mechanical corpse

Chapter 122 Fighting Small Corpse Hunters

Chapter 122 Fighting Small Corpse Hunters

Chapter [-] Fighting Small Corpse Hunters

The door slowly moved upwards.

The fifth area was brightly lit, and Manager Sun had ordered all the lights to be turned on again. Some of the lamps that had not been damaged by Jiang Ping were very competent in emitting soft and bright light, quietly illuminating the entire space.


Something fell in response, and through several monitors that were lucky enough to escape, Manager Sun clearly saw several corpses that fell straight out as the door opened.

completely annihilated……

"Damn it, is BIGBABY still in the research center? Immediately order the scientific research department to forcibly wake it up!" Manager Sun's eyes turned red. It's just two small bugs, how dare they cause such a huge loss to themselves!
Team Xu was brought by Wang Shao from Antarctica, and the last team he brought down was the strongest under his command.Although their fighting power is not as good as that of the corpse hunters, and their execution ability is not as good as that of Gu corpses, they are completely human beings after all, and they can be regarded as their confidantes. They did not expect to be buried here for no reason!
"Manager Sun, BIGBABY is still under research, and its controllability is seriously lacking. It is still uncertain whether it can be awakened. If..." A man with thick glasses who looked like a scientist came over and said carefully to Manager Sun .

"The enemy is about to turn the research base upside down. If you don't stop it in time, can you afford the responsibility if something happens!" Manager Sun said aggressively.

"Sorry, we're not in charge of the security work. In addition, BIGBABY is only eligible to be activated by personnel above the second-level supervisor at the headquarters. Manager Sun, your level seems to be a bit..." Thick glasses retorted with an air of neither humble nor overbearing.

"You..." Manager Sun trembled a little from the anger, but he could only point his hand straight at his nose, and was speechless for a while.

"Manager Sun, the corpse hunter is already in place. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he can't possibly be the opponent of the corpse hunter. Do you want to let him test it first?" A younger brother cautiously interjected, persuading him consciously.

"Testing a fart!" Manager Sun roared a little angrily, "Didn't you listen to what Brother Xiong said just now, the giant corpse hunter has nothing to do with that kid, not to mention that the one who came was just a fake, how could it be that guy? The guy's opponent!"


Without waiting for the little brother to speak, Xiong Fei suddenly interrupted: "In terms of strength, that person is at most a level-[-] existence of ordinary zombies. The reason why he can avoid my attacks many times is because of his extremely small size and extremely fast speed." If it is a small corpse hunter, they have an inherent advantage against opponents of the same size, not to mention that this person is Wang Shao's personal bodyguard, and his skills will be much stronger. It's just a survivor—"


Before the words fell, an extremely loud explosion sounded through the communicator through the loudspeaker, and even the whole building couldn't help trembling a few times.

"Is it already fighting?" Manager Sun's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly turned his gaze to the monitor.

Still in the fifth area, a humanoid mecha covered in iron armor is fighting with Jiang Ping relentlessly...

"Damn, what is it!" Wei Wei rubbed the slightly uncomfortable palm that was shaken by the other party due to the collision.The steel gate that was deliberately controlled by the opponent had just been raised, and before Jiang Ping and Xiaoer could move, a huge silver monster flew straight towards him.

A gust of bitter wind hit, and even Jiang Ping's clothes were blown up violently.After receiving the opponent's palm forcibly, coupled with a rocket with quite enough firepower, at the critical moment, he dodged with all his strength.

Jiang Ping carefully observed the opponent in front of him, and Xiao Er ran away quietly without knowing where.

The opponent is a robot covered in iron armor, whose body is fully [-] times that of ordinary humans.

iron Man?This is too frustrating, Jiang Ping couldn't help complaining slightly, the designer's art must have been taught by a music teacher, this guy looks like a tin can covered with steel armor.

A Nepalese saber that he snatched casually was held in his hand. This Nepalese saber was the most familiar close-quarters weapon used by Jiang Ping in his previous life. Most of it was made by hand, and there was a small V-shaped indentation on the bottom of the blade. , can guide the blood after pulling out, so as not to stain the handle of the knife; and there are two small knives on the back of the knife cover, the open one is used for peeling things, and the unopened one is used for sharpening the knife. It looks like a dog leg, hence the name ****.This knife is top-heavy, wide at the front and narrow at the back, with a thick back and a thin blade. When swinging, the force is concentrated on the front of the knife, which has the lethality of an axe.

The material of this Nepalese saber is not much different from the general Moxie Jiang Ping bought. In terms of craftsmanship, it is even better. Holding the knife in his hand, Jiang Ping inexplicably gained a rare confidence.

"Dangdang——" There was a crisp confrontation sound, and Jiang Ping had already blocked several attacks from the guy opposite with his Nepalese saber.

"Damn it, do you think you're Iron Man?" Jiang Ping couldn't help slandering secretly. It had to be said that this humanoid can was indeed difficult to deal with.

One advance and one retreat, one attack and one defense, Jiang Ping's proud speed and strength met this guy, but he had less than the slightest advantage for a while.This guy is small in size, extremely fast, and his whole body is made of steel and iron, so he is considered invulnerable. It is difficult to directly cause real damage to the opponent with a small Nepalese saber in his hand.

"Whoosh—" There was another strong wind, and Jiang Ping had to dodge sideways again.

"Bang—" There was another neat fist mark on the opposite wall.

"Surrender, if you admit defeat earlier, you may suffer less. Tsk tsk..." After a miss, the tin can suddenly sneered and began to speak.

"Grandma's, isn't it a robot?" Jiang Ping couldn't help but swear a little, and couldn't help but chuckle in his heart. Since it's not a robot, as long as it is controlled by humans, no matter what, there will always be loopholes.

"Whoosh—" Another heavy punch came, Jiang Ping dodged sideways again, and said provocatively, "Hmph, daydreaming, you only have this little ability. The clothes are good, where you bought them, brother also Want to get a set."

"It's late, when you're dead, how about if I burn as many sets as you want at Lord Yan's place?" I joked again, and the opponent attacked again relentlessly.

"Hmph, it's still unknown who will die!" Jiang Ping shouted loudly, and stepped forward to take it...

(End of this chapter)

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