The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 36 036: You have to come out

Chapter 36 036: You have to come out

The training time lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun was blocked by the towering buildings, and the lights in the training room did not know when to turn on automatically.

Jiang Huaiduo moved his pantothenic lumbar spine and shoulders that could not be stretched, and frowned slightly in pain, but the game was not over yet, the keyboard was tapped, and he manipulated the mouse to put the things he picked up on the gun, The smooth movement of the smoke and thunder from the drug shop is like a robot possessing a body, which is a subconscious reaction after training for countless times.

By the time this game was over, Jiang Huaiduo's eyes had already started to feel dry and uncomfortable.

Her body is not considered healthy. She has been training intensively since she was 14 years old. Up to now, although the value of the annual physical examination has reached the standard, there is no major problem, but there is no way to avoid minor pains and ailments, especially occupational diseases such as frozen shoulder. It's serious, but it's not a good sign after all.

When it's time for training, HOK people will not ask to take the initiative to practice more. It's only February, and the spring pre-season is still early. There is no need for such hard training, which is not good for the body and spirit.

Xu Wenshu got a call around four o'clock and went out, and hasn't come back since then.Chen Yuan took an online class and took out the math problems assigned by the teacher for the college entrance examination. He couldn't understand it, so he took a photo and sent it to his team leader, asking for advice. After waiting for half an hour, there was only one emoji.

【Dad won't, the next one.jpg】

"???" Chen Yuan felt the captain's deep malice towards him.

Chen Yuan thought for a long time in the room by himself, and finally asked the homework helper to figure out what to do. When he came out of the room hungry and supported the wall, his teammates were searching for hot pot restaurants on Dianping with their mobile phones It is more delicious.

Chen Yuan glanced around the training room, but didn't see Xu Wenshu, so he squeezed curiously to Liu Hao's side and asked, "Where's the captain?"

"I went out after receiving the call in the afternoon and never came back." Liu Hao had a mint in his mouth, swiped his finger on the phone screen a few times, and looked up at Jianghuaiduo, "What does Goddess Duo want to eat?"

Jiang Huaiduo, whose name was called, hummed lightly and looked at Liu Hao suspiciously, not quite understanding what he meant.

"The captain wants to clean up the dust for you, and by the way, celebrate that brat Chen Yuan is going to go to school." As soon as Liu Hao finished speaking, Chen Yuan beside him widened his eyes and thumped the servant's shoulder fiercely.

"Fatty! You are too disrespectful! You know, if I leave, you will be the bully of HOK! You still laugh? What's so funny?"

Liu Hao waved his hand nonchalantly, "So what about group bullying, I can't be too happy to be able to send away you, a monkey who eats a lot and talks a lot of nonsense."

"You're a monkey!" Chen Yuan puffed his cheeks unhappily, and pointed to the mobile phone in Liu Hao's hand, "I want to eat this restaurant. I've heard it from others for a long time, but I haven't tried it yet."

Liu Hao patted Chen Yuan's outstretched hand away, squinted and said, "The captain's treat, what does it have to do with you, get out and play in the mud."

"...Damn it, you don't love me anymore." Chen Yuan stretched out his hand to cover his chest sadly, his body, which was already thin because of the cramps, bent slightly, as if he had been hit hard. "Are you saying that I will always be your little cutie? You old men changed their hearts overnight! I don't follow...I don't follow..."

Zhang Jin, who had been sitting quietly by the side looking at the store, pushed the low-prescription glasses on the bridge of his nose, pulled his mouth slightly, and picked out his ears impatiently, "You are really wasting your acting skills by playing e-sports, it's so noisy, tell me Chattering like a sparrow."

Without waiting for anyone to refute himself, Zhang Jinjiang said to Jiang Huaiduo who was sitting on the sidelines watching the two of them fight: "Speaking of which, you haven't joined our group yet, right?"

Zhang Jin thought for a while and said, "It's strange that we don't even have your WeChat after a game for so long."

Jiang Huaiduo squeezed the corner of his clothes embarrassedly and smiled awkwardly.

She has poor communication skills. She was 15 years old when she officially left school. She was not noticed in school because she had no talent. Naturally, she didn't have many friends.

Xu Wenshu was considered her first close friend.

However, people will always change... She has to take the first step, and then change herself little by little, so that she can no longer be the same as before, the cat stays in her own safe circle, avoiding the outside world.

The tactic of staying in place for fear of getting hurt has been seen clearly by her after the OUG cold storage incident.

Not at all.

Even if she tries her best to avoid the outside world, the damage cannot be avoided.

In this case, she might as well try to go out...

Jiang Huaiduo's hand holding the phone slightly tightened, her thin pale pink lips were pursed into a straight line, after thinking for a moment, she finally called out her QR code and handed it to Zhang Jin.

The thin lips parted slightly, revealing the small white teeth, the eyes were curved, and he said with a smile: "Then scan me, let's add friends."

"Okay." Zhang Jin was stunned for a while when he saw Jiang Huaiduo, thinking that she was not happy, but the later promise made Zhang Jin want to find out what this new team member was thinking.

The sweet and petite appearance always felt a bit inconsistent with her previous performance.

(End of this chapter)

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