. At this moment, all he could think of was to bring out another stronger monster and kill him.


Without waiting for any response, a bullet shot right through Xu Dui's head, and the center of his brow was blood red——

(End of this chapter)

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