The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 60 060: "Slightly slightly slightly, come here if you have the ability!"

Chapter 60 060: "Slightly slightly slightly, come here if you have the ability!"

When Yuny and NIM were fighting secretly, you blocked my view and I took your position, Xu Wenshu had already made a big circle in the poisonous gas, and when he was about to attack Mo Ziqing and the others, he was discovered by NIM. , NIM shot a few shots at the place where Xu Wenshu was staying.

Xu Wenshu, who was hiding behind the stone, was not hit, but his health bar was constantly decreasing due to the poisonous gas. Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Jiang Huaiduo opened the mirror and looked at the direction Mo Ziqing and the others were in. Only Yuny was Those who didn't pay attention to Xu Wenshu gritted their teeth and threw three smoke bombs from their bag, spreading the smoke and preparing to take a detour in the opposite direction to approach the house.

The rising smoke blocked Yuny's line of sight, which also lifted Yuny's heart instantly. He quickly opened the mirror and looked at both sides of the rising smoke, but he didn't see any shadows of people. When there was a figure, he was shot several times in the head and died on the spot without giving him a chance to speak.

A trace of fear flashed across Yuny's face, still chewing gum, but it was quickly covered up. He left the keyboard with both hands, glanced at JER beside him, and said, "Get me a glass of water."

"Ah?" Inexplicably stunned by JER of the cue for a while, he quickly recovered and stood up to pour water for others.

Yuny turned his gaze back to the screen, blew a bubble with a bang, and said, "Be steady first, Jiang Huaiduo and Xu Wenshu are still very strong in cooperation. Divide your attention on Jiang Huaiduo, just now I The location where she was sniped was North 112, and she may have made a surprise attack from the front."

For YUNY's kind warning, NIM didn't want to accept it, and manipulated the mouse to change his sight to find a better angle to hit Xu Wenshu, and sneered: "Come on, you, you are dead and you are still talking fart, keep your own place and keep yourself" Do you know how to write it?"

YUNY didn't bother to distract others, since he had already finished what he should say anyway, since a pig teammate didn't want to listen, then he didn't bother to treat him as a human being, turned around and JER poured warm water upside down, and wiped the chewing gum in his mouth with a paper towel Wrap it up and throw it in the trash can aside.

He wanted to see how NIM would win.

The voices of the two people did not enter Mo Ziqing's left and right ears. Now his whole body is tense, his body covered by the thin team uniform is getting hotter and hotter, his cheeks are flushed, and he licks the corners of his mouth excitedly. Then deal with Xu Wenshu with NIM.

Jiang Huaiduo is even more challenging for him.

Mo Ziqing was Jiang Huaiduo's second captain to join OUG, and he was recruited by the club from other places. At the beginning, Jiang Huaiduo was not in the chicken club, so Mo Ziqing naturally had no chance to have a good fight with others.

If you encounter the weak, you will be weak, and if you encounter the strong, you will be strong.

Players like Mo Ziqing are the most troublesome, and no one knows when his next explosive point will be.

2v2, this match made Mo Ziqing's eyes red with excitement, completely immersed in his own world, and his voice was not much higher than usual.

"NIM, you are in charge of watching Xu Wenshu. Don't let him approach our house. When you have to, you can jump out, find a cover and throw mines. Anyway, block him, and don't let him have a chance to come out of the poison."

"This is the first time I've played a game with Duozi so seriously." Mo Ziqing narrowed his eyes slightly, the movements of his hands became lighter and lighter, and the speed of pressing the buttons was much faster than before.

NIM bit his lower lip tightly, and didn't have time to reply to Mo Ziqing's words. He really hates Xu Wenshu's style of play now, and he couldn't kill him. It's completely a look of "Slightly slightly slightly, come here if you have the ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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