The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 83 083: I really can't live through these days

Chapter 83 083: I really can't live through these days

At the end of this match, Yu Kai died in the drug circle. In the end, he didn't even bother to move.

E-sports, if you can’t do it, you give up, shrimp and garlic fans, if it’s more delicious, then eat chicken.

Yu Kai left the keyboard with both hands, and sat beside the fan with his legs crossed, pointing at Xu Wenshu who was not dead yet.

"This is not right, that is wrong! There are people behind!"

"Ham, Wenshen, why are you so good?"

"Left to the left! Tsk tsk tsk, Dodo pay attention behind you, there is someone!"


Jiang Huaiduo licked his lips and did not hide, and was killed by hanging through the wall from behind, frowning and did not speak.

Xu Wenshu, who was sitting next to Yu Kai, adjusted his headset, and glanced coldly at Yu Kai, "Why don't you close your mouth full of garlic? Are you the only one with a mouth?"

Yu Kai, who was inexplicably cold behind his back, stopped his hand that was disturbing the fans, smiled apologetically, touched his nose and turned the chair back, distanced himself from Xu Wenshu.

"Please, please, please continue, I will shut up." Yu Kai stuffed another mouthful of vermicelli into his mouth.

Xu Wenshu didn't bother to pay attention to the cunning Yu Kai, as soon as he turned his head, the game was over.

Over there, Jiang Huaiduo looked at the time, guessed that it was almost time for lunch, clapped his hands and said goodbye to the people in the live broadcast room, and turned off the computer only to realize that he forgot to say hello to Xu Wenshu.

It just so happened that Xu Wenshu called at this time.

Jiang Huaiduo leaned back against the soft back chair, raised his hand and rubbed his sore shoulders, with an unconscious smile in his tone.

"what happened?"

The background sound from Xu Wenshu's side was noisy, and there was also the whirring sound of the exhaust fan, and the echo was particularly loud.

"When you woke up this morning, your voice was a little hoarse. It was also when you were playing games just now. It's still a bit different from your usual voice." Xu Wenshu pressed his hand against the white door of the Internet cafe's toilet, and said, "Don't order takeaway later. Yes, eating too much is bad for your health. Go out to the building to eat something light, and buy a bowl of bitter tea from the shop on the first floor."

"Huh?" Jiang Huaiduo's hand touching his clothes stopped slightly, with a warm feeling in his heart, and the corners of his mouth could not hold back.

The person on the other side of the phone always cares more about himself than he thinks, holding the phone with his light white fingers, stirring the hand rolls of his clothes, his ears are reddened by the words on the other side of the phone, and the faint pink slowly spreads along Ruyu's skin. Climbing slowly, Jiang Huaiduo couldn't help shivering with numbness and trembling.

The body that was still relaxed before suddenly sat upright, looked around guiltily, for fear of being caught by someone with the appearance just now, his legs were stiffly closed together, and he hummed softly.

"Okay, I... I'll go back and eat."

Xu Wenshu laughed in a low voice, obviously he didn't see anyone, but just heard the sound of rustling over there, Jiang Huaiduo's shy look jumped into his mind, and he couldn't get rid of it, he pressed his fist to the corner of his mouth, and coughed lightly One sound.

"Pay attention to safety. When you enter the gate of the building, check to see if there are any followers behind you. If so, find someone to help you in the lobby, and call me if there is a situation."

"Hmm." Jiang Huaiduo responded, "I'm going to eat..."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Huaiduo reached out to cover his flushed cheeks and groaned.

This day... is really impossible.

Since coming to HOK, she has really been on the road of blushing every day, and there is a trend that is getting worse.

(End of this chapter)

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