The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 31 031: He really thanked his mother

Chapter 31 031 He Really Thanked His Mother

Jiang Huaiduo and Xu Wenshu entered the game interface at the same time. There is a line of small characters in the middle of the screen, which is the countdown to the official start of the game.

1 minute passed quickly, a hundred people got together, and the game began. The map of this game was snow.

Jiang Huaiduo and Xu Wenshu have been serving their own teams for the past few years, and their private chats are also very concise. Except for holidays, the two basically have no intersection.

Because OUG has very strict controls on e-sports players, the players in all departments of OUG are basically not familiar with the outside teams. Except for the people they met during the youth training, the rest are only occasional interactions on Weibo or attending events. We met face to face.

"Let's jump into the mansion." Jiang Huaiduo opened the map and quickly marked a point.

"I listen to you."

One is willing to command and the other is willing to obey.

The game is at least half successful.

Jiang Huaiduo was not the captain when he was in OUG, but during the game, he was occasionally in the command position. It mainly depends on whether the game is with the wind or against the wind. If everyone eats dirt together at the beginning of the game, then basically the command power will fall on Jiang Huaiduo. If the rich is oily, then Jiang Huaiduo basically has nothing to do.

Two people parachuted and landed on the rooftop. Jiang Huaiduo's character was her own tuba, and her hair was the same style as Harley Quinn. Just looking at her hair, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it, but when they looked down, Liu Hao and others immediately Don't lick your lips and don't comment.

This she really a girl?

The top is a military green short T-shirt, the lower body is a pair of big pants and black stockings, and a pair of flip flops is unsuitable no matter how you look at it.

But people are good at technology and don't care about appearance.

Jiang Huaiduo and Xu Wenshu didn't jump on the roof of the same building. The two of them first searched for equipment separately, and then gathered together to attack.

This round of Jiang Huaiduo must be a bit scary, a rooftop, poor scum, pans and bandages and nothing.

Is she here to eat chicken?Not here to cook.

The gunshots from the earphones were very close, no matter how you heard it, you knew there were people in the building.

Jiang Huaiduo didn't go down the stairs from the rooftop, it was basically a gift of someone's head, he took the risk, jumped directly from the rooftop to the snow, and jumped into the building where Xu Wenshu was in a few quick runs.

Quickly put the SKS on the ground and the matching bullets, just turned around and entered a room when he saw the G36C. next to her.

"Why are you standing here?"

"Waiting for you." Xu Wenshu's voice on the keyboard was clear and sweet. The silvery white mechanical keyboard and the streamlined appearance were simply gorgeous and boring.

If Jiang Huaiduo remembers correctly, this keyboard was fired to 4000+ before, and it was only at the beginning of speculation.

"Yeah, let's go together, there should be one in my building. I'll charge, look behind."

"Okay." Xu Wenshu replied after hearing the voice, and obediently followed behind to cover Jiang Huaiduo.

The team members who sat behind the two of them with ears pricked up and huddled together to watch the Great God's team frowned.'s not easy.

Zhang Jin closed his eyes, coughed a few times to attract the attention of the other two team members, and said with his eyes: Have you ever seen the captain take cover?
Liu Hao: Do ​​you dare?

Zhang Jin: I dare not say anything.

Chen Yuan: I can't do it either, I still want to leave a dead body for my college entrance examination.

Liu Hao: Very good... I dare not.

The three swallowed their saliva, cherishing their lives, and never ordered the captain to do things.

There are a few big characters written on the faces of HOK players, "We are orphans, we don't have a club."

This is not the first time Xu Wenshu has supported Jiang Huaiduo. They used to be a combination when they were in the youth training camp.

At that time, the cooperation between him and Jiang Huaiduo was quite high. Although they experienced thousands of failures and quarrels at the beginning, the two of them managed to get through the running-in period in the end. Kill Buddha.

Xu Wenshu's eyes were dim, and the hand holding the mouse was so hard that the knuckles protruded.

If OUG hadn't come out of nowhere at that time, stepped in and signed Jiang Huaiduo away in advance, they should be a well-known tacit combination by now.

Just thinking about the past, Xu Wenshu felt that it was a small and sharp needle that poked his chest with pain.

"Be careful! What are you thinking?"

Xu Wenshu's character is right behind Jiang Huaiduo, she has no way to shoot at the enemy, she can only shift the camera to the right, and then quickly shoot and kill the opponent who doesn't know when she went around behind Xu Wenshu and wanted to shoot him .

