The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 81 081: "Get rich first and then get rich later, so that we can achieve common prosperi

Chapter 81 081: "Get rich first and then get rich later, so that we can achieve common prosperity."

Before Jiang Huaiduo responded to the person's question, she saw Tiantian next to her take a few steps forward and took off the third-level haircut and second-level armor on her head.

"Wen Shen, why don't you use mine? Anyway, I'm skilled. I may not be able to survive to the end with such good equipment. It would be a waste to give it to me."

Xu Wenshu glanced at the third-level armor and the third-level head on the ground, and decisively replaced the ones on his body and threw them to Tiantian.

"Ou Huang is awesome." The corners of Xu Wenshu's mouth curled up slightly, and his mood, which was a little depressed before, has long since cleared up, and the words in his mouth also turned around, "Later, you lean to the side, Duo Duo and I should Can bring you to eat chicken."

The existence of the European Emperor in this game makes it meaningful.

"Hehehe, it's okay, it's okay, just protect Doshen when the fight starts later!" Tiantian has been turned into a mother fan by Doshen after going through the game from a wife fan.

Who can be attracted by a cute and cute girl?

Xu Wenshu nodded when he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the earphones, turned his head in the direction of the gun, and shot the gun twice in the direction of the sound of footsteps. After a puff of smoke, he asked the two people next to him to go up and lick the equipment.

"Let Tiantian change the equipment on her body first, I'm not in a hurry." Jiang Huaiduo clicked his tongue twice, and changed the topic, "After all, the captain just told me that the poor eat chicken and the rich express, I dare not continue to be rich. Go down, I'm afraid it will become SF Express."

"..." Xu Wenshu was speechless for a moment, but the bright smile on his face made Yu Kai, who was on the same team, frown, deeply suspecting that he might not be able to read and understand.

how?Did Duoshen's words express half of the joy just now?
Yu Kai didn't know, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

"It's okay, get rich first and then get rich, so that we can achieve common prosperity." Xu Wenshu said rationally, "Duo Duo protects your audience, I'll go out first to see if there is anyone around, if not, we Hurry up and find a car to meet Yu Kai."

"it is good."

As soon as Xu Wenshu went out, Jiang Huaiduo hid sideways by the window, following Xu Wenshu's character all the time, looking to the side from time to time, so that if there was something wrong, he would be able to spot it immediately.

Xu Wenshu's reaction speed and sharp gun strength are not inferior to other players at all, but HOK's team is not many people who are good at strategy, so he was pushed to this position abruptly, which led to many fans who entered the pit later. Speaking of Xu Wenshu, apart from his treacherous strategy, he doesn't praise his skills too much.

Xu Wenshu killed two people in a row, licked the bag, and replaced himself with an unconventional sprayer, so that Jiang Huaiduo came out with Tiantian to find a car.

After finding the car, the three fell into a stalemate. Tiantian wanted to drive, and Jiang Huaiduo also wanted to drive. Xu Wenshu didn't quite trust their driving skills. ,

Let's not talk about Tiantian's driving skills, Xu Wenshu has never seen it before, but Jiang Huaiduo... Xu Wenshu is really a little scared.

Three times I drove into a tree and overturned three times. Four times I swerved over a boulder in an S-shaped bend and couldn’t move. The remaining three times I either ran straight into mines thrown by others or died in the bombing zone.

Jiang Huaiduo must drive in every annual funny collection.

Duo Shen drives, a "female driver" who has been ridiculed on hot searches.

"Well... next time, let's eat the chicken first." Xu Wenshu comforted in a gentle voice, not daring to say it clearly.

"Then let Tiantian drive." Jiang Huaiduo curled his lips, turned around and threw the important project of driving to Tiantian.

"..." Xu Wenshu was silent, he held the mic and said to Yu Kai, "If you can't get in the car, don't get in the car, hurry up and find another one."

"?" Yu Kai, who was still having fun killing all directions, scratched his head in confusion.

What the hell?
(End of this chapter)

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