The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 102 101: This is too strange.

Chapter 102 101: This is too strange.

Zhang Jin smiled, "How is it possible, unless the intersection ahead..."

"Bang bang bang bang bang." A few shots directly shot through Zhang Jin's second-level armor, killing him on the spot.

"...someone." Zhang Jin was silent.

As soon as Xu Wenshu and Jiang Huaiduo saw that Zhang Jin had been beaten to death, they quickly started looking for angles to hide, preparing to fight against the enemy from a different angle.

【Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I'm going to laugh until the whole business district knows I'm still working overtime! ! 】

[Where is the green fruit?Come and break Brother Jin's crow's mouth. 】

[Brother Jin interlocked his fingers silently and supported his chin, doubting life. 】

[Brother Jin: Make my mouth babble all day long, look what you got up to! 】

[Cause of death: Unless there are people at the intersection! 】

[Hahahaha it's over, God doesn't want Brother Jin to win! ! ! 】

Zhang Jin was quite proud of the thirteen kills in this round, but seeing that his mood was so good that he flew up, and he could eat chicken after a few more stable moves.

He was suddenly beaten to death by his own flag!
Is this something that people can encounter?

Zhang Jin decisively clicked on the death replay, looked at the player's name twice, and frowned, "Is this still a player on the same platform as me?"

Players of the live broadcast platform like to add the abbreviation of the live broadcast platform in front of the id.

The orange melon platform is CG.

[Ah, I also pay attention to this player. He is a big live broadcast player from 890 next door, and he is responsible for the traffic in the chicken eating area. 】

[I've watched his too, but his live broadcast atmosphere is kind of something, so I haven't watched it. 】

[Add one upstairs, so do I.Every time I watch his live broadcast, it's weird, I can't say it's weird. 】

【Me too! !So I only watch KOJ and Brother Jin on Orange Melon! 】


Zhang Jin waved his hand, "Don't speak ill of other game anchors in my live broadcast room. It's unnecessary. Everyone has different perceptions and likes. If you don't like it, someone will like it."

"Forget it, that's it. I'm autistic tonight."

Xu Wenshu and Jiang Huaiduo's nerves were still highly tense, but the person who killed Zhang Jin didn't intend to come over, but ran away after beating him.

Xu Wenshu waited for a while, and saw that the poisonous circle on the map began to shrink, and then let Jiang Huaiduo follow him out of it.

"Leave?" Jiang Huaiduo subconsciously felt that something was wrong. Although ordinary players might not have the confidence to run away, isn't the game anchor's live broadcast just for fun?

One hit two can be regarded as a very good material, and if it is counter-killed, it can show off a wave.

Xu Wenshu said in a deep voice: "Let's go. Let's run to the safe zone."

"Okay." Jiang Huaiduo manipulated the character to go to Zhang Jin's side, and found that the package was full, and it seemed that the person didn't even lick the package.

This is too strange.

Questions were kept in his heart, and Jiang Huaiduo was extra careful in the next game time.

On the other side of Fubai, it was very lively.

Originally, it was nothing to kill Zhang Jin, because Zhang Jin used his own alias, and people who don't know much about e-sports players usually have no way to recognize him in the first place.

But Fu Bai considered this early on, and arranged his own people in the barrage in the live broadcast room.

[Hey, hey, the person who just killed for nothing seems to be HOK Jin's trumpet, ovo! 】

[No, Brother Jin's account is not this! 】

[It's true, I double-opened Jinshen and Fubaibai's live broadcast room!It's Brother Jin! 】

[Wow, ah, floating in vain 6666! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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