mechanical corpse

Chapter 136 Cooperation

Chapter 136 Cooperation
Chapter [-] Cooperation

After confirming the identity of the visitor, Jiang Ping couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. They are all comrades in arms who have lived and died together. At the very least, there is still some basic trust.

Of course, he wasn't sure what the position of the person who shot him in the back in the "Blood Dragon" organization was now.After all, the "dog team" single-handedly brought himself into the "blood dragon" until he trained himself as the captain.He was almost the person I trusted the most back then. Since he could shoot himself in the back, it was not impossible for other people to make a move.

Unexplained death, inexplicable time travel, and inexplicable arrival at the end of the world.

Jiang Ping has always wondered whether he traveled to a similar parallel space, or was directly used for some experiments after his death. Now that he saw his familiar comrades-in-arms, he finally confirmed the most likely idea at the beginning—— Indeed, it has traveled to the next ten years.

Looking at the three people standing in front of him again, Jiang Ping further confirmed their identities.I couldn't help but sigh slightly in my heart, the little girl who was with me all those years ago has grown up like this, even though she was wearing a mask, she has a unique cool temperament, and her beautiful eyes exposed outside, cherry lips , but the pretty nose is enough to make all men imagine...

"Hey, boy, what are you looking at, be careful that I chop up your thing and feed it to the dog!" Seeing that Jiang Ping refused to answer, but a pair of bright eyes slid on Feng Ziqian's body, Qin Dong couldn't help it He cursed.

Ha, Jiang Ping couldn't help but smiled again when he heard the slightly familiar shouting and cursing.Unexpectedly, Dongzi didn't die.This guy stayed under Jiang Ping's staff for a while back then, and the two of them performed several missions together. Naturally, his abilities need not be said, but his carefree personality did cause some trouble.

I haven't seen him for ten years, but just looking at his figure, this guy has developed towards a spherical shape.He didn't expect that in the last days, this guy could make himself so fat, no wonder Jiang Ping didn't recognize him at first sight.

"It's okay, I just think the beauty is a bit familiar." Jiang Ping said with a feigned smile, and then glanced at Feng Zigan with a slightly perverted look, and said, "Did we meet somewhere, beauty?"

"Boy, you're not young, you're not timid." Qin Dong couldn't help grinning when he heard the words, "I have to learn some new tricks to pick up girls. What you said, brother, I didn't need it 30 years ago." .”

After all, he walked to Jiang Ping pretending to be mysterious, and whispered to Jiang Ping in a very small voice, but just enough to be heard by the people nearby: "You have a good eye, my captain is a peerless beauty, just look at it." Do you have the ability to win it!"

After all, this guy turned around and glanced at Leng Mei'er surreptitiously, for fear that the captain would directly shoot him in the head.

The strange thing is that Feng Ziqian, who has always rejected such jokes, did not react this time, even his eyes did not change.A pair of beautiful eyes, as quiet as a clear lake, did not stir up the slightest ripple


Although the heroine here didn't respond, the little girl there didn't agree. Although she didn't know what the other party meant, there was no doubt that her mistress was threatening.It barked at Qin Dong in dissatisfaction, and its body fell down slightly, looking like a vicious dog rushing for food.

"Okay, little brother, after talking so much, you have to explain your identity." Qin Dong asked Jiang Ping, not paying attention to the threat of a dog.

"What identity can I have, just a small survivor." Jiang Ping replied lukewarmly.

"Hehe, can a small survivor break into the corpse hunter base of Axe Technology in a big way? Please, you have to look like a lie!" Qin Dong shook his head.

"It's just luck, of course, they are really useless." Jiang Ping said, casually glanced at the dozens of guards of Fuzi Technology on the other side.

"You..." Immediately, someone was about to explode, but was immediately suppressed by the murderous eyes of the zombie baby and beast.

"Are you a supernatural person?" Finally, Feng Ziqian's cold voice sounded.

Jiang Ping spread his hands noncommittally, as if if you insisted on thinking so, then it's not impossible.

"It seems that you can actually control zombies." Feng Ziqian's eyes showed a hint of appreciation, "However, you seem to be a little different from other supernatural beings, and your recovery ability is amazing enough."

"Thank you for the compliment." Jiang Ping then replied unmoved.

At this time, the best way is to let her be preconceived, and she can't reasonably explain her current identity anyway.Especially with two high-level zombies who are more terrifying than zombies, coupled with his uncontrollable self-healing super strong body, the more he conceals, the more his zombie identity will be exposed.

On the contrary, the more I don't say anything, I act like I cherish myself.The more they will use their own guesses to create a special identity for themselves that Jiang Ping himself cannot construct.

At Feng Ziqian's level, it is estimated that she has come into contact with all kinds of supernatural beings.In this way, she will naturally help Jiang Ping fabricate an extremely perfect identity.

"Ha, little brother, your ability is indeed extremely rare." Qin Dong also looked suddenly enlightened, "Controlling zombies for his own use is simply too perverted!"

"By the way, how many zombies can you control in total, and what level can you control at most?" Qin Dong couldn't help asking when he saw Lie Xinxi.

Jiang Ping didn't answer, but just put on a slightly vigilant look, his body involuntarily showing a defensive state.

He didn't think Qin Dong would be so careless. Although this guy looked rude, he was considered bold and careful, and he did this just to test his own reaction.

Sure enough, Jiang Ping's intention of self-defense made Feng Ziqian completely relieved. It seems that this guy is just a survivor, but the ability is a bit strange. The reason why he was able to sneak into the underground base is probably because Ax Technology wanted to do what he did Research, in the end stealing chickens won't cost you money.

What made her more sure of this idea was the zombie baby who had been following Jiang Ping all the time. Feng Ziqian knew that the ax technology had been developing zombie weapons. This zombie baby didn't look like a natural zombie at first glance. It is a product of artificial research, and somehow it was controlled by this lucky boy.

"Little brother, it seems that you and Fuzi Technology have a lot of grievances. How about it, we are members of the Huaxia Army at the Antarctic base, how about hanging out with us?" After seeing Feng Ziqian nod slightly, Qin Dong really opened his mouth to recruit.

"Antarctic base?" Jiang Ping pretended to be happy, his eyes lit up instantly, "Are you from the army?"

"Just the three of you, how do you prove it?" Jiang Ping asked slightly suspiciously.

"Ha, it's easy." Qin Dong smiled and clapped his hands lightly.

Immediately, a dozen people with exactly the same equipment appeared one by one from nowhere...

"That's right, how about joining us?" Qin Dong smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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