The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 58 058: Well, I'm not afraid

Chapter 58 058 Well, I'm Not Scared

Just when Liu Hao and Zhang Jin were lying behind a grass altar and were about to ambush OUG, Mo Ziqing actually brought Yuny and NIM around from the back room, entered the safe area around the big poisonous circle, and hit Liu Hao Zhang Jin's rear .

OUG's newly trained player JER still has no actual combat experience after all. When he killed an NPC at a corner, he was paralyzed by the chaotic gunfire. The npc's were killed with sprayers.

Yuny originally cooperated with JER. After JER was beaten to death, he naturally followed behind Mo Ziqing. After Yuny and NIM got together, they had a wonderful chemical reaction.

The two naive ghosts competed with each other, Mo Ziqing didn't leave a single NPC, and the captain who had changed from an attacker to a tool man didn't complain at all. Anyway, as long as they listened to him, what did a few heads matter?
Being able to eat chicken and keeping OUG's face is the real thing.

Zhang Jin crouched behind the grass altar and didn't see the figure running away from the drug. He panicked and was about to tell Liu Hao to look behind when the whole screen went black and he was killed by a bomb.

"What the hell is going on?" Liu Hao's palms were still sweaty, and a small piece of tissue was stuffed into his hands to soak up the sweat. He looked at his blacked-out screen in shock, at a loss for what to do.

Are you kidding me?
He just blinked, how did he die?

On the contrary, Zhang Jin seemed much calmer. He took his hands off the keyboard and waved leisurely to the camera to greet the fans who were watching the live broadcast.

Reaching out to pick up the water glass next to him, the camera automatically switched to Xu Wenshu's operating perspective.

"What can happen? They were hacked by Mo Ziqing and the others." Zhang Jin drank his saliva and continued: "It's because Liu Hao and I were too swollen. The place we were looking for was not a particularly good shelter, and then I didn’t look at the front, back, left, and right in time, and I didn’t notice the people from OUG coming in from behind.”

"It's okay, there's me and the captain, it's true." Jiang Huaiduo quickly comforted, but subconsciously clenched the mouse with his hands, his eyebrows were furrowed, and he licked his dry lips with a pink tongue, feeling a little nervous.

After all, they were the whole team alive just now, but all of a sudden, OUG sent the two of them away directly.

3v2, single and weak.

There are two crazy players on the opposite side, and I don't know if they can win this round.


When Jiang Huaiduo was worried, the little finger of his left hand was gently pulled off, and he subconsciously looked in the direction of the source of the force.

Xu Wenshu let go of the hand holding the mouse, gently pinched Jiang Huaiduo's little finger of his left hand with his thumb and forefinger, and swayed slightly, pressing down with his soft fingertips, comforting him like coaxing a child.

"Why panic, it's not the end yet."

"At the end of the day, there are only three of them. The extra one might be a hindrance. Don't be afraid."

Xu Wenshu's voice was like a beautiful melody played by a deep cello, soothing Jiang Huaiduo's restless mood.

A warm current overflowed in his heart, and Jiang Huaiduo pulled out his hand in a panic like an electric shock, and turned to look at the computer screen seriously.

Xu Wenshu hadn't heard anyone's response for a long time. He thought he couldn't wait, but when he entered a hidden place, he heard voices from the team.

"Well, I'm not afraid."

The two people here are full of warmth, while Liu Hao and Zhang Jin, who are also in the team, dare not even switch the camera with the keyboard, for fear of making a little noise to show their redundant presence.

(End of this chapter)

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