The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 101 100: Isn't it stupid to roll up and help Dad make money.

Chapter 101 100: Isn't it stupid to roll up and help Dad make money.

At the same time, the high-traffic period of the Orange Melon live broadcast platform has arrived, and the major anchors who broadcast live in advance have reached the peak of traffic.

In addition to professional players, in recent years, there have been many live-streaming players who are more entertaining. There is only one live-streaming player who can compete with professional players on Orange Melon, and that is Fubai.

Fu Bai is different from the live game players he usually sees. He looks bright on the surface, but in fact, his bones are already rotten.

In the early years, he dropped out of school to fight and entered the detention center. In the past few years, relying on playing games and team packaging, he has also been quite popular in Orange Melon for a while, and he can be regarded as a big shot.

His favorite thing is to snipe players on the same platform.

Sniping means that people go to the live broadcast room of players on the same platform and match with them at the same time. They may become teammates or opponents.

When he became a teammate, he pretended to be careless and "accidentally" killed his teammates, and then let the team edit them into various videos and put them on Weibo, with strange text effects and music, which also brought A lot of traffic.

To become an opponent, let the people in your team watch the live broadcast in another room, report the location at regular intervals, and then kill others.

The second method is the most disgusting, but it is also the fastest way to make money from nothing.

Because the audience is happy watching, they will continue to tip, and the income of [-] yuan per night will let Fubai know that this is a good way.

A few days ago, Fubai's daily income began to decline, because the anchors on the same platform, no matter whether they were big anchors or small anchors, as long as they were in the chicken area, he had already taken a turn.

Now only the pros are left.

HOK has signed a live broadcast contract with Orange Melon Live, and is the most popular.

Someone in Fubai's team was unwilling to get involved in such troubles, and kept dissuading Fubai.

But how could Fu Bai, who had already tasted the sweetness, reject his good way of getting money?
A decision was made with a slap in the head.

Five minutes ago, when he matched Zhulin was about to follow the script, he heard the voice of the staff from the Bluetooth headset.

HOK they retired.

Upon hearing this, Fu Bai felt that this was not going to work, so he found a chance to let the enemy beat him to death, and followed the trend, and started to form a game with others very quickly.

This time he was in line again.

Fubai was delighted when he heard it, don't you think this is a great way for him to get rich from the heavens?Can you not entertain him?

Following the command of the team members, they hurried towards the place where Jiang Huaiduo and the others were.

While rushing back, he acted with the audience watching the live broadcast: "If we want to play, we will play with the big ticket, and enter the castle to play. The inside of the castle is exciting."

He raised his hand and moved the earphones, licking the corners of his lips arrogantly.

Heh, what HOK, it's not just stupidly rolling up to help Dad make money.

However, Jiang Huaiduo and the others who were searching the castle carefully did not know that they had been targeted.

Zhang Jin has already killed 13 people in a row, the corners of his mouth could not help but rise, clapped his hands and said to the camera: "Come on, let me show you what a big brother is! Those people who just called me a little trash, prepare for me!" , I'll let Cui Guo come up and smash your mouths!"

[Tsk tsk, it depends on how arrogant you are! 】

[Be careful with your crow's mouth, after all, it's only been 9 minutes since the beginning. 】

[Wait for Cuiguo to hit your crow's mouth! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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