The whole e-sports circle is eating dog food

Chapter 96 095: "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen."

Chapter 96 095: "I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen."

Isn't this fucking embarrassing?
If he had known earlier, he should have taken refuge at Liu Hao's house... Tomorrow morning, he would take the Guangzhou-Foshan subway line back after having a meal.

Now the club only has one couple and one dog.

It's really... miserable.

Zhang Jin preemptively restrained his embarrassment, "Don't worry, I've been a little night blind recently, and I can't see very clearly."

As he spoke, he raised his hand in a shooting gesture, and the soda can in his hand fell smoothly into the trash can, and the crisp sound echoed in the empty corridor.

Xu Wenshu was silent, raised his hand to touch his white and warm neck uncomfortably, "We are not..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen." Zhang Jin covered his ears, "I really didn't see it, so you don't need to explain to me, I'm blind."

With that said, Zhang Jin turned around and raised his hand to walk blindly in the unfurnished corridor.

"..." Xu Wenshu clicked his tongue.

These are all stupid teammates invited from somewhere, all of them are possessed by the heroine of a tragic drama.

Why don't I listen?

I can't be bothered to explain yet.

Xu Wenshu walked straight into his room, picked up the coat that was draped over the chair, and put it on. There were signs of coming back to Nantian, and the wooden floor was already wet.

Xu Wenshu looked down at his soiled feet unhappily, bent over and picked up his shoes and walked into the bathroom, planning to rinse them off with a paper towel and then put on plush slippers.

Jiang Huaiduo sat on the edge of the bed for a while, and after making sure that there was nothing wrong, he stood up and walked out of the room.

Zhang Jin, who witnessed Xu Wenshu walking out of Jiang Huaiduo's room, couldn't care less about playing games for a while, and started crying endlessly in [HOK's Kennel] with his mobile phone.

Liu Hao, who was watching a movie with his legs crossed at home, replied in a long sentence [That is what you deserve, I told you at the beginning whether you want to come to my place to stay for one night, you don’t want to, you have to go back early, can you just go back? Have you become the only cannon fodder? 】

Chen Yuan, who had already started to study in the evening, lowered his head from a pile of test papers, and took out a domestic brand-name mobile phone hidden deep in the drawer, [Hey, hey, don't just talk about yourself, but give me this If you don't know anything, let me tell you a word or two. 】

The iPhone that Chen Yuan bought with his bonus was confiscated by his mother shortly after he returned home. Now, he managed to find this non-brand touch screen that was made many years ago.

If the memory is small, it will say that the memory is not enough.

He didn't dare to download more software, just a WeChat to relieve his lovesickness, and Chen Yuan didn't dare to ask for more.

Being able to chat with the team members and learn about the outside world, Chen Yuan who was trapped in the "cage" was already very happy.

In front of the computer, Zhang Jin chatted happily with Chen Yuan and others. Anyway, neither of them is here now, and no one has seen the embarrassing scene before.

After all, the personal relationship between Wenshen and Jiang so obvious that except for the blind, everyone else thinks it is "bright as day".

And Yu Kai, who stayed in the Internet cafe all afternoon, stepped into the base during the last access control time of PIP. Before he could stay alone for a while, he was pulled up by his captain to train.

When the team was breaking through the last poisonous circle, Yu Kai, who was suddenly on his mind, stood up suddenly, and shouted in shock: "It's really fucking Goddess! Awesome, my brother!"

Everyone in PIP: "..."

This is going to be 5G, when will Yu Kai replace his suffocating brain?
 Ahhhhhhhh I couldn't bear it any longer, so I wrote [-].

  I will make up for the remaining four thousand days when I wake up! ! !

  Please remember, little cuties! !I have to use the red sleeve coins and book coins I recharged... I don't get any income from the system gifts!
  Let the children drink a cup of Strawberry Cheese! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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