mechanical corpse

Chapter 142 The corpse tide is coming

Chapter 142

The first seventy-five chapters of the corpse tide is coming ([-])
More than three hundred people couldn't even make a splash in the tide of corpses. Like a match lit in the ice and snow, they disappeared with a sound of "嗤——".

The dense crowd of zombies kept pouring in, which was nearly a hundred times larger than the wave of thousands of corpses that Liang Yurou encountered a few days before rebirth. Even though most of the first wave of zombies were low-level walking corpses, the staff of Axe Technology were exhausted. up.

Although the artillery is powerful, it is just a drop in the bucket in the face of almost endless zombies. No matter how powerful the three giant corpse hunters are, it is difficult to kill all the zombies with one blow.The battle had just lasted less than 5 minutes, and the number of zombies who broke through the first line of defense and fought hand-to-hand with the first echelon quickly reached thousands!
"Old Qin, isn't the scale of this wave of corpses too big?" Tang Ye asked worriedly as he pulled out the broken blade in his hand from the eyebrow of a high-ranking corpse.

Tang Ye, a "17" team member whom I met before, and Qin Dong, the three of them formed a triangle formation and surrounded Jiang Ping indistinctly, and Jiang Ping could hear their conversation clearly.

"Yezi, we're going to be planted this time. Only the first wave of corpses has this scale. I'm afraid this wave of corpses will reach at least A+ level." After a few zombies, they said in a rather heavy voice.

"A+ level?" Jiang Ping couldn't help whispering puzzled when he heard their conversation. Feng Ziqian had mentioned this statement before, but the situation was too urgent at that time, and Jiang Ping didn't have time to ask questions.

"It's a way of judging the scale of corpse waves. It's often used at the Antarctic base. Haven't you heard of it?" The "17" team member standing on the right side of Jiang Ping couldn't help but interject.

"Shua—" With a soft sound, the head of a zombie the size of a basketball flew three meters away and rolled to the man's feet.

After cutting off the head of the mid-level walking corpse that broke through, Jiang Ping shook his head at the "17" team member, saying that he had never heard of it.

There was a hint of admiration in the man's eyes, and he stepped on the head of the zombie that had just flown to his feet without hesitation, as if playing football, he bumped his knees twice, and then volleyed vigorously, The poor zombie's head flew towards a zombie like a shot.


The two balls collided, and the juice splashed...

"My buddy is very skilled. My name is Qian Feng. Please give me your advice." After killing a few threatening corpses around him, "17" smiled slightly and introduced himself to Jiang Ping.

"Jiang Ping." Jiang Ping simply nodded and replied, "Well, what do you mean by the scale of the corpse tide you mentioned just now?"

"It's a method at the Antarctic base to distinguish the level of the corpse tide, which is the simplest way to divide the corpse tide into four levels: A, B, C, and D according to the number of zombies..."

Starting from the D- level, until the A+ level, and even the upper level of the S level, the number of zombies increases sequentially, with "one", "three", and "five" as the dividing points.

D-: 100 zombies; D: 300 zombies; D+: 500 zombies.

C-: 1000 zombies; C: 3000 zombies; C+: 5000 zombies.

B-: 10000 zombies; B: 30000 zombies; B+: 50000 zombies.

When the scale of the zombie wave reaches A-level, not only the number of walking corpses will change, but also high-level zombies will appear!
Xun corpses will appear in the general C-level corpse tide, and they will account for [-] to [-]% of the B-level corpse tide.And once the scale of the zombie wave reaches A-level, the number of Zombie-level zombies will reach more than [-]%, and even advanced zombies of Zombie level will appear, even accompanied by all kinds of terrifying mutant zombies!
The most difficult thing to guard against is that once the scale of the corpse wave reaches A level or above, or A+ level, then the corpse wave will change, not only the presence of various extremely difficult advanced zombies.Behind the tide of corpses is the secret manipulation of zombies at the level of intelligent corpses. The tide of corpses scurrying around like locusts will have a certain purpose. At this time, what humans are facing is not just the so-called brainless zombies. threaten!
To be precise, this is not just a group of unconscious zombies, but an invincible army that has no pain, no fear, no objection, only knows destruction, killing, and bloodthirsty!
Jiang Ping naturally knows the horror of the smart corpse. The scary old female corpse he met before was only able to touch the threshold of the first level of the smart corpse. It has long been blasted into meat slag.

But for some reason, when Qian Feng talked about the big boss intelligent corpse hidden behind the tide of corpses, Jiang Ping unconsciously skipped a figure in his mind, and beside that figure stood a cute little zombie beast... …

Although the first wave of corpses came quickly, but fortunately, most of them were first-class walking corpses, and the fast corpses only accounted for about [-]%. For Jiang Ping, a group of four unconsciously formed, the threat was not too great .

Jiang Ping knew Qin Dong's strength. People who could enter the "Blood Dragon" army, even if they didn't have supernatural powers, were not mere Xun Zang who could deal with them.

As for the younger Tang Ye, Jiang Ping still hadn't been able to figure out what kind of supernatural power this guy was after fighting for more than 30 minutes.

This guy is very skilled. Facing a steady stream of zombies, he is like a butterfly wearing a flower, without touching a leaf.In his left hand he held a fish-gut short blade, while in his right hand he held a filiform weapon that looked like a whip but not a whip. It trembled like a long snake with eyes, piercing through the eyebrows of every zombie with incomparable tricks.Although this guy killed a lot of zombies, he barely spattered even a drop of dirty blood on his body. From Jiang Ping's point of view, this guy obviously has the unique cleanliness fetish of Tangmen.

As for the Qian Feng I met just now, he looked like a football player before the end of the world, so he should be called a "forward".Qian Feng's whole body of martial arts was obviously practiced on his legs, and he couldn't tell what kind of trick it was, but the power was astonishing. Jiang Ping's preliminary judgment, his seemingly casual kick, at least had the strength of a thousand catties.

Every zombie that approached him, as long as it was kicked, exploded into several pieces in an instant, which was like a human bomb.

The group of four on Jiang Ping's side was like a destructive existence in the face of the vast tide of corpses.Xu Shi saw the astonishing combat power of the four of them, and for a while, many people from Axe Technology gathered towards them with considerable insight, and followed the four of them cautiously to pick up the leaks. Not long after the battle started, they were within a hundred meters There are more than fifty people in the house.

It’s really no wonder that the people of Ax Technology are greedy for life and afraid of death. The scale of this zombie wave is really astonishing. Just this first wave of corpses alone is conservatively estimated to have reached the B+ level. More than 5 zombies are mere enemies of Ax Technology at the same time. The defense system composed of more than [-] people launched an attack!

Fortunately, Ax Technology has built a large-scale circular "Bagua Formation" around Yida Mall. With the help of geographical advantages, it can achieve considerable results. Ordinary guards of Ax Technology often hunt and kill zombies, whether it is marksmanship or skill. Too bad.

For a moment, the vast tide of corpses had a faint tendency to be forcibly suppressed...

(End of this chapter)

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