The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 29 029: Mouth Cannon Max

Chapter 29 029 Mouth Cannon Max
It was late when Jiang Huaiduo and Xu Wenshu came out after breakfast, Chen Yuan and the other two team members were almost awake, the live broadcast started early, and they were in the third row.

Liu Hao's desk is facing the gate of the training room, and the camera is also pointed at the gate, taking a rough look at everything coming and going in the corridor.

Xu Wenshu walked in with his hands on Jiang Huaiduo's shoulders, and the two of them occasionally whispered something in a close posture.

Liu Hao was indulging in the third row, and he didn't notice that his barrage had changed.

[I'm not happy?Duo Shen is really in HOK in the future!My God, does HOK need someone to become a substitute? 】

[To be reasonable, the substitute is also Fat Wang's substitute...he is a real loser. 】

[?What fat king is called Sea King (╯▽╰)! 】

[Save some face for me fat, don't do this. 】

[Am I the only one wondering why Duo Shen and Wen Shen came into the training room at the same time? 】

[!Because of love!Learn about the beautiful CP of childhood sweetheart!It’s not a loss to invest in sweetness! 】

Liu Hao happened to be shooting a car in the distance with an [-]x magnification with a sniper rifle, and he didn't knock out a trace of blood from the people on the car even after dozens of chugs.

"Damn it, is this a f*cking hack? It's awesome, it can't even be shot." Liu Hao's gun ran out of bullets, and he flashed back to the wall of the room to reload his gun.

After installing it, he was shot dead by the person who got off the car as soon as he poked his head out.

Chen Yuan, who is not far from Liu Hao, doesn't know what Liu Hao is doing here, and he is wearing earphones, and the earphones are full of all kinds of chug, ping, ping, ping, ping, and the loud ones directly overwhelm Liu Hao's. Swearing.

"Fatty? You can't do it. It's only been 10 minutes since the start of this game. Why did you end?" Chen Yuan just entered the room and killed the person who was picking up supplies, loaded the bullet, turned around and rushed out, and a character just walked towards his face. When he came up, he shot and killed the person without saying a word.

Liu Hao didn't quit the game directly after he died, but clicked Report Game Player.

"This game is really annoying. Can you be happy if you meet cheaters every day?"

[Hahahahaha, we don't know if you're going to be happy, but you must be very happy if you hang out. 】

[If you kill Fat King, even if you die, I can blow it in this life. 】

Liu Hao only had time to watch the bullet screen at this time, so he naturally saw the one just now, his round face was wrinkled into bun folds, "The game is all about winning and winning, it's meaningless to lose and win all the time, the most important thing What matters is the process. You cheat, you win, the points are good-looking, and the rankings are also good-looking, but these are not your real level. You can lie to yourself for a while, but you can’t lie to yourself forever.”

"I don't want everyone to play games, just think of hacking, cheating is actually a very bad behavior."

The fat man stretched, and when he turned his head, he saw the captain and Duo Shen who had disappeared early in the morning. His eyes widened, and he didn't even care about the live broadcast. He stomped his foot on the ground, slipped, and stopped beside the two of them.

Jiang Huaiduo and Xu Wenshu did not sit down immediately, but stood behind Zhang Jin to watch the operation. From time to time, the two would look at each other from behind and nod their heads, and both of them understood the meaning.

Liu Hao was confused, staring at Zhang Jin's operation, but didn't see anything wrong.

Isn't that how Zhang Jin usually fights?

The gangster who killed Liu Hao just now was searching for supplies in the same area, and met Chen Yuan and Zhang Jin who were in different rooms one after another. He was eliminated directly and could not be killed at all.

Chen Yuan was young and had a bad temper. When he was hanged and beaten to death, he served him with foul language. He wrote a long-winded complaint message, pointing to this id number and saying, "A person like this should be given a real-name account. All the accounts he registered are important. Keep an eye on it, and turn it off as soon as you see it open."

[Wan Bao started to curse again. 】

【Oh my god... I really feel that every time I want Bao to scold someone, I feel ashamed of him. I can cry myself when I quarrel with someone. 】

[May Baozui Pao max, hands-on negative. 】

[Unlimited keyboard output is complete, Wishing Treasure sent the captain today~ Don’t miss it when you pass by, get on Wishing Treasure’s boat, and you will be happy to be a mother from now on. 】

Zhang Jin was much calmer, and quit the game after reporting. The first time Xu Wenshu and Jiang Huaiduo stood behind him, he caught sight of the two from the corner of his eye.

In the process of playing the game by myself, the expressions of these two people are surprisingly consistent, and they seem to be dissatisfied with their own operations.

Zhang Jin is not a person who likes to hold himself back, quit the game and turned to look at the two people.

"Is there a problem?"

(End of this chapter)

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