The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 37 037: Zhang Jin is too idle

Chapter 37 037: Zhang Jin is too idle
One has two.

Sitting on the side, Chen Yuan and Liu Hao saw that the two had added WeChat to each other, and they didn't care about the hot pot restaurant that hadn't been selected yet, so they went to Jiang Huaiduo with their mobile phones, and walked away happily after adding people. .

Xu Wenshu, who was driving to the base, soon received a notification. He was at a red light, and picked up his phone to check. It was someone from the WeChat group who had joined.

【HOK's Kennel】

Zhang Jin invited Jiang Huaiduo to join the chat group.

The hand holding the phone tightened slightly, and he didn't take his eyes off the message for a long time. He didn't put the phone aside until the harsh horn sounded from the back of the car, and stepped on the accelerator to move forward.

The cheeks that had been smiling before were now slightly indifferent, his hands unconsciously knocked on the leather steering wheel, the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, and there was an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

Jiang Huaiduo is not a person who likes to talk with people. When he is not playing games, he likes to hide from the sidelines and observe others doing things. He is like a shy sister next door. His obsidian-like flashing eyes turn slightly, biting things at you. When laughing, there is no sense of oppression in the game at all.

Xu Wenshu narrowed his eyes and looked at the red light post not far away, with a worried expression.

Originally, I was the closest to me, and I had planned to join HOK's chat group, but I never found a chance to talk to him, so I just put it off.Unexpectedly, I was the one who didn't pay attention, and was caught up first.

Xu Wenshu slightly parted his thin lips, and pressed his tongue against the roof of his mouth. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Zhang Jin was very free recently, and only when he had nothing to do would he be free to strike up a conversation with others.I have already started to think of countless reasons to increase Zhang Jin's training intensity in my mind.

When he parked the car at the downstairs of the building, the four people from HOK had already come down from the elevator, and they were standing downstairs in their coats, blowing the cold wind.

Xu Wenshu got off the car, walked straight to Jiang Huaiduo's side, and raised his hand to check the temperature of Jiang Huaiduo's forehead. It was a bit hot, but he seemed to be in good spirits, so there shouldn't be much problem.

"Why are you standing in the cold wind?" While walking in, Xu Wenshu casually carried Jiang Huaiduo into the warm room.

When Jiang Huaiduo saw that it was Xu Wenshu, the muscles on his face, which were still a little stiff before, relaxed immediately. He pulled the man's coat with his hands, and felt the cold material surface with his warm fingertips. He subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand, but soon fell behind. into the generous palm, and the fingers were squeezed tightly and put into the pocket of the hot coat.

"We found a hot pot restaurant that we're going to eat later, and Brother Jin said that it would be faster to wait for you to come back downstairs, and take your car directly." Jiang Huaiduo twitched his hand, but didn't pull it out, and raised his finger Pointing to the hand that was pulled into his pocket, he smiled and said, "Is this also the habit of taking care of your sister?"

"..." Xu Wenshu hummed softly, "She is delicate, you are not."

Xu Xiaomei, who was far away at home watching TV, sneezed unexpectedly, causing the old servant who was making hot soup in the kitchen to poke his head out and ask, "Miss, do you want to make a bowl of ginger soup for you? It’s cold, be careful not to catch a cold.”

Pulling the rabbit ears hanging on both sides of her pajamas hat, Xu Xiaomei waved her hands indifferently, and said loudly: "It's okay, it must be my elder brother and second brother who are speaking ill of me outside again."

With such a healthy body, it is impossible for her to catch a cold. It must be related to those two people.

"I'm not squeamish, so can I show my hands?"

Xu Wenshu squeezed his soft hands, thought for a while, and he couldn't act too hastily, so he let go and asked someone to take it out of his pocket, "Put on the gloves when you come out next time, otherwise don't take your hands out of your pockets."

"Okay." Jiang Huaiduo nodded obediently.


Hearing this, Jiang Huaiduo obediently put his hand into the pocket of his coat, and after putting it in, he turned his head and looked at Xu Wenshu, propped his hand against the fabric in his pocket, and bulged a small bag, as if he was declaring himself to someone Has obediently put his hand in the general.

(End of this chapter)

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