Chapter 111 110:.

"Mr. Yuan recently fell in love with a little girl, a college student... That girl wants to become an idol in our company, and then..." The secretary wondered: "I also mentioned to Mr. Yuan about our company's requirements for idols before, but Mr. Yuan refused to agree, but insisted on talking with you face to face, saying that I made the decision on my own..."

Xu Zeyuan knew how awkward the "President Yuan" the secretary was talking about, and naturally knew the secretary's suffering, so he said indifferently, "Since he asked me for dinner, let's make an appointment."

In case a person in his twenties is still hugging his parents' elbows and crying for him to bully him.

I don't know how "Yuanzong" grew to such a big size.

If Xu Wenshu had just grown up like "President Yuan", Xu Zeyuan would definitely be chasing people around the entire Yangcheng with a rolling pin.

Don't learn anything, learn this.

If he didn't break his leg and lie down in the hospital for a few days, Xu Zeyuan wouldn't be his brother anymore.

The secretary was relieved when he heard Xu Zeyuan's words. Finally, he didn't have to be pestered by President Yuan to help him do things. After the report, the secretary withdrew from the office.

I was going to sort out the pile of documents outside, and then carry them in for Xu Zeyuan.

Compared to the ease of the other two sides, the planner of the whole thing was sitting on the e-sports chair where he usually broadcasts with a pale face.

The phone on the table kept ringing.

The insults and dirty words all came back to him through this incident.

Orange Melon's actions were also quick, and it didn't take long to find evidence of Fu Bai's breach of the contract, saying that he would terminate the contract with him.

"Fuck you Xu Wenshu!" Fubai blushed, the veins on his arm were furious, and he slammed hard on the table. His anger and hatred towards Xu Wenshu did not dissipate at all.

"Fuck!" Fu Bai grabbed the phone that was still ringing, and slammed it hard on the wall.

The phone broke in two and fell miserably to the ground.

The tempered film was smashed to pieces, and there was the sound of slag splashing everywhere.

Hatred swallowed the last trace of consciousness in Fubai, licked his blood-stained lips with his tongue, and said coldly: "Since you make me feel uncomfortable, I will naturally not let you go."

"I'd like to see who is more fucking able to walk in this city."

"A pretty boy with nothing to look at except his face." Fubai bit his lower lip viciously, wishing to peel off his skin, drink his blood, and look at Xu Wenshu's misfortune!


After HOK had a short period of normal training, Xu Wenshu remembered that Xu Zeyuan had told him about the orange melon offline meeting earlier, after thinking for a while, he called the orange melon staff.

Confirm with the other party that there is indeed such an event, and the scope of the event is relatively small, that is, the live broadcast players in the game area under Orange Melon will meet offline together.

After Xu Wenshu repeatedly confirmed that all processes have security measures, he told the HOK people about this matter.

Liu Hao is the kind of person who can be satisfied with eating and drinking, so who cares whether it is safe or not?
Let's play first.

In the end, Jiang Huaiduo and Zhang Jin also nodded, and the matter was passed.

Xu Wenshu didn't have anything to say, and said with a smile: "Then you guys remember to dress up handsomely, so as not to get some ugly photos taken, don't say I didn't warn you!"

(End of this chapter)

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