The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 45 045: HOK - A Delicate Flower

Chapter 45 045HOK - A Delicate Flower

Mo Ziqing's worry was not unreasonable, but it was only his own worry.

HOK played a few games here to get rid of the smell of hot pot, and each of them went to take a bath in order. Jiang Huaiduo returned to the room and lay on the bed. He didn't fall asleep immediately, but lay on his side on the bed and played with his mobile phone.

I haven’t posted on Weibo for a long time, and the reminders of attention even surpassed her previous tuba. There was a lot of ridicule on OUG’s official website, but this can’t bring them down. Humanity, the e-sports association fined it, and it's fine to issue a punishment notice if it wants to, it can't suspend OUG.

Jiang Huaiduo's eyes darkened slightly, her hand holding the mobile phone tightened, and what happened in the apartment that night in her mind became more and more clear. She was so disgusted that she almost wanted to lie down in front of the toilet sink and retch like before, wanting to Everything about those disgusting people was erased from my memory.

There was a soft knock in the hallway, and right at her door the footsteps stopped.

Jiang Huaiduo, who was still immersed in his own thoughts before, squeezed the quilt subconsciously, sat up vigilantly, and looked up at the wooden door.

Time seemed to stop suddenly at this moment.

After a while, the sound of footsteps reappeared, did not take a few more steps, and disappeared again, along with the sound of closing the door. For some reason, Jiang Huaiduo breathed out slowly, and the heart that was still hanging before suddenly returned. To the chest mouth.

Sitting cross-legged on the soft bed, he picked up his own pillow, clicked on the HOK team he joined earlier, and found the photo taken by the waitress when they had a party just now.

After choosing and choosing, I picked the best-looking one and posted it on my Weibo.

Grumpy Bear with a bow tie: Starting today, a brand new me wants to be with you! ()! [Attachment] pssss: See you in Orange Melon 660 live broadcast room at ten o'clock tomorrow morning!Love you ovo!

As soon as Jiang Huaiduo sent this article, Xu Wenshu forwarded it as soon as he was next to him.

HOK-WEN: Welcome, I'll accompany you.

In just ten minutes, these two microblogs were on the Weibo hot search list with the tags of two people.

[I came early? ?Did you move directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau? 】

[Let's go upstairs, I'm the Civil Affairs Bureau.I came by myself. 】

[You guys are sick, you eat all kinds of cp, knock, the two of you are normal colleagues!Please don't give our family Wenshen a female supporting role, okay?There is no shortage of such a woman in the e-sports circle/Smile]

[Are you fan of warm-hearted girlfriend?You are so irritable, have you eaten gunpowder? 】

[Wait...have you noticed?What Duo Shen said was to be with you, but when Wen Shen forwarded it, what Wen Shen said was, I will accompany you... Knock, is it true? 】

[Blind student, you discovered Huadian. 】

[Upstairs really begs you to accumulate some virtue, my child is only in his early twenties, career is important!Take a look at our family's almighty brother, he can snipe at people's hearts, he doesn't need money if he is not handsome. 】


Before the cp fans in the first few rows had time to make a long speech, they were all suppressed by Xu Wenshu's career fans and girlfriend fans. When passers-by clicked in, they just looked at it and left.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Huaiduo changed his Weibo username.

HOK- a delicate flower.

Later, the public relations personnel of HOK's Weibo didn't know why it was so fast, and immediately posted an official blog post, and a photo of her daily life. Although Jiang Huaiduo looked at it for a long time, he didn't know where the photo was from. Where did it come from, but seeing that the official account has been posted on her, and someone replied, so I forwarded it.

(End of this chapter)

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