Chapter 135
Chapter [-]

The sudden explosion made the defensive positions of Ax Technology instantly messed up. They would never have imagined that the underground base as hard as a tortoise shell would be blasted directly from the outside. The entire Wenhan City would never have The existence of such a powerful military force!
"Enemy attack!" Several guards who reacted quickly quickly gave up their pursuit of Jiang Ping, and immediately turned their guns on the invading enemy.

"Da da da..." After several clear gunshots, without exception, those people were all accurately shot, and the guns hit the eyebrows.

Jiang Ping couldn't help being taken aback, isn't the person who came here from Fuzi Technology?
While dodging, he looked at the guards who were shot dead. They were all killed by one shot, and even the bullets fell at the same location.The guards of Axe Technology are well equipped and fully protected, but the people who come in can catch the weak points in an instant and kill them one by one. They are really good with guns.

"Swoosh, whoosh, whoosh—"

When Jiang Ping was secretly surprised, several "bullets" shot towards him like a finely woven net from top to bottom.

Jiang Ping didn't have time to take a closer look, so he turned his body around and pulled the nearest guard to stand in front of him, barely avoiding that ingenious attack.

The guard captured by Jiang Ping was naturally not so lucky. He looked like he was shot four or five times up and down, screaming like ghosts and wolves.Fortunately, he was wearing a special bulletproof vest, and his injuries were not that serious. Jiang Ping looked down at a wound, and what was shot was not a bullet, but a short shiny black arrow.

He stretched out his hand and gently pulled out the short arrow, ignoring the guard's screams, leaving the poor guy aside, and picked up the short arrow as if nothing had happened.

The arrow body was not long, about the length of an adult's middle finger, but it was unexpectedly heavy, and it was unknown what kind of metal it was made of.The arrow is triangular, which can reduce air resistance and increase penetration.The tail of the arrow is the unique sparrow tail of the Tang family. It can maintain balance and increase speed. It has to be said that it is really an art.The power of the crossbow should not be underestimated. The protective clothing on the guard of Ax Technology was enough to withstand the bullets of ordinary firearms, but he was still shot through by this crossbow. Although the wound had just penetrated into the flesh, it can be seen that the power of this small crossbow is strong!

The earth-shattering melee just now was broken by a sudden third-party force, Jiang Ping and his party were caught in the middle, the zombie baby sat on Xiaoer's body as if nothing had happened, and a pair of bright red eyeballs looked at the two sides attacking him without any emotion; the ax The technological people are led by two armored men, and a group of guards with guns are hiding behind vigilantly, ready to shoot at any time.

Until this time, Jiang Ping had time to look at the third unexpected guest who suddenly appeared.

The entrance of the hole was blasted open by some heavy explosive. Two men and one woman formed a small three-person formation, standing at each other's horns.The uniform of the Flying Tigers, all wearing black masks, can't see the face clearly, only three pairs of piercing eyes can be seen.

Looking at them for the first time, Jiang Ping guessed their identities instantly.The unique military temperament exuding from their bodies, as well as the codes deliberately marked on the shoulder straps, all indicate that they, like themselves in previous lives, come from a special force of a certain government.

It seems that even in the last days, military forces still exist.Jiang Ping knew just by looking at these three people that they were definitely trained from regular military bases, not mercenaries trained by any so-called killer organization or underground organization.

Only Jiang Ping, who is also a soldier, can truly sense that unique temperament.

He even breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, these three people definitely did not come for him.He even looked at the Axe Technology group behind with a rather pitiful gaze. No matter which organization they are in the government, they will never allow a behemoth similar to Axe Technology to exist on their own land. , even in the last days, absolutely not!

"That..." The slightly embarrassing atmosphere lasted for about half a minute, Jiang Ping made a gesture of surrender with both hands, and said to the female officer's ruffian, "That beauty, we are considered a group, and I am also here to find Fuzi Technology troublesome."

The female officer with the prominent "1" marked on the epaulet ignored him, but just stared at Jiang Ping blankly, her beautiful eyes were like water, almost sinking Jiang Ping deeply.

"Hmph, I don't care which survivor's base you are from, this is the territory of Ax Technology, and you can't tolerate wild things here!" A mechanical voice of an armored man came over.

"Axe Technology?" The man marked with "24" asked a little funny, "What is Axe Technology? This is the territory of China, as long as you are from China, you can come!"

"Huaxia?" Iron Armored Man asked back funny, "Please, my brother, the United Nations is gone, so where did Huaxia come from?"

"Hahaha..." A group of Ax Technology people behind laughed.

"This buddy was scared stupid by the zombies, the earth is almost gone, so what are you talking about in Huaxia?"

"Country, please, tell the zombies outside!"

"I don't care, have you survived all these years by relying on your own innocence?"

"You know what a fart, it's not naivety that supports others, it's shoeless!"


"You are looking for death..." Jiang Ping saw a look of contempt in the man's eyes, and he was about to raise the submachine gun in his hand.

"Wait." A cold voice sounded, stopping the "24" team members who were about to run away.

"What?" The No. 24 team member looked at his female boss with some doubts. Didn't she always hate this kind of behavior the most? Why did she come to stop herself this time?
The No. [-] female officer ignored him, and her pair of beautiful eyes just stared straight at Jiang Ping, with a little confusion and curiosity.

For some reason, the person standing there gave her an indescribable feeling, whether it was familiarity or closeness, and perhaps a little bit of curiosity.

"Who are you?" The woman's voice was as cold as ice and snow, but it was extraordinarily pleasant.

Jiang Ping sighed slightly in his heart. Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, he finally affirmed his thoughts.

He only looked at the distance the three stood, and the defensive formation they inadvertently formed, and he already felt that they were all too familiar.

After all, the special forces organized by the "Blood Dragon" just have the unique iron and blood temperament, which cannot be trained by other troops.

Although all three of them were wearing masks, he still confirmed the woman's identity with certainty.

Unexpectedly, the famous "lunatic" could still meet in the last days.It seems that "Blood Dragon" has survived in some form.

That's right, those guys, even if they encounter the end of the world, can they survive well?
Jiang Ping thought of...

(End of this chapter)

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