The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 59 059: As a sandwich, he is too difficult

Chapter 59 059 As a sandwich, he is too difficult
Jiang Huaiduo took a deep breath, his expression changed slightly, he was no longer as relaxed as before, his hands were quickly pressing on the keyboard, and the commands and ideas were much clearer and simpler than before.

"Because there are three people on the opposite side, we can't go directly. Let's try to see if we can spend time with them, try our luck, and see whose direction the poisonous circle shrinks." Jiang Huaiduo suggested.

Xu Wenshu: "This is not impossible, but the wait time for this is too long, and we may not be able to catch up on time for dinner."

"?" Jiang Huaiduo was speechless for a while, frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded seriously, "What you said is quite reasonable, anyway, the situation is no longer within our prediction range, why not? Let's do it directly."

"It's not impossible."


Jiang Huaiduo snorted softly, whistled, and winked at the person next to him, and Xu Wenshu knew what she wanted to do.

Xu Wenshu loaded the gun with bullets, separated from Jiang Huaiduo, and was going to try to beat the OUG people after going around the drug ring, while Jiang Huaiduo who stayed where he was was even more arrogant, and fought head-on if he wanted to leave. Go out and ask on the street, she really hasn't been afraid of anyone.

Those who fought her head-on had either already retired or were beaten to the point of autism.

After Mo Ziqing eliminated the two HOK players, his heart finally fell back a little. He thought, as long as he stabilized himself in the next time, OUG would definitely win this game in the end. If you win the first picture, the next two are not particularly difficult.

He thought so, but his teammates didn't agree.

Compared with Mo Ziqing's cautiousness, Yuny and NIM are just like two firecrackers. Previously, JER occasionally made noises to deal with the awkward atmosphere between the two of them. Now there is only Mo Ziqing who is too lazy to argue with them .

The rivalry between YUNY and NIM has never stopped. They are clearly in the same team, but they don’t get along with each other. They wish they could not see each other tomorrow.

The little boy JER who was caught in the middle felt that he was about to die. He squeezed the armrest of the gaming chair nervously and swallowed his saliva, fearing that the two big guys sitting next to him would pick up the keyboard and throw each other at each other if they disagreed.

As a sandwich, he is really too difficult.

Jiang Huaiduo breathed calmly, and calmly dealt with the next situation.

She knows Mo Ziqing's strength very well. This person is solid, whether it is technique or character.

Compared to Mo Ziqing, Yuny and NIM are a little more impulsive and less difficult to deal with.

"How long are you going to have, captain?" Jiang Huaiduo turned his perspective, looking for a place that is easy to hide and defend, and will not be easily killed.

Xu Wenshu, who was still circling the big poisonous circle, glanced at the rough punctuation marks on the map, and responded softly: "I'll be there soon, just wait. Be careful not to let Mo Ziqing find out, or you will be alone , he can definitely guess what we are thinking, maybe he will choose to jump directly from the building and kill you first."

"Well, tell me when you're better." Jiang Huaiduo held the mouse with slightly moist palms, frowned, and stared at the screen nervously, fearing that the situation would change suddenly and make them expect the result Disappear.

Xu Wenshu didn't dare to procrastinate, and controlled the characters to shuttle and move quickly. He had to stop and spray medicine to ensure that the blood volume was in a safe state, and he also had to be careful not to be discovered by OUG people.

The speed must be fast.

(End of this chapter)

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