Chapter 129
Chapter [-] Going Out

They killed all the way, but they didn't see a few people from Ax Technology, and they probably hid quietly in secret.

The switch of the elevator is actually controlled by fingerprints. It seems that except for the special personnel of Fuzi Technology, it is not easy for other people to get in through the elevator.

"Woof~" Erha looked winkingly, and looked back at the little ancestor on his back, then called a few times towards the door of the elevator, signaling the little guy to continue the attack mode.

"Giggle." The little guy grinned triumphantly again. His cute, angelic little face, once paired with those two rows of densely packed fine teeth that are not harmonious at all, made Jiang Ping feel a chill uncontrollably. .

"Boom——" With a loud bang, the entire elevator door was smashed open in the middle, and stuck straight into the opposite wall.In any case, the little guy's destructive power is amazing, as long as his little fist doesn't hit his head, Jiang Ping is quite satisfied with all of this.

Signaling Xiao Er to take a few steps back, Jiang Ping stepped forward and looked up along the elevator passage...

It was a pitch-black piece, nearly a hundred meters high. If the elevator couldn't work normally, they could only climb up directly along this passage.Although it is not considered difficult, all of this must be done without the opponent's obstruction.This channel is where the enemy goes up and down, among other things, just going down with a grenade on top is enough for Jiang Ping and the others to drink a pot.

Jiang Ping looked at the long and scary passage with some hesitation. If he wanted to escape from this base, this might be the only way out...

"Whoosh—" Just when Jiang Ping was hesitating, there was a sound of breaking wind, and he quickly took his head out of the elevator passageway, and then a huge object fell straight down, "Boom——" A loud noise stirred up countless dust.

"Wow——" Erha was also startled by the sudden loud noise, causing the little ancestor on its back to almost fall off.

It turned out that the entire elevator was thrown directly from above.Of course, the matter will not end here, like a hailstorm, walking around, making random noises, and soon the sound became more and more dull, the elevator that just fell was also crushed and deformed, and the height was not as high as before half of children.The entire elevator door was tightly blocked by messy things. It seemed that this road had been completely blocked by the other party.

"Don't just put those bottles and cans, throw down stones, steel, and everything that is heavy enough that you can find!" A short man with a slightly protruding belly was commanding the number Ten people stuffed some messy things into the elevator.

"Manager Sun said that this passage must be completely destroyed, and not even an ant can let it climb up!" The little man ordered, adding materials to the inside—throwing it in every once in a while. A grenade, since the entire passage is made of steel, this explosion is far from causing substantial damage to it.

Hearing the muffled noises from above, Jiang Ping sighed slightly. Now it seems that they can only find other exits...

"Wow~" When Jiang Ping was struggling, Erha suddenly let out a soft whistle, as if reminding him of something.

Jiang Ping turned his head to look, and the zombie doll unexpectedly left Xiaoer's back at some point, and instead, it was suspended in mid-air as if meeting him for the first time, screaming "吚吚吚琚", as if he wanted to take them somewhere The place is average.

Jiang Ping was a little puzzled, this little guy didn't just look like an ordinary doll, did he?

"Yaya~" The simple syllables in the immature voice, the little guy's grandma's cry interrupted Jiang Ping's thoughts.He didn't think about it anymore, anyway, there was no other way now, but he could only follow this little doll and watch him step by step.

The zombie baby was flying ahead to lead the way, while Jiang Ping followed Erha step by step, looking around from time to time, silently remembering the path he had traveled before.

I don't know if there is anyone in Ax Technology here, but even if there are a few unlucky guys who are not afraid of death, most of them dare not show up at this time.The ubiquitous monitoring system provides them with a lot of convenience, especially the communicator can constantly point them in the direction.Jiang Ping also tried to pick up one or two communicators and tried to eavesdrop. Who knew that the signal was cut off right after he got it, so he had no choice but to give up the idea.

Fortunately, the little guy leading the way seems to be quite familiar with this place or a certain road here.Following him, turning left and right, the little guy led Jiang Ping to a laboratory-like place without even touching a wall.

The reason why I'm not sure where it is is because the entire building has collapsed by more than half, and there are broken glass scattered on the ground everywhere, and steel bars inserted into the ground in disorder. Countless fragments flying around.

It is very obvious that in the center of the half-collapsed ceiling, there is a large pit with a diameter of several meters.

Jiang Ping glanced at the little guy and asked, "Are you here before?"

Perhaps because he understood Jiang Ping's words, the little guy nodded in agreement, and then yelled "huh huh" again for a while.It wasn't until he found out that Jiang Ping really didn't know how to talk to babies, then he stretched out his two chubby little hands again, and started making gestures...

"You mean..." Jiang Ping tried his best to look at the little guy's sign language, and translated in his mouth, "Peng, below, there is..."

"Is it a pit?" Jiang Ping looked suspiciously at the huge circular pit with a diameter of several meters, then nodded slightly and said, "I'll clean it up right away!"

Although he was not sure what was in the exploded pit that the little guy said, he still chose to believe that as long as the half-buried place was cleaned up, he would probably be able to discover the secrets hidden here .

Soon, Jiang Ping carefully tidied up those bits and pieces. Sure enough, a small hole about [-] centimeters appeared in front of Jiang Ping's eyes.

"Yaya—" The little guy was obviously quite satisfied with Jiang Ping's efficiency, and clapped his two little hands happily, looking very happy.

But Jiang Ping felt that he had been wiped out alive. This small hole, not to mention himself, even Xiao Er could not squeeze through it.He stretched out his head and took a look inside. It was so dark that even if it was a zombie, it would be impossible to see what was in the ground, but it could not be the exit anyway.

