The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 82 082: Tsk, this is a man

Chapter 82 082: Tsk, this is a man
After this matter was decided, Tiantian got into the car, Jiang Huaiduo sat in the co-pilot seat, and scanned the surrounding environment with the gun fired, Xu Wenshu was worried that Tiantian would drive like Jiang Huaiduo, his eyes were fixed on the screen in front of him, I was afraid that someone who didn't pay attention to Tiantian would bump into it.

"There is a tree ahead, go left and go left!"

Seeing that the car was about to hit a big tree, Xu Wenshu's heart was almost in his throat.

"What? On the left? Which key? A key or D key came?!!! What kind of presses?" Sweet sweet was shouted by Xu Wenshu, and he was blank in his mind. To do it, subconsciously turned on the mic and asked Jiang Huaiduo which one she should press.

"AAAA key!!! The key where the little finger is!"


Xu Wenshu watched them pass by a big tree, especially when the angle of view was facing the outside of the car window. He felt that his face was only a few millimeters away from the tree.

"..." Xu Wenshu sighed, "Why don't we change to..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Wenshu's game perspective suddenly changed from the distant land to a few white clouds floating in the blue sky. Before he could react, he heard the sound of cracking from the earphones.

"Fuck... Duoduo, we're stuck with a bug." There was a crackling sound of Tiantian typing on the keyboard, but it didn't change their buggy status at all.

Jiang Huaiduo was also a little bit deceived, jumped off the car, landed on the ground, and looked up at the sky from a different perspective, and could see Tiantian's car hovering in mid-air, not knowing what kind of bug it was .

No matter how you look at it, it's miraculous.

"How did you do this?" Jiang Huaiduo asked with a suppressed smile.

The three of them circled the half-empty car underground several times, and they were able to go up after clicking on the car, but they couldn't move. When they got off the car, they saw the car in mid-air.

No matter how you look at it, it's a ghost.

"I don't know." Tiantian on the other end almost rolled the keyboard anxiously.

What shameful public execution is this?

It's really hard to be human.

[Haha in a trance, fortunately Wenshen is not at the base today and can't see his face, otherwise the expression on his face should be as wonderful as a dead dog. 】

[Sweet and awesome! ! ! !A woman who can rival Duo Shen's driving skills. 】

[On the gods who ate chicken and bugs in those years. 】

[Wen Shen: I thought I had escaped Duo Shen's magical operation, but I didn't expect to be more suffocated later. 】

[Is no one looking at Yu Kai?The child is probably still waiting for your car outside hahahahaha]


After a while, an entry appeared on Weibo Hot Search.

#Drive? The kind that goes to heaven#
After Yu Kai shot and killed thirteen people by himself, when he was about to run long-distance poisoning again, he found that there were no cars around, and the newly shrunk safe zone was far away from him. When I was alone, I realized how wonderful things I missed just now.

"What the hell? The car is going to the sky?" Yu Kai, who had just controlled the character to raise his steps and was about to run outside, swiped his hand and turned in a direction.

"Yeah." Xu Wenshu was already calm, seeing through everything in the world.

Fortunately, it was just a buggy car that went to the sky, rather than a teammate throwing a bomb and blowing himself up.

None of this counts.

"No, how can I get to the safe zone without a car?" Yu Kai said anxiously, "I have thirteen heads! You have to find a way for me!"

Xu Wenshu glanced at him, "Reopen suicide, anyway, there are only thirteen heads."

"??" Yu Kai, who pricked up his ears to listen to the suggestion, let out a cold laugh, picked up his dried shrimp and garlic vermicelli and took a bite.

Tsk, this is the man.

(End of this chapter)

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