The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 95 094: Looking at each other

Chapter 95 094: Looking at each other

In his haste, he didn't forget to knock on the door. He knocked three times in a hurry, but there was no response. Xu Wenshu didn't care about the difference between men and women, so he opened the door and walked inside.

The lights in the room were not turned on, Jiang Huaiduo was leaning on the wall, dizzy and unsteady at all, his body was shaking slightly, before he raised his eyes to see who was the person who opened the door and came in, he fell into a warm embrace .

Xu Wenshu picked him up in a worried way, put him back on the bed lightly, and pressed the secondary switch on the wall, and the previously dark room suddenly became as bright as day.

Jiang Huaiduo blinked uncomfortably, but she didn't dare to shift her head a little bit. The sudden pain made her a little scared, so she dared to maintain a posture until the discomfort gradually dissipated.

"Did you sleep for too long?" Xu Wenshu put his hand on the man's forehead, feeling the temperature.

Xu Shi was sleeping under the quilt, and in spring he was covered with a thin sweat. Other than that, Xu Wenshu didn't feel anything unusual about him.

Jiang Huaiduo, who slowly came over, grinned lightly, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just that when you stand up, you suddenly can't get your blood back, and this happened before."

"That means sleeping for too long." Xu Wen's expression was uneasy, and he wanted to blame Jiang Huaiduo for letting himself sleep for so long without setting the alarm clock, but he couldn't bear it.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of the man, Xu Wenshu suddenly swallowed all the grievances back, sighed, pinched the soft cheek of the man, "Be careful next time."

"Yeah, I know." Jiang Huaiduo nodded in response, as to whether she could listen to those words, and whether she would do them, that was another matter.

Xu Wenshu didn't think about it, and he also knew that Jiang Huaiduo's request would go in his left ear and out of his right ear, and he wouldn't listen to his heart at all.

But there are several more notes in his mind.

Jiang Huaiduo sat on the bed, there was silence between the two of them for a while, suddenly Jiang Huaiduo frowned, poked Xu Wenshu's exposed elbow a few times, and asked in a calm voice: "You always worry about me and care about me , can you pay attention to yourself, although Guangzhou is not very cold, but the temperature difference between day and night is still very big, do you just wear short sleeves and hang around the club?"

Following the person's words, Xu Wenshu remembered that he was still wearing short sleeves, his elbows were exposed to the cold wind, but his slender fingers were slightly bent because of the person's movement just now, and they touched the soft skin and the sunken place before. There was a slight electric current, which slowly climbed up his spine, went straight to the back of his head, and was violently shocked.

The elbow that was poked was frozen in place, but the free hand was quietly behind it.

Xu Wenshu's eyes darkened slightly, and his voice was hoarse, "I know, I'm going to get dressed. You sit here for a while, make sure you have nothing to do before getting up, so as not to bump into each other."

"I will. Hurry up and put on some clothes so you don't get cold." Jiang Huaiduo waved his hand at the man, urging him to go back to his room.

Xu Wenshu obediently withdrew from the private room. When he did, he happened to meet Zhang Jin who got up to throw the can after eating chicken.

"?" Xu Wenshu looked puzzled at Zhang Jin who didn't know when he would come back.

Zhang Jin, who was holding a can, looked at Xu Wenshu who came out of Jiang Huaiduo's room wearing only a thin T-shirt, and was momentarily embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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