The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 46 046: He can't follow the chaos

Chapter 46 046

HOK-CYUU: ? Isn't HOK's Jiaohua the boss?
HOK-YUAN: Wait a minute, eat melons.

HOK-JING: Eat melons, welcome to the only Jiaohua in the HOK chicken eating team.

In this way, even if the relationship between Jianghuaiduo and HOK is completely officially announced, turning off Weibo is like turning off a lively world. Just when Jianghuaiduo was about to turn off his phone and put on a mask to go to sleep, he received Xu Wenshu WeChat messages.

Xu Wenshu: I have always wanted to ask, why did you suddenly fall out with OUG... Although you may not want to tell me knowing these things.But I'm worried that something isn't quite right with you.

Jiang Huaiduo's movement of getting out of bed paused slightly, his eyebrows frowned, the blood seemed to stop flowing from the heart, his hands and feet were a little cold, and he even trembled unconsciously, the nausea of ​​pantothenic acid rushed from the stomach along the esophagus to the throat, continuously I didn't even bother to put on slippers, and opened the door to flush into the toilet while stepping on the cold floor, vomited sore throat and eye while holding the sink.

Xu Wenshu stood against the wooden door, and there was no reply from the other end of the phone. Before he was about to go out and knock on someone's door to enter, he heard a loud knock on the door and heart-piercing vomiting, and rushed out the door in fright , followed the sound to find the bathroom.

Jianghuaiduo's movements made a lot of noise, the floors of the office building were very empty, and at night there was no crackling sound of keyboards, Jianghuaiduo's vomiting sound was infinitely amplified, and all HOK members came out of their rooms.

Just as Chen Yuan poked his head, before he could see clearly what was going on outside, he was swept away by Xu Wenshu's cold eyes, and quickly shrank back in fright. Zhang Jin and Liu Hao are adults, so they naturally know about such things. They would only be embarrassed by the side, so it's better to let Xu Wenshu handle it alone, touch his nose, and act as if he couldn't hear anything.

Jiang Huaiduo's vomited tears accumulated on the edge of his eye sockets, and when he blinked, the tears dripped down his cheeks into the white porcelain washbasin, mixed with the remaining drops of water and flowed into the sewer.

The skin at the end of the eyes is red and the skin is extremely fair, like suet jade dyed with good rouge, clean and pure without any impurities.

The foggy apricot eyes shot Xu Wenshu's heart at once, and tightly gathered the heart that was already beating up and down, and hung the whole heart on the person.

Xu Wenshu is like jumping in mid-air, being held tightly by someone as he descends rapidly, smelling sweetness in the turbid and uneasy world; or like a traveler who has been walking in the desert for a long time, and encounters a cloud when his mouth is dry and his tongue is dry. The oasis is not big, but it is enough for him to live with peace of mind.

The girl's eyes were red, and she poured clear water on her parched cheeks with trembling hands, trying to lower the temperature.

The more anxious I was, the stronger my hands became. Not only did the water not touch my face, but it flowed into my pajamas along my thin hands. The cold spring was not over yet, and at night the night wind blew in through the window of the bathroom. She couldn't take it anymore and shuddered.

Xu Wenshu didn't care about that much at this time, his heart and eyes were full of love for this person, he stretched out his hand to take her into his arms, took her out of the bathroom, and walked all the way into the bedroom, helping Jiang Huaiduo to regain his health from the small wooden wardrobe. Picked up a piece of clothing and a clean towel and came out.

"You change your clothes first... If there's anything else, let's talk about it later."

"it is good……"

Xu Wenshu gently closed the door and stood at the door.

It was quiet inside as if nothing had happened. He was inexplicably panicked, and his fingers hanging on his sides moved lightly, wanting to find a cigarette to stimulate his dry throat and vent his bad emotions. .

But the people inside have sensitive noses and can't smell the smoke.

I don't know when I quit, and now I can't find one on my body.

He could only lean against the cold wooden door to calm his mind down a bit. The thoughts of the people inside were chaotic, so he couldn't follow along.

He promised to be a strong shield, so he had to be steady.

 Aww!Don't fatten me up and leave more messages, my dears!Otherwise you may raise "I" to death.
(End of this chapter)

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