The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 100 099: Those damn bright eyes

Chapter 100 099: Those damn bright eyes

"Let's start another game, lest Brother Jin will be bored if he stays alone." Jiang Huaiduo discussed with Xu Wenshu, and the two decisively quit the game and returned to the lobby to reopen.

"Don't choose the bamboo forest anymore!" Zhang Jin gritted his teeth and looked at the audience dancing wildly on the barrage.

Today, the face he has maintained for many years is completely shattered, not even a scum left.

"Hahaha, let's change to a special map."

As Jiang Huaiduo said, he blocked the bamboo forest map, and then started to re-enter the game.

After the loading was successful, Zhang Jin glanced at the map of Snow Country, and instantly felt relieved, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, "Let me tell you, you are mocking me on the barrage now, and after I succeed in eating chicken, you will Waiting to be slapped in the face."

Xu Wenshu remained silent, leaning back and looking at Jiang Huaiduo who was sitting next to him, licking the corner of his mouth and swallowing, biting his lip and looking at the computer screen from time to time.

There were still 30 seconds left for the game on the computer. Xu Wenshu stood up decisively from his seat, walked to the water dispenser, picked up Jianghuaiduo's water cup, took warm water, and walked to the side of the person.

"Well, drink some water."

Jiang Huaiduo, who was thinking of fetching water after the game, was startled, and quickly sat up straight and reached out to take his water glass from the man's hand. His fingertips touched the man's skin, and it became slightly hot, and he quickly hugged the water glass Withdraw your hand.

It took a while for Xu Wenshu to hear the person burying his head in the water saying, "The game has begun..."

"Okay." Xu Wenshu returned to his seat with a smile on his lips.

Zhang Jin shook his head, he has big damn bright eyes, how can his eyesight be just enough to see the small movements of the two of them clearly?
The map of Snow Country was designed by France, with the theme of the vast snow-covered plateau. The general background is about a country controlled by spirit ghosts and finally died in their own superstition. It rained and snowed non-stop.

As soon as this map came out, other small partners in the energy world began to write a lot of small articles based on this background. One piece was touching, and it made people cry. In the end, many people asked the French map production team to talk about it. the story of back.

But these are not matters that Jiang Huaiduo and the others care about.

If Zhang Jin wants to show his shame on this map, he can't be serious. Without the bamboo that killed him at the beginning, all operations are smooth and beautiful.

Jiang Huaiduo glanced down at the water glass next to his hand, and the corners of his lips were slightly puckered with water droplets. When he looked at the game again, his eyes were firm and slightly playful.

"Come here, there are big fish here." The three of Jiang Huaiduo searched a lot of things from the small room next to them. Although the equipment is not the best, it is at least usable.

As soon as you go out, you go straight to the castle. All kinds of distorted murals hang on the walls of the castle. No matter how you look at it, you will feel chills in your back. The bright colors will inevitably make you tired after looking at them for a long time.

The sudden appearance of an enemy in such a scene is also difficult to detect.

"Be careful. I heard gunshots when I came in just now, but it was too short, and I don't know which direction he is in." Xu Wenshu was calm, changing his equipment, while helping the two teammates who were sprinting ahead After playing.

"Okay." Zhang Jin promised, but the operation was very direct and powerful, and he was not worried that an enemy would come out and shoot him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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