mechanical corpse

Chapter 147 Chapter 180 The Battle

Chapter 147 Chapter [-] The Fierce Battle (End)

Chapter [-] Tragic Battle (End)

The night was as dark as ink, without stars and moon, the whole world was gloomy, and the atmosphere was so oppressive that it was hard to breathe.

The first wave of corpses survived, and the first echelon of 300 people finally survived, but only less than a hundred people remained.

Despair, frustration, and helplessness filled the entire Yida Center. The battle has not yet fully started, and some people have already started to collapse from the bottom of their hearts...

At this moment, the wisdom of Feng Ziqian's command can be seen, and even Jiang Ping has to secretly admire her dispatch.Divide this mere thousand comers into four echelons, and then deal with each attack of the corpse tide separately. Although the defensive pressure will increase several times, you will always have a hole card in your hand, and there will always be a hole in the back. A new force is coming.

More importantly, only in this way can the maximum combat power of each survivor be brought out to the greatest extent.Such a tide of corpses, once experienced is enough to make people collapse, like the survivors of the first echelon, all of them are half dead, if they go to meet the next wave of corpses like this, it is likely to be a disaster immediately An uncontrollable rout.

On the contrary, after they get off the battlefield, give them a certain buffer time, and when they return to normal, they will be a group of rare and skilled fighters when they face the tide of corpses for the second time.

During this period, the other three echelons need to be responsible for resisting the tide of corpses behind. This kind of wheel exhibition not only maintains the maximum combat power of the limited personnel in hand, but also takes into account various potential battlefield changes. As far as the current situation is concerned, Feng Ziqian's command is perfect!
However, when Jiang Ping stood on the top floor of Yida Mall, looking alone at the battlefield filled with dark red blood, rotting corpses, colorful intestines, black and white carrion... Still couldn't help sinking down...

This is a battle with no chance of winning. He is a master of military affairs, so he can naturally see the situation in front of him. With such a small force of ax technology, he can't even break through the encirclement, let alone win.

However, the longer the tide of corpses is dragged here, the longer it will be left for other survivors in Wenhan City to escape. This may be what the woman wants to achieve...

Jiang Ping thought silently, for some reason, he couldn't bear to see Feng Ziqian die so powerlessly at this moment...

"FUCK!" Jiang Ping shook his head violently, trying to erase this thought from his mind.

Strictly speaking, the Feng family is the real leader of the "Blood Dragon". Jiang Ping doesn't think that a mere "dog team" dares to risk betraying the organization and kill the "Blood Dragon" team leader. There must be other forces behind this , Although people are dead and the country is gone, it seems ridiculous to talk about these things.However, from the bottom of his heart, Jiang Ping currently does not have the slightest liking for these people who once represented the organization.

However, the source of that emotion just now was not just himself. Ever since he discovered that he was affected by some inexplicable emotion in his mind on the battlefield, Jiang Ping began to have some doubts about his own judgment.

When hunting zombies, he can forcefully suppress that cowardly emotion, but once he can't gather the extremely pure murderous aura like killing zombies, the emotion that belongs to another person will appear all the time No longer affecting yourself!

The previous acquaintance with Liang Yurou, the friendship with Zhang Jie and Deng Xiaopang, and the mutual assistance with Wang Qi and Yao Kun, no matter what it was, it was completely inconsistent with Jiang Ping's original personality - he was not the kind of person who was easy to get close to. It's not easy to talk to people! (Especially after being betrayed by one of my own people, I almost lost my trust in everything in the world.)
However, under the influence of "another person" in his head, he did these things unknowingly, and he didn't notice it at all!

Jiang Ping is [-]% sure that his soul occupies the dominance of this inexplicable but extremely powerful body, but another soul that should have died is inexplicably changing himself in an incredible way.

In this case, is Jiang Ping still the original Jiang Ping?Are you still your original self?He shook his head violently, wanting to bang his head directly towards the stone slab...

"I guess your head must be harder than cement." An amazing voice came from behind, as cold as ever, but with a rare hint of intimacy.

"Why is Chief Feng coming up when you have time?" Jiang Ping calmed down and said calmly without turning his head.

"It's nothing, I want to relax before the second wave of corpses comes. After all, we may not have much time to live..." Feng Ziqian said pretending to be relaxed, but the last sentence was almost inaudible like a mosquito.

Jiang Ping could hear it clearly, and he couldn't help but move, but when he thought of her identity, he forcibly suppressed the concern.

"Why, what are you doing up here if you don't go to rest?" Feng Ziqian raised his head playfully, looking at Jiang Ping with burning eyes.

Jiang Ping seemed to feel the hot gaze behind him, and couldn't help but look sideways slightly. The night was dark, but the woman's gorgeous jade-like side face was like the only brilliance in this endless dark night, instantly lighting up the entire night sky!
"I, I... am not tired." Jiang Ping seemed to be intimidated by the flashing colors, and wanted to stab her with a few sarcastic words, but these three or five words came out of his mouth involuntarily.


The woman in front of her couldn't help laughing, her sparkling white teeth, bright red lips, and eyes full of smiles sparkled, lighting up the entire night sky.

The iceberg beauty smiled like a flower, I believe that Qin Dong and the others would be surprised when they saw it, their eyes would pop out!

Feng Ziqian herself also found that she had lost her composure. She gently stretched out her onion-like hand to cover her smile, calmed down slightly, and forced herself to stabilize.

For some reason, the man in front of him always makes him feel close to him involuntarily.She has always been an iceberg beauty, a strong woman, or...

A long time ago, right?

Many people call her "crazy".

A certain man made me feel very at ease. When I walked by his side, I would involuntarily let go of my defenses. There was such a person a long time ago...

What Jiang Ping gave her was another feeling, whether it was familiarity or curiosity, but from the first time she saw Jiang Ping, Feng Ziqian was convinced that the reason why she tried everything possible to come to Wenhan City should be this man !

For some reason, she wished to act like a woman in front of Jiang Ping.Maybe it's because this kid is ten years younger than me, after all, no matter how much she doesn't care about her status, women are always afraid of being looked at as old...




In the distance, like a pack of hungry wolves, there is a steady stream of swallowing sounds faintly, you can even hear that kind of strong urgency, like racing against time, before the next wave of corpses comes, I don't know if there will be any Several zombies completed their transformation and escaped from the crowd of corpses.

And the top of the building was so dark that only a faint outline could be seen. A man and a woman stood quietly, making the solemn atmosphere that was almost dripping slightly relaxed...

(End of this chapter)

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