mechanical corpse

Chapter 138 The corpse tide is coming

Chapter 138

Chapter [-] Corpse tide is coming ([-])

Jiang Ping himself did not expect that he would meet Manager Sun again so early.

Goodbye at this time, the person surnamed Sun has long since lost the shadow of the unscrupulous businessman at that time, but instead gave people a majesty unique to the superior.

"Brother Jiang, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon." Manager Sun greeted Jiang Ping with a bit of hatred, wishing he could swallow this kid alive.

"Ha, it seems that we are indeed destined." Jiang Ping didn't care about the threat in his eyes at all. Since this guy is from Axe Technology, it is impossible for him not to know the origin of those corpse gold rings he sold on the black market before. Know.Thinking about it now, it seems that the two giant corpse hunters who attacked the island in the center of the lake were undoubtedly the work of Manager Sun.

Feng Ziqian naturally didn't know the grievances between the two of them. The reason why she took Jiang Ping was just because of his unique ability, and there seemed to be some inexplicable things about this guy that attracted her.Although she was somewhat interested in the grievances between Jiang Ping and Fuzi Technology, she would not ask at this time, after all, Manager Sun's level was a bit lower than hers.

"Where is Young Master Wang? Tell him to get out." Dong Qin yelled at Manager Sun with a little arrogance. This guy is just a young man of Fuzi Technology. Naturally, there is no reason for his chief to question him in person.

"Who are you guys?" Manager Sun asked knowingly, "Since you have the guts to make trouble with Fuzi Technology, then don't blame me..."

"Why, Sun, have you stayed outside for so long that you don't even recognize your country's regular army?" Qin Dong interrupted him with disdain, "I advise you not to think about anything else, You have to know that since we are here, it is impossible not to know everything.”

Qin Dong naturally knows what this guy is thinking. Although the so-called concept of one family and one country has long since disappeared since the end of the world, it is instead the big families, warlords, technological oligarchs, mercenaries, survivor groups... Each of them has its own side, but In superpowers such as China, the United States, and India, government forces still exist to some extent.

Although the various forces are usually unwilling to take the previous country seriously, and few of them honestly obey the orders of the surviving government or the army, there are basically no forces that dare to directly oppose the government on the surface. .Even if it is as powerful as Fuzi Technology, it only claims to be a Huaxia Technology company to the outside world, and no one dares to exist independently of the country.

Since the person surnamed Sun claimed that he didn't know him, he only needed to silence all these people who came, and naturally no one would say anything later. After all, it's really not news that people die in the last days.

"My surname is Sun, I advise you not to play tricks." Qin Dong smiled cheaply, "Didn't your men tell you just now that the tide of corpses will attack here in a short time, we just It's just a grasshopper on a rope."

"Corpse tide?" Manager Sun's expression finally began to change, "What do you mean by that?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, do you need me to explain more? It's what you think it means." Qin Dong's humble expression made Manager Sun's teeth itch with hatred, and he wanted to punch his fat face directly.

"What the hell did you do!" Manager Sun forced himself to suppress his anger. The group of guys in front of him were not friendly. Jiang Ping destroyed the underground base he had worked so hard to build for several years, and this group of government special forces , the entire Wenhan City base is estimated to be completely destroyed.

Thinking about the painstaking management for so many years, it is so bad in the hands of these guys, Manager Sun can't wait to kill these guys with a gun!
Before Manager Sun could get angry, a guy who looked like an employee came over in a panic and whispered something in his ear. Manager Sun's expression changed immediately, and he couldn't help but look slightly at Feng Zigan and his group. Variety.

"Why, did you find out?" Qin Dong still looked cheap.

"What on earth did you do!" Manager Sun was so angry that his teeth were about to bleed, but for some reason, he forcibly endured the surging anger.

"It's nothing, it's similar to what you did to Wenhan City." Finally, Feng Ziqian, who hadn't spoken for a long time, interjected lightly.

"You..." Manager Sun's eyes were wide open, bloodshot in his eyes, as if he was choosing someone to devour.

"Okay, I'm not scared." Qin Dong waved his hand quite calmly, took a sip of the red wine on Manager Sun's table, and said, "Lafite, it's been a long time since I tasted such wine in 95." Authentic wine."

"What do you guys want to do?" When things got to this point, it might not be worth the loss to be an enemy of this group of people. Even though this group of people ruined his bright future, Manager Sun suppressed his anger and asked lightly.

Qin Dong shook the goblet in his hand, and took advantage of the opportunity to throw the bottle of red wine that had just been opened on the table into the hands of a special soldier behind him, but even half a drop was not spilled.The person who received the bottle showed a look of surprise, took a sip from the bottle, and consciously passed the wine to the next person.

"It's the same as what you saw, but we did something we should do. No matter how Wenhan City falls, it is still my territory in China. Even the zombies in Wenhan City are the zombies in China. , it’s not your turn for Ax Technology to do something behind the scenes!" Qin Dong said bluntly, "So, these are just to save our Huaxia survivors, Manager Sun shouldn't have any opinions, right?"

"You guys, did you cause a wave of corpses because of those untouchables!" Manager Sun roared fiercely.

"Please, you caused the tide of corpses, we just changed their direction of action a little bit." Qin Dong spread his hands and looked innocent.

"How's the situation now?" Manager Sun didn't have the time to entangle Qin Dong anymore, the situation was completely beyond his control, and the unexpected change in the tide of corpses was enough to wipe out the entire base!

He knew that this was the result of deliberate creation by the government. Although Huaxia existed in name only, it still had one of the best military forces in the Antarctic base, and no force dared to underestimate it.Furthermore, the country is an inseparable existence. Even a technology as powerful as an ax would not dare to confront the country directly. If this happens, I am afraid that nearly half of the company's people will turn against the government.

"In about half an hour, the tide of corpses will be fully formed. Now the base has been completely surrounded, and the scale is estimated to be in the millions." The man hurriedly reported carefully.

"Million level..." Manager Sun couldn't help but secretly swallowed his saliva. Even in the Antarctic base, a corpse wave of this scale is rarely encountered once a year. The base may really be doomed this time...

(End of this chapter)

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