mechanical corpse

Chapter 156 Chapter 190 Decisive battle against the tide of corpses

Chapter 156 Chapter [-] Battle of Corpse Tide ([-])

Chapter [-] Decisive Battle of Corpse Tide ([-])

The moment Cheng Zhao saw the two thighs, he was so frightened that he stopped breathing. One thought of heaven and one thought of hell. The desire for fresh air was far less than the fear of terrifying zombies!

Holding his breath and concentrating, he almost forgot to breathe in an instant. Time was almost frozen, and his life could not help but began to count down consciously. At the moment when he saw the feet of the giant zombie, Cheng Zhao had already sentenced himself to death...

After a long time, Cheng Zhao couldn't help panting heavily when he was suffocated to death. Perhaps the way of suffocation was too useless, Cheng Zhao finally began to suck in the fresh air he had been longing for for a long time.

"Maybe I have encountered a fake zombie?" Cheng Zhao was not without luck, thinking that the giant zombie that hadn't attacked for a long time finally made him let go of his fear.


Before he could completely relieve his vigilance, a gust of wind came towards him, and Cheng Zhao shrank his head in instantly like a gopher.


The loud crashing sound continued to spread, and even Cheng Zhao, who had fled underground, could clearly feel the fierce fighting force.

"Be careful, this guy is hard to deal with!" A woman's voice came through the ground.

"How can there be zombies of this level here?" Then a thick male voice rang out.

"Don't underestimate the enemy, this guy has at least the strength of a high-level zombie, let's fight together!" Another voice said vigilantly.

"Ahhh—" The two-meter-tall male corpse let out an incomparably angry roar, as if he had been irritated.

"Speed ​​up, don't let him attract your companions!" The female voice reminded vigilantly.

Cheng Zhao sneaked a few steps several hundred meters away, and only after confirming that he was not in the slightest danger did he dare to show his head from the ground.

As far as he could see, a team of eight people was fighting with the terrifying zombie that was chasing him.These eight people were of different shapes, and they didn't look like accomplices. Cheng Zhao himself had met some of them, and they were all well-known survivors of Wenhan City.Pulsatilla, aunt, mad dog... even Song Zhe would be afraid of the existence of three points, but for some reason they gathered together at this time.

Although these people were constantly attacking the terrifying giant corpse, none of Cheng Zhao's pair of mouse eyes seemed to be willing to use all their strength.

Especially the pulsatilla, he just looked like he had nothing to do with himself, and stayed on the sidelines with his arms stuck in his arms, and he didn't even have the slightest intention to attack that horrible zombie!
"Damn, old fox!" Cheng Zhao looked at the Pulsatilla with a disdainful look, completely forgetting how embarrassing he almost peed his pants when he was scared.

Suddenly, as if being stared at by a hungry tiger, a killing intent several times fiercer than that giant zombie came to his face——

The white-haired old man was like a very hungry falcon, with a pair of shining eyes following him desperately.

At that moment, Cheng Zhao didn't even have the thought of running away, just like an obedient little white mouse, Cheng Zhao got out of the ground obediently...

"Did you attract this guy?" A voice without any emotional fluctuations came over.


"No, no!"

After stammering a few words, Cheng Zhao finally plucked up the courage to defend himself: "It came here after hunting down the little one. I really didn't know you were in this direction..."

Pulsatilla didn't speak, but looked at Cheng Zhao coldly, as if looking at a dead mouse that had no life.

"That, that..." Cheng Zhao swallowed hard, and added, "The villain just instinctively sensed that there might be some hope in this direction, but the little one really didn't know that you were in this position, or else... "

"You know me?" Pulsatilla frowned slightly and interrupted him. Although this cowardly guy made him quite uncomfortable, this kid seemed to have a lot of secrets, at least the one-handed escape. The ability of the land is not possessed by ordinary supernatural beings.

"Who in Wenhan City doesn't know the prestige of Boss Bai-headed Weng!" Cheng Zhao flattered him obediently.

Pulsatilla gave him a cold look, and said, "Tell me, where did this zombie come from?"

Cheng Zhao glanced at the two-meter giant corpse with lingering fear. Seeing that it had retreated steadily, he suppressed the fear in his heart and explained the scene he had just seen tremblingly...

"What!?" Shocked and angry, Pulsatilla asked Cheng Zhao almost hysterically, "You said there are nearly a hundred high-level zombies like it nearby!"

"Yes, I think they are gathered together. There are three leaders in total. This giant zombie is just a younger brother." Before he had time to think, Cheng Zhao obediently explained what he had just seen. The shopping mall is still tens of miles away, and Cheng Zhao must make use of these powerful people if he wants to get there smoothly.


Before the words fell, the pulsatilla, who hadn't made a move before, attacked the terrifying zombie instantly like an eagle that found its prey.


There was a loud noise, and the hill-like zombies fell straight down like dead dogs.

A fatal blow!
"Don't waste time, evacuate this place immediately!" Before everyone could react, Pulsatilla glanced at them with dissatisfaction, and ordered without any doubt.

"Wow, this queen likes a masculine man like you the most!" the aunt hummed, almost making Cheng Zhao spit out the food of the previous night.

"Master Bai, what's the matter?" The middle-aged man who had been following Pulsatilla all the time asked puzzled.

"It's too late to explain. This wave of corpses is a bit weird. I'm afraid we can't go to Yida Mall. We've run out of tricks. The ax technology is over. Let's see if we can escape!" Pulsatilla pondered.

"What?" The other person was obviously dissatisfied with Pulsatilla's words, "You mean we won't go to Ax Technology anymore? We're going to get out of this endless tide of corpses again? Please, Boss Bai, this is nothing Playing house, now we are in the center of the corpse tide, changing our mind at this time is tantamount to death!"

"Hmph!" Pulsatilla snorted coldly, a trace of disdain flashed across his face, he didn't seem to want to explain anything to him, but turned his head and prepared to walk in the opposite direction.

"Damn it, stop for me!" The man was obviously very annoyed by Pulsatilla's actions, and he stood in front of Pulsatilla.

However, before he could make a fuss, an extremely terrifying aura came directly from behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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