mechanical corpse

Chapter 146 The Battle

Chapter 146 The Cruel Battle (Part [-])

The first seventy-ninth chapter of the tragic battle ([-])
The sword in Jiang Ping's hand was almost never put down, and he didn't even know how many zombies he had killed.The first wave of corpses only lasted for more than an hour, but the number of zombies that broke through the first line of defense has reached tens of thousands. Even with a few hundred people, even with the advantage of geographical advantages and the ample ammunition stored by the ax technology, the battle continued. for hours...

The sun disappeared at some point, and the sky was gray. Even if the sun could not be seen, Jiang Ping could feel that the night would soon cover everything.

"Is the tide of corpses coming to an end?"

Feeling that the number of zombies around him was no longer increasing, Jiang Ping asked with a slight sigh of relief.Even though he has been replenished with energy and becomes more courageous as he fights, psychologically speaking, he still feels a little tired from killing the endless stream of zombies.

Especially at the end of the battle, the body seems to have reached a certain bottleneck. After killing a zombie, it seems that the dark energy that can be absorbed becomes negligible and has no effect.

"End?" Qin Dong on the side stopped his movements to avoid a low-level walking corpse that was pounced on him. Incomparable eyes.

Jiang Ping was a little puzzled when he heard his words, and couldn't help turning his head to look at him. Qin Dong also raised his head, and two rows of white and creepy teeth were exposed on his face blackened by the flames of war, giving Jiang Ping a look uglier than crying. The smile, the extremely solemn voice has been transmitted through the scattered gunfire——

"Right now, the real tide of corpses has just begun..."

As if to confirm what he just said, the zombies who still have some mobility on the battlefield suddenly ran away again. If those low-level walking corpses before were just relying on instinct and blindly killing bloodthirsty In other words, now they look like outlaws with guns held to their heads, not inferior to Japan's notorious kamikaze!



"help me--"

The sudden outbreak of zombies shocked the staff of Ax Technology who had gradually recovered the situation. Many people were injured by the sudden increase in intensity. In just a few minutes, four or fifty people were bitten by zombies. !
Forcibly pulling up the last strength, the Yanyue Broadsword in Qin Dong's hand began to roll up and down again, and after cutting through three runaway zombies that had been beaten with chicken blood, Qin Dong's slightly panting voice began to sound again——

"The reason why the tide of corpses got its name is because the attacks of zombies are like sea tides. When will this wave of corpses end..."

Jiang Ping listened intently to Qin Dong's explanation, and raised his sword again to meet him. It could be seen that Qin Dong's three men had almost exhausted their strength, and their movements gradually became stiff. Although the level of these suddenly mad zombies was not high, they All of them seemed to have been stimulanted suddenly, their movements were more than three points faster than before, and it was far from as simple as it was at the beginning.

"Not only that, do you know why these zombies suddenly go berserk?" Qian Feng on the other side also came over and said to Jiang Ping, in addition to being tired, there was also a little relaxation in his tone.

Jiang Ping shook his head, and split a zombie that was jumping at him into two pieces. The zombie was chopped off by Jiang Ping. The extremely withered arms swiped across the swampy ground infested with rotten flesh.

But soon, when Jiang Ping focused on the other zombies, the half-body zombie suddenly stretched out his hands to pick up the rotten and sticky ones closest to him, which were half juice and half mud. The shape of flesh and blood was stuffed into his mouth...

"The first wave of corpses is coming to an end." Qian Feng explained with a sigh of relief, "Even the Antarctic base dare not take it lightly. It lies in the continuous devouring and evolution of the zombies during the zombie tide!"

Although the last wave of zombies that suddenly went berserk was ferocious enough, it really couldn't cause any substantial damage to Jiang Ping's group of four. On the contrary, many employees of Axe Technology managed to survive the first wave of zombies. Unexpectedly, he lost his life under the final counterattack of these zombies...

The attack of the crazy zombies didn't last long. As the night darkened, in just ten minutes or so, most of the zombies stopped attacking humans. The flesh and blood of those who had died were devoured desperately.

"Da da da……"

"Boom boom boom..."

The firepower that was suppressed by the last madness of the remaining zombies has also recovered. Under the night, the densely packed bullets are like a sea of ​​flowers blooming in the night, and the flying fire meteors also look quite spectacular...


"No shooting, immediately search for survivors, and return to the base to rest!"

"It's useless to kill these zombies. Immediately assist the wounded to return to the base and prepare for the next wave of battle!"


The order to retreat was issued, and scattered orders were transmitted clearly on the battlefield filled with gunpowder smoke, accompanied by the chewing and roaring of thousands of zombies.

The gunshots gradually weakened, and those who knew the inside story had long since given up the opportunity to hunt and kill those zombies who had no desire to attack, while the rest were still unwilling to give up, taking the opportunity to hunt and kill zombies who refused to resist and just buried their heads in devouring flesh and blood. , and was gradually stopped by his companions.

"Look at the corpses under your feet. When the next wave of corpses comes, they will all be swallowed up." On the way back to the base, Qian Feng pointed at the zombies who were desperately devouring the corpses of the same kind. Chong Jiangping explained.

The tide of zombies is not just a way for hordes of zombies to form a dense army of zombies to attack the human base under the guidance of a certain incentive; it is also the growth and evolution of zombies in a certain sense. the road!
The zombies of the previous wave were, after all, just food for the zombies of the latter wave!

After a wave of corpses is over, the next batch of zombies will swallow up all the dead bodies of the same kind, not even a single bone will be left!

Why did someone stop it before, saying stop hunting those zombies who had given up attacking and instead stopped to devour the corpses of their own kind.Not because of other reasons, but because these guys will just become food in the stomach after the next wave of corpses comes. In fact, after the end of the first wave of corpses, they are already dead...

Of course, instinct will make these poor "survivors" make a final struggle for their own lives before the next wave of corpses arrives. They will desperately devour the flesh and blood of the dead of the same kind, and even fight with each other later. Killing, devouring those of the same level as oneself.Before the next wave of corpses comes, try to improve your strength as much as possible, and then struggle to "survive" with all your strength.

It's just that, unless there are very few lucky guys who can evolve into a zombie level or even a higher level in a very short period of time, otherwise, it's just a waste of energy for nothing...

The moment he returned to the gate of the base, Jiang Ping couldn't help but look back. Those thousands of poor guys who were desperately stuffing flesh and blood into their mouths, for those who have no emotion, no thought, no heart , just relying on the instinct to survive, frantically struggling, struggling, and working hard...

However, when the next wave of corpses comes, how many of them can really survive?

Thinking of this, Jiang Ping couldn't help but secretly sighed, after all, he didn't seem to be much different from them, right?
(End of this chapter)

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