mechanical corpse

Chapter 143 The Battle

Chapter 143 The Battle (Part [-])

The first seventy-sixth chapter of the tragic battle ([-])

People who have never experienced a wave of corpses may never be able to experience what despair is.

This kind of scene is far from being able to be clearly explained by words such as the so-called mourning and devastation.

No human war can compare with it!

For the three of Qin Dong who are used to seeing life and death and have experienced countless corpse tides, the scale of this corpse tide is naturally larger, and the power of the human camp is relatively much smaller, but in the end it is not difficult to accept .

The Antarctic base, every three to six months, there will always be an invasion of A+ rank zombies, the top level of zombies has already discovered the existence of the Antarctic base!
Fortunately, firstly, due to the extremely cold weather in Antarctica, it is difficult for corpse haze to appear in Antarctica; secondly, due to the low temperature, once the zombies reach Antarctica, their strength will be directly reduced by [-]%; thirdly, the Antarctic continent does not border any surrounding continents , There are very few zombies that can cross the ocean. Some shrimp soldiers and crabs find it difficult to compare the combat effectiveness of zombies such as river fish and sea monsters with human zombies of the same level.

As a result, although the Antarctic base suffers from two to four waves of A+-level corpses and one invasion of S-level and above corpses every year, the Antarctic base is the ultimate Noah's Ark for mankind, with the most advanced technological weapons and top-notch Human beings with supernatural abilities can survive every tide of corpses without any danger.

The battle against the tide of corpses in the Antarctic base is called the "human defense battle". Qin Dong has participated in the human defense battle no less than ten times. As for Tang Ye and Qian Feng, they have participated in the war more or less, so the three of them In other words, fighting against the tide of corpses is not unfamiliar.

But for Ren Ma and Jiang Ping of Fuzi Technology, this is the first time in their life that they have faced such a large-scale attack of corpses.Even if they have hunted zombies more than once on weekdays, they even used to hunt zombies for fun, or deliberately killed zombies to earn dark energy.

Now, facing the almost endless invasion of corpses, I couldn't help feeling a sense of despair rising from the deepest part of my heart...

The opponents are a group of killing machines without any sense, fighting without the slightest skill, just biting and tearing.However, those rotten faces, those roars without any emotion, those pairs of bloody eyeballs full of killing and desire...

You keep firing one shot after another, changing the clips and pulling the trigger all the time, the shoulder on the butt of the gun becomes numb, the clothes are worn out and even ooze blood.You don't even have time to aim at the back, your eyes are sore and bloodshot and full of tears, and you just use your feeling to shoot at the guns that are constantly rushing towards you.

You suddenly feel that your marksmanship seems to have improved. You watch the bullets piercing through the heads, necks, and arms of the pile of rotten flesh, and you watch the zombies keep falling...

But you have no time to cheer, because your fingers are gradually becoming stiff and almost cramp, but the zombies are still pouring in one after another, suddenly——

There is a guy who moves very fast, more than ten times faster than the group of wobbly things just now. Before you have time to turn the muzzle of the gun slightly in one direction, it has already opened its teeth and rushed towards you!
In a panic, you threw away the submachine gun in your hand, and fumbled towards the long knife at your waist, but the moment your fingers just touched the handle, the grinning guy had already pressed his face tightly against it. in front of you.You can even smell its unique stench, and you can see the long-gone tongue in his long-grown mouth...

It was too late, you almost closed your eyes in despair——


The gunshot sounded like a bell ringing in heaven. You never thought that the gunshot could be so sweet, but the gunshot from behind really saved your life.


You let out a long sigh of relief, and all the cells in your body danced happily. You suddenly thought of what the chubby soldier said during the pre-war training, and you were a little thankful that you and your two companions obeyed the extremely simple three-person relationship he proposed. The order of battle for the group.

Thinking of this, you can't help but look back at the two teammates behind you, with grateful eyes...

"Huh?" You were slightly surprised, why are they so anxious, what are they yelling in a mess?


Finally, you saw the shape of their mouths clearly, and then watched several zombies fly by your side, and rushed towards the direction of the two teammates!

You are in a hurry, once a zombie breaks through your defense, it means that your teammates are facing double-teaming at any time!

You stretch out your hand, trying to pick up the submachine gun you just dropped, but you see a very familiar arm lying quietly beside the submachine gun, and the piece of clothes on the severed arm looks familiar.

"Is that my arm?"

Reason returned to your brain in an instant, and you began to clearly feel the pain in your right shoulder, where the right arm had long since disappeared, and blood sprayed outward like money.

You slightly lowered your head to look at your chest, and a rotten hand covered in blood protruded from the middle, holding your red and white spine in the palm.

Finally, you bent down fiercely like a shrimp, and the last scene that caught your eye was two teammates who were thrown to the ground by several zombies...


At the last moment of your life, you seem to have heard such a scream...

Jiang Ping's action was still a bit late, and in the end he didn't have time to save the three people who were not very far away from him.

He was still a little tired of coping with the tide of corpses of this scale, although there wasn't a single zombie that could pose a threat to him, he cut them down with a knife, and waves of extremely pure energy kept pouring into his body.It can be said that he is getting stronger and stronger now!
It's not like other people, as the number of swings increases, the arm will become more and more stiff, and the knife will become heavier and heavier.

What bothers Jiang Ping now is more psychological problems. Even though he was the world's top super agent in his previous life, he is still a little uncomfortable facing this kind of scene for the first time.

Walking corpses, human-like guys rushed towards him one after another, the knife in his hand never stopped, but his heart became weak again and again with the increase in the number of times he swung the knife.

In the vast tide of corpses, one person's strength is really too small.

Flesh and blood splattered, broken arms flew across, and horrible faces kept rushing towards you, treating you as a meal on the plate. That kind of hunger, desire, greed, and tyranny are not very scary in a person , but once you face tens of thousands of the same people, an indescribable fear will eventually arise in your heart...

Finally, the knife in Jiang Ping's hand seemed to slow down gradually because of this...

(End of this chapter)

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