Xu Wenshu was drawn back by the gunshots. Seeing the opponent who had fallen to the ground and turned into a box, Xu Wenshu raised his hand and touched his nose helplessly. After all, he was preoccupied, so he couldn't say much.

Jiang Huaiduo looked at Xu Wenshu suspiciously, "You have never made such a low-level mistake when playing games with me before."

Not long after I finished speaking, I thought that the person next to me accompanied me to get injections in the hospital yesterday, stayed up until midnight, and got up early the next day to discuss things with the public relations team. He must be exhausted.

He flicked the mouse regretfully, wondering if it was too much for him to drag people to play games like this.

"If you feel tired, you can take a rest, I can eat chicken by myself." Jiang Huaiduo glanced at the top of the screen, "There are not many people left now. If we remove the two of us, there will be three people left. I It can be done by one person.”

"I'm not tired." Xu Wenshu refused, "I just thought of something suddenly."

Jiang Huaiduo hummed lightly, and before he stepped out of the poison circle, he saw an obvious black moving object appearing in the snow-covered environment, opened the scope to aim, and fired more than a dozen shots in a row, directly killing the person.

"What did you think of?"

Jiang Huaiduo fired a gun, and was soon spotted, half of his blood was lost.

He bent down and touched behind the stone, took the medicine, and began to see where the remaining two people were.

Xu Wenshu manipulated his character with a smile, he glanced at his kill count from the corner of the eye, and felt disgusted for a moment.

There are only three... It's really rubbish, I'm too embarrassed to show this record.

"Thinking that if you had been with me in the club after you came out of the youth academy, wouldn't we have won the championship long ago?"

"will not."

Xu Wenshu and Jiang Huaiduo found their opponent at the same time and killed them with one shot. The game settlement page popped up.


Jiang Huaiduo turned off the game interface, turned his e-sports chair restlessly, shook his head and said: "No. The two of us have a good understanding, the technology is not bad, and your tactics are also very strong, but the global league is not just the Asian competition. "

"Hous from Russia and POLI from the United States are both strong teams. Last year, if the Japanese team hadn't killed the Korean team outside the fourth circle, OUG would not have become a dark horse."

When Jiang Huaiduo talked about these things, his eyes were full of starlight, and his whole body was shining brightly, which made Xu Wenshu unconsciously focus on her, following her every move with joy.

"That was in the past, not necessarily now." Xu Wenshu leaned on the soft back chair, tapped the armrest with his hand, and looked at the three team members standing beside him.

His expression was obviously not as gentle and bright as before.

"What are you doing standing here? Why don't you go to training?" Xu Wenshu sneered, "There are so many technical flaws, and you're still watching people chatting here. What are you looking at? Get out!"

Seeing Xu Wen's expressionless face, the group of three people instinctively told them to run away.

As soon as Chen Yuan raised his leg, Xu Wenshu caught him.

"The establishment of the three-dimensional geometry department uses vectors to calculate the plane angle. Do you know it? Have you memorized the polite terms of traditional Chinese written invitations? Can you be silent when you are a teacher? Do the poets and their lives of the 68 ancient poems know it?"

"I think you plan to repeat it next year, right? If your mother knows that you have been playing games for two years and only scored more than 200 points in the college entrance examination, we will definitely meet again on the mountain in Qingming next year."

Chen Yuan twisted his face in pain, begging for mercy.

This pain... It's like Sun Wukong being chanted by Tang Seng.

Not only does it hurt, it's annoying!
"No, no, no! I'm going to see it now! I'm going to see it now!"

He shouldn't have joined the club when he was young, and obediently filled in the contact information of the emergency contact... Now it has become his nightmare.

The ghost knows that the captain who is so busy that he has time to join his mother--a street neighborhood committee woman chairperson, talking about it!I don't know which part of the problem went wrong. As soon as his mother saw the selfie in the captain's circle of friends, he instantly forgot about his biological son.

Wannian couldn't remember what grade her son was in. For the first time, she called and said that she would come to the club to see his learning environment and that she wanted to care about him.

As a result, on the day I came, I brought a bunch of photos of the unmarried girls in the community, and dragged Xu Wenshu to chat for a long time about the situation of the girls, and asked them what kind of girls they like. She knows a lot of beautiful girls. up!

Well, let's see my son...

Oh, I watched it for 5 minutes when I went to the high-speed rail station to pick it up, and said something fat, and then I started to bow my head to deal with community affairs.

He really thanked his own mother.

 Chen Ma:?Son what son?did i give birth

  Chen Yuan: I am an orphan, I have no home.jpg
(End of this chapter)

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