The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 61 061: Damn it, Mo Ziqing's mind exploded.

Chapter 61 061: Damn it, Mo Ziqing's mind exploded.

Gritting his molars, NIM fired several shots angrily.

What the hell is this? It's so annoying!
Xu Wenshu didn't know if he replaced the whole bag with medicine, and it felt like he was completely invincible in the drug circle.

Soon the poisonous circle began to shrink again, as if Lady Luck was on Jiang Huaiduo's side, the poisonous circle shrunk in her direction this time.

"Captain, hurry up and come over to my side, your medicine should be almost finished." Jiang Huaiduo glanced at the safe zone shown on the map, heaved a sigh of relief, and ordered Xu Wenshu to come back quickly, don't be here anymore Stay there.

"Okay." Xu Wenshu glanced at his package, there were only two smokes, and he checked that there was still one-third of the health bar left, wondering if such a small amount of blood could support him to run to Jiang Huaiduo.

After the smoke was spread, Xu Wenshu did not throw it in the nearest place, but in a farther place.

When NIM saw the smoke, he became excited. He zoomed out and stared at the place where Xu Wenshu was huddled, waiting for someone to come out, and then shot Xu Wenshu to the ground.

Turn on the mirror, and the [-]x mirror can see the distant scene clearly.

Xu Wenshu knew that NIM would definitely stare at him, but he wanted to give it a try, so he jumped out and ran back soon after he jumped out. NIM's gun hit him, and his blood volume was almost bottomed out.

Xu Wenshu clicked his tongue lightly and began to replenish blood for himself.

This is the last medicine in the bag. After Xu Wenshu gave himself a shot, he said aloud, "I'm out of medicine. NIM has been staring at me, and I can't get out."

Jiang Huaiduo's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he bit his lower lip nervously.

Mo Ziqing was too difficult to deal with, and kept staring at her, not giving her a chance at all.

"Hold on a little longer, and I'll see if I can find an angle to throw mine in."

Liu Hao, who was sitting in front of the computer quietly watching the match between the two, switched to Jiang Huaiduo's perspective when he heard this.

The angle between Jiang Huaiduo's location and the house where Mo Ziqing and the others are located is very tricky. If you want to throw Lei in, the Chinese-style polygonal windows will also be a test.

It's not impossible, but in Liu Hao's view, it's really difficult for Jiang Huaiduo to throw it in.

Xu Wenshu's blood bar looked unhealthy, and he probably would die in the poisonous circle before long.

Jiang Huaiduo took a deep breath and raced against time with thunder, constantly switching angles to see which angle is easier to enter.

"The captain can't hold it anymore, five seconds at most."

Xu Wenshu didn't want to put pressure on Jiang Huaiduo, even though the blood bar was falling down, he didn't tell anyone in a calm voice. On the contrary, Zhang Jin was very rational at this time, and told Jiang Huaiduo the little time left.

Hearing Zhang Jin's continuous countdown, Jiang Huaiduo took a deep breath, and threw the thunder out of his hand, sweating nervously on his forehead, only to find that his hand holding the mouse was stiff and painful after throwing the thunder.

She was already too nervous.

Xu Wenshu's health bar returned to zero, and the screen entered the settlement screen.

Liu Hao and Zhang Jin, who were standing in front of the computer without even daring to blink, were extremely nervous.

Before NIM could be happy when he saw the green smoke rising, he heard an explosion sound from the earphone, and a black man disappeared from the screen.

"???" NIM looked confused, "My day?? Why did I disappear at such a big age?"

Mo Ziqing was also taken aback. After all, the landmine Jiang Huaiduo threw didn't come in immediately. He thought it was thrown on the wall and bounced back to the ground, so he was unprepared. Who knew that the bomb would fall from the wall at an angle? Flying in again?

Damn it, Mo Ziqing's mind exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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