mechanical corpse

Chapter 137 Chapter 170 Join

Chapter 137 Chapter [-] Joined
Chapter [-] Joined
As expected, "Blood Dragon" is old-fashioned and will always have a hand behind it.

Of course, at this time Jiang Ping showed a look of being completely shocked but still pretending to be calm and indifferent.

"Why, isn't this enough to convince you of our identities?" Qin Dong asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Of course you believe it." Jiang Ping nodded ruffiantly. "But what good will it do me to join you?"

"Even the idiots in the back know that the whole world is gone, so why are you talking about a country with me?" Jiang Ping was like a petty bourgeois, vividly portraying the image of a villain, "My lord, I'm just enjoying myself outside. Yes, drink spicy food, no one can control me, why do you want to run over and be restrained by you. Besides, when the end of the world began, why didn’t you see what country you said, now that I have strength, I want to pull me over to you Be a thug, don't even think about it!"

"You..." Qin Dong was obviously choked by Jiang Ping's foolishness, and he raised his fist as if preparing to beat him up.

"Forget it." Feng Ziqian's cold voice stopped him, "What he said is not entirely wrong."

As soon as Feng Ziqian opened his mouth, Jiang Ping couldn't help but "thump" in his heart. Although she didn't have much contact with her in her previous life, she was indeed not a person who gave up easily.

The Feng family was originally the backbone force at the top of China, and Mr. Feng was the founder of the "Blood Dragon". As the only daughter of the Feng family, Feng Ziqian's identity is naturally not much to say.But Feng Ziqian, who was only a teenager, dared to directly enter the devil training camp at the "Blood Dragon" base, and even forced the number one expert Jiang Ping to be her instructor.

Jiang Ping still remembers the tenacious eyes of the little girl who almost put her life on the line. On the day she graduated from the training camp, she set the second highest score in the history of all training events. Of course, the first was her instructor—— —Jiang Ping.

"If you don't want to join, we won't force it. It's just that Fuzi Technology is not so easy to mess with. You have to think about it." Sure enough, before Jiang Ping breathed a sigh of relief, Feng Zigan handed it over with a slight threat.

Hearing this, the group of younger brothers in the back couldn't help but take a deep breath—it's over, the boss must have "followed" this kid, and the next step is the big move, oh, silent mourning, silent mourning...

Feng Ziqian naturally ignored the thoughts of those guys who had already "fallen into the trap". The beauty just stretched her waist slightly, raised her slender and fair neck slightly, and took off the bag she was carrying as if inadvertently. mask...

Beautiful as jade.

Even Jiang Ping, who used to get along day and night ten years ago, couldn't help sighing secretly. The beautiful side face can vaguely find the shadow of the stubborn girl back then, but after so many years, that young girl who was still young has already come out. Such a disaster for the country and the people!

"It's too ruthless, lore!" The guy in the number "13" couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"It's over, another ignorant boy is about to fall." Qin Dong also glanced at Jiang Ping, who was a little stunned, with a little pity.

"Hurry up and fight the demon spirit, Uncle Police, someone is cheating!" Tang Ye looked at Jiang Ping with tears in his eyes, and faintly saw his own shadow from him.

"Haha, I guess this kid can't last for three seconds, I bet 100 dark energy!" Naturally, there is some gloating.

"My little brother is pretty handsome, you think you are as worthless as you, I press 300, definitely more than five seconds!"

"Ha, it's such a big game, so I bet 250, and I guess he will refuse."

"Cut..." A voice of disdain sounded.

"How is it? Do you want to think about it again?" The woman's voice was still cold, but unexpectedly sultry.

Jiang Ping couldn't help being slightly taken aback, didn't he, Feng Ziqian even used hypnosis for a mere source of soldiers?
It seems that the situation of "Blood Dragon" is not as good as I thought, but, anyway, if I don't agree at this time, I am afraid that I will be suspected.

"Then..." Jiang Ping was slightly confused but ready to move, "Shall I try first?"

Before he finished speaking, Feng Ziqian nodded to Qin Dong who was behind, then turned to the few people who had just returned to the team and asked, "Why are you here so early?"

"Report No. 2, all the tasks of the first group have been completed, and now lead the team back, please give instructions!" A person with the shoulder badge of "[-]" stood up and replied.

"Tune on POWs and get ready for battle!"

"Yes!" The man responded, and he was actually going to lead someone to guard the Ax Technology group who didn't know what to do on the other side!

"What do you mean?" An armored man stood up and asked mechanically.

"Don't struggle, you'll be grasshoppers on a rope after a while." No. [-] shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "I won't detain you any more, and you should prepare accordingly. In half an hour, the tide of corpses It's coming."

Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he didn't pay attention to the fully armed Ax Technology and his group at all.

"Corpse tide?" The armored man asked in confusion, "Impossible, all the zombies are us..."

"Hmph, you lured all the zombies out on purpose, right?" No. [-] interrupted him disdainfully, "You have a way to lure them out, and we naturally have the means to lure them back. It seems that you are in Ax Technology Your status is not low, I have heard of such things, very good, I am starting to be a little interested in you..."

Jiang Ping listened to their conversation silently, and let Qin Dong take an epaulet marked with the number "25" and stick it on his shoulder.Feng Zigan was good at crossing rivers and demolishing bridges. He "tricked" himself into the team just now, but immediately threw him aside and ignored him.

Qin Dong put the "25" epaulette on Jiang Ping's arm, and half-jokingly and half-threateningly said: "How about it, our commander is pretty enough, but I advise you to get rid of your thoughts as soon as possible, or else..."

"Why, is the beautiful captain married?" Jiang Ping asked pretending to be puzzled.

"That's not true, but you boy can't have any chance." Qin Dong threw a pistol and a magazine at Jiang Ping.

Jiang Ping just smiled slightly, and couldn't help but glance at Feng Zigan again, sighing slightly.

Looking at the past, the group of people from Axe Technology unexpectedly did not act.On the scene, they are more or less dominant in number, plus two powerful humanoid mechs, they are capable of fighting anyway.At this time, neither side actually made a move. Could it be that, as the person said before, the so-called tide of corpses is indeed coming here?

"Don't worry, even if we are targeting Axe technology, we won't start a war with you at this time." The "2" team member said with a little relief.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Iron Man asked mechanically.

"It's nothing. I heard that you have established a so-called base here. I just came here to take a look." "2" replied.

"Take me to your person in charge." Finally, Feng Zigan, who had been silent all this time, spoke...

(End of this chapter)

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