mechanical corpse

Chapter 155 Decisive battle against the tide of corpses

Chapter 155 Decisive Battle Against the Corpse Tide ([-])

Chapter [-] Decisive battle against the tide of corpses ([-])
Only then did he leave the wolf pack and enter the tiger's mouth again.These eight words are extremely appropriate to describe Cheng Zhao's current embarrassment!

Ren Chengzhao would never have imagined that he would be so unlucky. When he led people to attack Huxin Island, he was chased and bitten by a two-headed zombie dog for no reason. If it wasn't for his special ability to escape from the ground, he might have followed him. Like the three people I saw just now, it is inevitable that they will be reduced to dog food.

Not long after escaping from the dog's mouth, a large wave of inexplicable zombies rushed over from all directions, and he, who was already as timid as a mouse, naturally didn't have the guts to confront the dense crowd of corpses head-on.Fortunately, although he is timid, Cheng Zhao thinks he is a little clever. He has been able to live secretly and humiliated for so long in the last days, and he still has his own little ninety-nine more or less.

Of course, the poisonous jackal Song Zhe couldn't go back there. That guy was cruel and merciless. Knowing that he ran back with his entire army wiped out, it would be easy to kill himself and feed the zombies. He didn't know that Song Zhe was also in danger now.

However, seeing the scale of this wave of corpses, I dare not take any chances. If there is any place in Wenhan City that is safest when the wave of corpses strikes, then the ax technology that rules the entire black market in Wenhan City is definitely one of them. .With the idea of ​​leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, this guy used his ability to escape from the ground and quietly sneaked all the way to the place where Yida Mall was located.

Of course, on the way to escape, how to carefully avoid the crowd of corpses, how to search for food in every possible way, and how to try to keep the little life, needless to say all kinds of difficulties.Anyway, Cheng Mouse, who was as timid as a mouse, pretended to be smart, and had a strange bit of luck, did indeed follow the tide of corpses to the vicinity of Yida Mall.

I don’t know if this guy knows that Yida Mall is the center of this tide of corpses, and Axe Technology is already in danger. If he flees in the opposite direction, he might be able to avoid the tide of corpses and even escape from Wenhan City. , how regretful Cheng Mouse must be.

However, what we can be sure of is that there is indeed no regret medicine to sell in the world, but Cheng Zhao, who stared at the horrible female zombie with a pair of mouse eyes, is now beginning to regret...


The sound of breaking the wind brought a huge wall and smashed straight at Cheng Zhao. The moment he was discovered by the female zombie, Cheng Zhao was only slightly stunned, and quickly lowered his head to escape.

Originally seeing that there were few zombies here, he sneaked here to hide. He could never have imagined that he had accidentally disturbed the most terrifying force in this wave of zombies.


Even Cheng Zhao, who had fled underground, could still clearly feel the violent vibrations caused by the blasted stones on the ground.

The entire wall was torn apart, and the female zombie just coldly turned her head to another direction, which was the direction Cheng Zhao had just fled from.

"Hiss——" Cat and Mouse Corpse let out a cheerful cry, its slender tail bent into a hook shape, it seemed that it was quite interested in the sudden appearance of its prey, and the cat side in its bones had the upper hand.

"Wow, woof." The Chinese pastoral dog barked twice inappropriately, stopping the cat and mouse corpse that was just about to move. Nor should you stand up for others.

"Hiss—" the cat and mouse corpse let out a weak cry, a little unwilling and aggrieved, but did not act rashly again.

"Hey—" behind the female zombie, a giant male corpse with a height of two meters raised his head and walked out from the group of corpses. His blood-red eyes shot out a wave of anger, and he gave the Chinese pastoral dog a vicious look. Immediately squatting down slightly, the whole person shot forward like an arrow off the string!




There were several loud bangs in succession, and the two-meter-long male corpse punched with one hand and ruthlessly thrust towards the road, and the extremely hard concrete road was like tofu under his hands, cracking fist-sized pieces with ease. The fine holes come out.

If you are willing to take a closer look, you will find that those thin holes are several meters deep, and the inside is extremely smooth, and all the soil is actually driven in directly by some inexplicable energy. It's not easy to do it either...

Cheng Zhao, who was deep in the ground, naturally didn't know that he was being hunted down by a terrifying zombie whose strength was infinitely close to the level of a smart zombie, but his intuition told him that he should escape as far away as possible now.The tense and oppressive feeling behind her was never felt even when she was chased and killed by that terrifying two-headed zombie dog.

"Hiss——" the cat and mouse corpse looked at the two-meter male corpse with a little envy, and then stretched out its pink tongue to lick the bridge of its nose, revealing that the baby would definitely do it if he went. With a better expression than him, he squatted down next to the Chinese Garden Dog unwillingly...

Cheng Zhao didn't care too much. He might have encountered a group of fake zombies. Those guys were simply a group of ancient demon gods. The terrifying aura was unprecedented even in the face of thousands of corpses.

No wonder there wasn't a single zombie around. It turned out that no one dared to approach easily because they were overwhelmed by the aura of those guys...

Cheng Zhao fled wildly while being afraid. His ability to escape from the ground was limited, like swimming, it all depended on how long the breath in his chest could last.This time I was so frightened that I ran five or six kilometers in one breath, and I was infinitely approaching my limit.


The second was like a year, and Cheng Zhao, whose face was already purple from suffocation, could no longer bear the oppression of lack of oxygen.After quietly rising several meters, he was only less than half a meter above the ground.

Carefully feel the various vibrations coming from the ground, fortunately the big guy's extremely violent footsteps did not come, maybe the big guy has been thrown away?

There is already some extremely thin air in the shallow soil, like a very hungry beast, this insignificant amount of oxygen did not relieve the dullness in Cheng Zhao's chest, but made him yearn for fresh air more urgent!
Like a drowning person, the last breath of air in his chest has been consumed by the extremely hungry heart and lungs. It is time to look up to heaven and bow to hell...

Finally, unable to resist the temptation of the fresh air one foot above his head anymore, Cheng Zhao finally chose the latter between being suffocated or beaten to death...


It was pitch black in front of his eyes, and after taking a long breath, Cheng Zhao raised his head and looked around carefully.There doesn't seem to be any danger around, but there are two long pillars on both sides of the head...

"Huh? Pillar?" Cheng Zhao was slightly surprised, and raised his head slightly. He was right between the legs of that terrifying giant zombie...

(End of this chapter)

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