mechanical corpse

Chapter 130 Leading to the Corpse Hunter Base

Chapter 130 Leading to the Corpse Hunter Base

Chapter [-] Leading to the Corpse Hunter Base

This guy was begging Jiang Ping for mercy, and the scary zombie baby sitting on Xiao Er's back probably thought he was annoying, so he patted him lightly with a seemingly weak hand.Then the poor guy's head was like a bursting watermelon, and with a soft "poof--", it fell apart in front of Jiang Ping's eyes, and the red and white liquid splashed. Fortunately, he reacted in time, so he could barely escape past.

"What are you doing!" Jiang Ping couldn't help shouting at the little zombie. Although he had obtained the information he wanted, Jiang Ping still felt a little bit unhappy watching a human being killed by a zombie in front of his eyes. .

Even he himself planned to kill that guy.

"Yiyi..." The little guy naturally showed no fear, and made a funny face at Jiang Ping with great interest, as if he didn't care.

"Damn, a little doll has such a personality." Jiang Ping muttered secretly, there is no way, strength determines everything, and naturally he will not offend the strongest thigh on his side because of the life and death of an enemy.Strictly speaking, I am considered a zombie. These two people and a dog should be of the same species, so no one should despise the other.Thinking about it this way, I couldn't help but calm down a lot.

"Let's go, find a way first!" Jiang Ping bent down and patted Xiao Er's head, and took the lead to find the corpse hunter control center that the man said.

According to that person's analysis, the corpse hunter control center should also be underground, but it should not belong to the same system as the zombie research center, and there is a certain connection between the two.The Corpse Hunter is huge, so the control center should not be small. Although the underground base is large, the ceiling is no more than three meters high, which does not match the height of the Corpse Hunter. Therefore, it can only be explained that the so-called control center should be It's at another underground base.

Jiang Ping already had a certain understanding of the security system, and there was no way to escape his eyes directly through ordinary secret passages.Since there is a connection between these two bases, Jiang Ping must be able to use his own experience to find the passage that is difficult to find with the naked eye!

Finally, after a long time, after returning to the room where he first arrived here, Jiang Ping stopped.

Such a huge underground base must have a large amount of work. If there are two sub-bases, neither the designer nor the builder can separate the two sub-bases.In that case, both the cost and the amount of construction will increase exponentially.Therefore, the so-called Corpse Hunter Control Center must be designed next to the Corpse Raising Base, and perhaps even the passage connecting these three bases may be the same!
"Aww~" Finding that he was brought back to a familiar place again, the zombie baby was obviously a little dissatisfied. The wall here is too thick, even he is not capable of punching it.

"What's the rush, it might not be the same road." Jiang Ping glanced at the little guy angrily. Although he didn't know why the little guy was there, he seemed to be a little afraid of himself, which is also true. Jiang Ping discovered it by accident when he scolded him before.Naturally, even if he found out about this, Jiang Ping was determined not to have the guts to tear himself apart with the little guy, but it's okay to use some cheap words to test the baby's bottom line.

Sure enough, the little guy seemed to understand Jiang Ping's words, and he didn't refute. Instead, he jumped off Xiaoer's back, ran into the corridor, and stretched out his hands to grope around like Jiang Ping. ...


Soon, an inexplicable vibration came from the tunnel, slightly startling Jiang Ping who was staying outside looking for a way out.

Jiang Ping quickly looked inside, and saw that the baby zombie had put his fleshy palms directly on the bottom of the corridor, and the slightly weird vibration came from between his hands.

"Could it be?" Jiang Ping's heart skipped a beat, no wonder he searched all over the place and couldn't find even the slightest flaw. Could it be that the other passage is actually below this one?

"Boom—" There was a loud noise, as if to prove Jiang Ping's conjecture, the little guy started to clenched his small fists again, and slammed hard towards the ground in the corridor.


A series of small fist marks appeared on the ground, but it was somewhat different from the original invincible result. Although the strength this time was only strong but not weak, it could only reach this level after all.

"Yeah~" came the very angry voice of milk, the little guy was obviously angry with this thick iron bucket, he obviously found a way out but was powerless, no matter how much wisdom the little guy has given birth to now Well, being trapped alive in such a small underground base without seeing the light of day, no one would feel happy.

"Woo~" Finally, after several punches in a row to no avail, the little guy came out from inside with a face full of disappointment.

However, what surprised Jiang Ping was that this guy actually walked up to Jiang Ping, and then stared at Jiang Ping with his pair of very innocent and innocent eyes, asking Jiang Ping for help. Can't help but smile.

Please, boss!You can't blow away things with one punch, wouldn't it be even more impossible to leave them to me!The younger brother's fist is not as good as your old man's...

Suddenly, Jiang Ping seemed to think of something, and a long smile couldn't help hanging on his face.

Ha, it's wrong to belittle one's self. Although I can be regarded as a zombie, but, as far as I am concerned, there seems to be such a slight difference between myself and ordinary zombies!
He shook his head triumphantly, moved his body from side to side, and Jiang Ping, who was ready to move, said quietly: "At the critical moment, it seems that I have to let my brother and I do it!"

"Yaya~" the little guy yelled happily, jumped onto Xiao Er's back, took Jiang Ping with one hand and walked directly into the corridor, until he dragged Jiang Ping to the place where he just hit the ground. stopped.

"Is this the place?" Jiang Ping asked, pointing to the place where several walnut-sized fist marks had been left.

"Yiyi~" The little guy nodded affirmatively.

"Hmph, I'll just believe you once!" Jiang Ping stretched out his palm, but he didn't know what to do. The five fingers that were originally slender like a pianist gradually changed, and soon there was only a white skeleton left.

Like cutting tofu, the five bony fingers exerted a little force, as if they were inserted into paper, the thick steel was cut apart without any difficulty...

(End of this chapter)

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