"Yiyi~" The little guy was quite satisfied with the result, and even showed a slight look of color on his face, then he flew over leisurely, waved his little hand towards Jiang Ping, and the whole little person went straight to Jiang Ping. Drilled into that hole.

Although he was a little curious about the little guy's purpose, but thinking of his unfathomable strength, Jiang Ping honestly suppressed his curiosity.This zombie baby really doesn't look like a stupid child who doesn't understand anything, especially when he looks at Jiang Ping sometimes, which makes Jiang Ping even think that this guy is an adult with an independent personality who is evenly matched with him!

"Maybe it's an illusion." Jiang Ping couldn't help but murmured to himself in a low voice. After all, the other party was obviously a secret weapon used against him. Turning an enemy into a friend has never been thought of by Ax Technology, let alone What about the little guy himself?
Most of the time, his behavior is very much like a curious baby who has just developed intelligence, no matter what he does, he just acts on instinct.

Soon, the little guy didn't know what he was doing inside, and he came out tremblingly again.Clutching a small thing tightly in the little hand, he didn't know what it was, shook his head in satisfaction, and returned to Xiao Er's back.The contented look seemed to indicate that his business was done and he could go now.

The slight fluctuations in the little guy's hand made Jiang Ping feel quite familiar, a bit like the piece of dark gold that he and Xiaoer swallowed from the refrigerator corpse before.However, the energy fluctuations that belong exclusively to dark energy are stronger. It seems that the little guy came here entirely for this thing.

Although he was a little jealous of the things in other people's hands, he didn't dare to grab Jiang Ping's courage at this time.Looking back at the whole room carefully, it looks like a laboratory completely. Judging from the broken pieces, it may have been a huge steel tank before, presumably it was used to imprison this little zombie.

The whole room was badly damaged, it seems that this little thing smashed it into this state unconsciously, which shows that the little guy really doesn't like everything here.As for why he only remembered to come back to bring the treasure in his old nest now, most likely it was because this guy followed the orders completely before, and maybe he just regained his sanity after walking a certain distance, or not long ago.

Thinking that this savage little guy's previous order was likely to kill him, Jiang Ping couldn't help feeling a little scared.In fact, what he didn't realize was that no matter when this little guy started to regain his sanity, he always had a trace of unnatural fear when facing Jiang Ping.Maybe it was because of Jiang Ping's preconceived ideas, but he didn't realize it himself.For this little zombie who had just recovered to a certain degree of sanity, Jiang Ping's inexplicable superior aura made him feel a little uneasy...

In short, the three strange combinations started wandering aimlessly throughout the underground base after finishing all their personal affairs.

Jiang Ping also tried to go back and walk towards the passage he came in, but although the idea was good, the reality was extremely skinny.

The originally unimpeded corridors have been sealed by thick and heavy steel gates. As for the terrifying and powerful little zombies, after expending a lot of effort to blast down one gate, they are faced with another one that is exactly the same. Tiemen, without saying a word, turned his head and walked outside...

Maybe it's because the other end of the passage is located at the Corpse Raising Base. The gate here is several times thicker than the gate inside the base. Even if it is as terrifying as a small zombie, it is extremely difficult to punch it open. matter!
Coming out of the corridor again, under the induction of Xiao Ergou's nose, he circled back and forth several times, like playing hide-and-seek, and finally Jiang Ping met the person from Fuzi Technology.

Dealing with these little minions is naturally not a big deal. For Jiang Ping at this time, attacks such as firearms are not even as good as a fire stick. Under the deterrence of the head.When the little guy pulled out the third "radish", a guy finally couldn't help revealing all the information about the underground base.

"...In short, under normal circumstances, the vast majority of people here are scientific researchers, and people like me who are in charge of security basically don't come here. Because the underground base is too secretive, there is basically no danger, even if it is me Responsible for the safety inspection here, in fact, it is not much different from sanitation workers, but it is responsible for breaking up and tidying up, and sometimes it is used when catching experimental products." The guy gradually said what he knew. come out.

"Experimental product?" Jiang Ping asked with some doubts.

"Yes, the weapons studied here are mainly biological and chemical weapons. The experimental products are also some walking corpses that are usually trapped from outside, for research and..." The man quickly explained.

"Zombies?" Jiang Ping sneered coldly, "Hmph, are there only zombies? I'm afraid experiments on living people are definitely rare, right?"

Perhaps because he didn't know Jiang Ping's position, the man didn't answer, but lowered his head slightly to express his acquiescence.

I'm sure I know about the entire underground base, and what's more, the information this guy said is not as much as the two researchers captured by Jiang Ping before.He just held a sliver of hope, and asked tentatively: "The elevator is completely sealed off, and the road leading to the underground corpse base is also completely closed. Do you know where the switch is?"

"It's useless. The main switch is in charge of the ground command center. Since it's turned off there, even if you find the switch here, it's impossible to open the door. But..."

"But what?"

"However, if you want to go out, besides these two places, there is another place that you can try to find."

"Where?" Jiang Ping asked.

"Corpse Hunter Control Center!" The man suddenly opened his mouth and broke out a news that shocked Jiang Ping.

"Corpse hunter?" Jiang Ping was shocked, "You mean that kind of behemoth was also made here."

"I'm not sure about this, but the corpse hunter control center is indeed in the underground base, but that place is too mysterious, I don't know where it is at all. I really didn't lie, please don't kill..."

(End of this chapter)

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