The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 28 028: Unconditionally Trusted

Chapter 28 028 Unconditionally Trusted
When Jiang Huaiduo went to wash up.Xu Wenshu has already put the porridge and buns into two bowls, and put the hot porridge in the ceramic bowl to cool.

"Don't you need to train today?" Jiang Huaiduo squeezed the baby moisturizing cream in his hands and spread it evenly on his face. The bangs on his forehead were fixed behind with childish clips, lest the hair would be stuck to his face by the cream .

Xu Wenshu relaxed his frowning brows, turned the phone over and put it on the table, not intending to let others see his content, raised his head slightly, saw the baby cream that had not been completely wiped off Jiang Huaiduo's face, and touched the master with his fingertips face, and spread the cream.

The technique is gentle, for fear of scaring away the person in front of him.

The fingers slid upwards slightly along the skin texture, the girl's eyelashes curled up, and when the upper and lower eyelids touched, they drew a slight arc and touched the warm fingertips.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Huaiduo saw that the person hadn't moved his hand away for a long time, and raised his hand awkwardly to touch his face, but Xu Wenshu's hand was blocking it here, and if she retracted it too much, she would definitely touch it.

Xu Wenshu was startled for a moment, then withdrew his hand, and the corners of his mouth lightly lifted.

"No, my face is a little untouched. I'll fix it for you." Xu Wenshu pushed the porridge in front of Jiang Huaiduo, "I just went out this morning to do something, so I didn't train."

"Really?" Jiang Huaiduo nodded when he heard the words, took a mouthful of hot porridge with a ceramic spoon between his scallion white fingers, anti-theft oh, and blew the cold lightly on his mouth, and put the porridge in his mouth after a while.

The strange taste of the preserved egg is neutralized by the parsley, the soft and glutinous rice porridge melts in the mouth when cooked, and the salt taste is just right. The smell will make people appetite.The pleats of the steamed buns on the small plate are neatly pinched, small and cute. Pick one up and stuff it into your mouth. Once you bite, the juice will flow out from the cracks in the skin of the steamed stuffed bun. The fresh and tender meat juice will slowly spread in your mouth. Immediately conquered people's taste buds.

"Hmm..." Jiang Huaiduo's eyes brightened slightly, and he nodded excitedly while pointing at the plate of buns with the finger holding the spoon.

Even if the person didn't say the specific meaning, Xu Wenshu knew what Jiang Huaiduo was telling him and what she was excited about.

"It was made by the couple next to the youth training camp." Xu Wenshu got up early in the morning for this dish of orthodox Cantonese-style buns, and drove back to the Qingyun youth training camp from the city center.

Skip training, just to make people feel a little bit home.

It's really not easy.

Jiang Huaiduo took a sip of porridge and swallowed the steamed stuffed bun in his mouth, smiling slightly, "The steamed stuffed bun in their house is still fresh and juicy as always."

"But... if I remember correctly, Qingyun is an hour's drive away from this place..." Jiang Huaiduo frowned, "You skipped training and came back and forth just because of this bun."

Xu Wenshu shook his head and denied, "This morning, something really happened. There was a problem with the public relations yesterday, and I asked someone from the team to meet outside. It happened that the place was not far from the Qingyun training camp, so I brought you some breakfast back by the way. "

"The breakfast in the club is so-so. It's okay to eat normally, but it's not so good to eat as a patient. And you are still growing, eating better will help you grow taller."

Chen Yuan, who was still drinking soymilk with relish, felt cold behind him for no reason.

Huh... I always feel that I have been connoted.


"Really." Xu Wenshu gestured to turn over the phone covered on the table and unlock the screen for others to see.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Jiang Huaiduo stopped him.

Mo pupils are full of fine starlight, and she looks at Xu Wenshu with a smile, "Don't bother, I will always trust you."

It was before, and it is now.

"Okay, let's eat quickly." Xu Wenshu put down his phone, put his hands back on his knees, gently rubbed the soft fabric between his fingers, raised the corners of his mouth, and was rarely in a good mood to watch people eat.

I have to say...the feeling of being trusted unconditionally.

not bad.

 PR team: Taking the blame for the boss is also part of our PR
  Chen Yuan:?I really feel that I have been connoted, I am! !I'm still growing
  Canteen aunt:? ?Where did I offend you? You want to belittle me like this?

(End of this chapter)

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