The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 112 111: "Can't we find an auspicious day for burial?"

Chapter 112 111: "Can't we find an auspicious day for burial?"

It was rare for Xu Zeyuan to get off work on time today. He just turned off the warm-colored lamp on the table, rubbed his sore shoulders, frowned and stood up.

Before he could tell his secretary that he could get off work, someone outside had already opened the door and came in, saying respectfully: "Boss, Mr. Yuan called and asked me to inform you that you must attend today."

Standing up, Xu Zeyuan, who was about to rush home with his clothes, was taken aback for a moment. Then he remembered that he had made an appointment for dinner with a foolish family friend. He was discouraged and sat back in his seat for a moment, and fiddled with the ornaments on the table feebly.

He raised his eyes and asked the secretary, "You said it would be better if I pretended that I was busy with work and didn't have time to go?"

President Xu doesn't really want to work overtime today.

The secretary's face remained unchanged, and he said in a deep voice: "Then I believe that Yuan will always bring his girlfriend, pack a big meal, drive to the president's office, and finish dinner with you."


Xu Zeyuan sighed, according to Yuan Yanyi's temperament, he is indeed someone who can do such a thing.

But it was rare to not have to work overtime. Xu Zeyuan began to regret why he agreed to this matter, rubbing the center of his brows, "Okay, I know about this matter, you can get off work quickly. I will just go to participate."


The secretary was slightly dazed when he heard Xu Zeyuan's words. Before anyone could speak, he heard Xu Zeyuan say, "I used to eat with him just to listen to him blowing water. You don't need to mess around with him after working for so long."

Xu Zeyuan straightened his cuff buttons, stretched his neck and moved, put on his suit jacket and started walking to the underground parking lot.

As soon as he opened the car door, he received a text message from Yuan Yanyi, informing Xu Zeyuan to drive to Shushangfang to eat hot pot. Xu Zeyuan glanced down, threw his phone aside, drove his Bentley out of the underground parking lot, and headed towards Shushangfang. Square open to go.

When people got there, it was just about dinner time.

Xu Zeyuan came to a stop, and heard the sound of arguing as soon as he got out of the car. Although his reason told him not to meddle in his own business, Xu Zeyuan cast his gaze over after the crisp applause sounded.

All of a sudden, he saw a tall and handsome man furious, and the woman standing in front of him had fair skin, and the red marks on her face couldn't be more dazzling.

Xu Zeyuan, who was educated as a gentleman since he was a child, pressed the tender flesh on the inner side of his lower lip, thought for a moment and walked forward quickly, grabbed the wrist of the man who wanted to hit him again, secretly exerted force, and said with a smile: "Mr. It can be resolved through communication, if not, it is wrong to hit someone.”

"Who are you? Dare to meddle in Lao Tzu's affairs?" The man wanted to free his hand angrily, but he couldn't do so.

Xu Zeyuan closed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "I'll take care of you, what? Can't you find an auspicious day for burial?"

"Huh?" The hand tightened slightly, and the strength gradually increased. The man who was so angry and hurt gasped, and screamed for pain.

"Are you fucking dead?" The man's eyes turned red, and he looked at the silent woman viciously, "You really are just like your mother, who specializes in seducing men! You really are a family!"

Xu Zeyuan's words were harsh, and before he could speak, the woman beside him changed her previous silence, raised her palm and fanned her left and right, while slapping the man.

"Brother, don't forget." The woman gracefully removed the loose rubber band, lifted up the long hair that had been torn apart, and calmly re-tied it, "I have the same father as you, so we are also a family. "

"Fart! He's a fart my daddy!"

If Xu Zeyuan hadn't pinched the man's hand forcefully again and took him aside a few times, he would have rushed forward and grabbed the woman's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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