The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 30 030: Can't control myself

Chapter 30 030 Can't Control Myself
Jiang Huaiduo glanced at Xu Wenshu who was standing beside him, that person just smiled faintly, his eyes were full of warmth, just like a few years ago.

He also stood by his side like this, listening to her and giving her enough courage.

Jiang Huaiduo took a deep breath, frowned and pointed out what was wrong with Zhang Jin just now.

"It's not that there is anything wrong with your technology, it's just that you have exposed a lot of shortcomings."

"You are the back of the whole team, that is to help us sweep the tail and watch the enemies rushing up from behind. But you are just in this game, you shouldn't be unresponsive when you turn around, your mouse is too slow to switch perspectives, and it is easy to grow Staring at the same place all the time.”

Zhang Jin’s gaming age is the longest in the entire team. He is now 24 years old. He has accumulated countless experience in playing games for a long time. He can guess the mental state and next step of many e-sports players on the field. action.

It is precisely because of his keen insight and rich experience that the HOK players are willing to leave their backs to him.

But in Jiang Huaiduo's eyes, this cannot be one of the reasons why he is not strong.

Zhang Jin thought about the girl's words. The long-term unified style of play and the core strategy of protecting the snipers made him constantly weaken his presence in the team.

The post-protrusion was originally an unattractive position, just like Zhang Jin himself, keeping a low profile and not speaking.

"I see, I will try my best to strengthen the areas that I did not do well before." Zhang Jin nodded, and had no opinion on Jiang Huaiduo's question.

He is not blind, Jiang Huaiduo must have received Xu Wenshu's nod when he said that to him.

Otherwise, even if she is QUI, no one would offend her teammates on the first day of employment.

Jiang Huaiduo nodded, his eyes fixed on the computer screen, his hands began to itch uncontrollably, and he wanted to rush up to play a game a long time ago, if it wasn't for Xu Wenshu who just walked over, telling her that it was still hot It's a little bit, but I've repeatedly emphasized that I can't get close to the computer.

She doesn't have to watch other people play games like the superiors inspect.

Jiang Huaiduo stared pitifully at the game interface of the computer, almost writing the words "desire, want" on the face.

Xu Wenshu raised his shoulders amusedly, raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't you? I'll play double with you?"

"Okay!" Jiang Huaiduo immediately responded, and trotted to his seat. After sitting down, he patted the chair next to him restlessly, his eyes rolled around, and he followed the cat who stole the dried fish.

Carefully showing off, but afraid of being scolded severely by someone grabbing the back of the neck.

Perhaps Jiang Huaiduo's eyes were full of anticipation and flattery, Xu Wenshu's Adam's apple moved slightly, the unspeakable numbness extended from the back of his head to the spine, he moved his hand lightly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

This feeling of being unable to control himself made him a little uncomfortable.

Xu Wenshu grunted, walked from the side to Jiang Huaiduo and sat down, picked up his blue and black earphones and adjusted the position, he did not wear the earphones on his head, covering his ears, but hung them on his neck, so he could hear clearly sound.

The computer network speed in the training room is the best, and the machine is also top-notch, so I logged in quickly.The keyboard and mouse didn't make Jiang Huaiduo feel uncomfortable.

She even felt that the equipment she was using was specially bought for herself. It felt the same as the equipment she usually used, but the material was obviously more expensive and better.

Jiang Huaiduo was no longer shocked by the club's arrogance after seeing HOK not changing his expression and spending millions to sign himself back without even cutting the price.

After all, Xu Wenshu is here.

Everything that happened took her for granted.

 Xu Wenshu: It is exactly the same as my puppet cat.
  Lambo: Meow?

  Jiang Huaiduo: Meow~
  Xu Wenshu suffocated.

(End of this chapter)

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