Star map

Chapter 121

Chapter 121
Li Kang looked at the thousands of blue light threads flying towards him, his eyes showed seriousness, the space in front of him was distorted, and ripples emerged.

At the moment when thousands of dark blue light filaments flew into the space where he was, his body instantly disappeared without a trace, and those light filaments hit the empty space.

Not far away, Liu Song's eyebrows were frowned, a gleam appeared in his long and narrow eyes, and the corners of his mouth were drawn to the sides, showing a sneer: "This physical and star skill is amazing, but you can't escape The palm of my hand!"

After he finished speaking, the shuttle-shaped treasure tightly held in his big hand spun rapidly, and the thousands of dark blue light threads that just hit the empty space were pulled by some mysterious force, and flew towards the shuttle-shaped treasure strangely. Come back, not into it.

At this time, Li Kang's body appeared in the night sky forty feet away, holding a three-foot long sword with blue light in his hands, and nineteen dark blue stars surrounded by phantoms on its surface The sword body is spinning rapidly, it is really beautiful.

His eyes were fixed on Liu Song on the opposite side, showing a strong murderous intent. A three-inch-high dark blue centaur natal astrology appeared on his chest, with a purple-gold halo on top of his head.

Now, all the cracks on the dark blue Sagittarius natal star image have been fully repaired, and it is as smooth as new. It spins rapidly, and streaks of dark blue brilliance shoot into the three-foot blue long sword in Li Kang's hand at high speed. middle.

Immediately, the light of the dark blue long sword became more and more dazzling, and because it had obtained enough natal astrology power, the blue long sword made a pleasant humming sound.

Li Kang grasped the three-foot long blue sword tightly, and swung it quickly. He saw one after another blue sword shadows as long as ten feet long flying out of the three-foot long sword, flying towards Liu Song who was facing him. and go.

At this moment, Liu Song was not idle either, his three-headed cicada natal astrology spun rapidly, and dark blue brilliance flew out, submerging into the dark blue fusiform treasure in his hand.

The shuttle-shaped Blue Star Treasure emits a blazing blue light, like a scorching blue sun, and also emits an extremely carefree buzzing sound.

Immediately afterwards, the blue light above the dark blue shuttle-shaped Blue Star Treasure twisted and swayed sharply, turning into a bright blue light and shadow of three strange cicadas, exactly the same as Liu Song's natal astrology.

The light and shadow of the three strange cicadas tightly wrapped the dark blue shuttle-shaped treasure, and flew out of Liu Song's big fat hand, flying towards Li Kang who was opposite.

The eyes of the three strange cicadas Guangying turned blood red, and their thin wings vibrated extremely quickly.

The speed of the shuttle-shaped Blue Star Treasure wrapped in light and shadow is much faster than the speed of the light filament it just ejected, directly turning into a dazzling blue light, passing through the sword shadows, and appearing strangely in an instant It is a few feet away in front of Li Kang.

It seemed that those powerful sword shadows had no effect on it at all.

Li Kang saw the strange speed of the shuttle-shaped Blue Star Treasure, and couldn't help being surprised: "As usual, even the top-grade Blue Star Treasure is not so fast, unless..."

He only thought of one possibility.

The shuttle-shaped Blue Star Treasure spun extremely quickly, emitting tens of thousands of dark blue light threads, all of which flew towards where Li Kang was.

He wanted to escape, but he didn't have time.

In the process of flying, the blue light filaments were quickly cross-woven. In the blink of an eye, Li Kang, together with the little white fox on his shoulders and the nebula under his feet, were all wrapped in these tens of thousands of dark blue light filaments, emitting a dazzling light. Blu-ray.

If you look carefully, you will find that there is a huge existence like a cicada chrysalis in the space where Li Kang is standing, and its surface is full of dark blue light threads intertwined.

At this moment, the dozens of Zhangxu-sized sword shadows struck by Li Kang also viciously attacked where Liu Song was, but he did not dodge or dodge, his eyes staring coldly at the strange cocoon.

The shadow of the sword submerged Liu Song, as if a deep blue sun appeared where Liu Song was standing.

"Boom" came a loud noise.

The next moment, the sword shadow on Liu Song's body surface had disappeared without a trace, and he was standing on the nebula intact, the dazzling blue radiance on his body surface was still the same as before.

After experiencing the sword shadow attack, the only difference he showed was that half of the dark blue brilliance on his three-headed monster cicada's natal astrology disappeared and became gray-white.

Liu Song didn't care, his hands were shaped like sword fingers, and he kept aiming towards the shuttle-shaped blue star treasure floating in the air in front of him, and streaks of blue brilliance shot out from his fingertips. Submerged into the shuttle-shaped blue star treasure in front.

The shuttle-shaped Blue Star Treasure wrapped in the light and shadow of three strange cicadas on the surface is still spinning rapidly, and densely packed dark blue light threads continue to fly out, submerging into the huge cicada pupae in front of it.

The cicada chrysalis, which absorbed more and more light filaments, became bigger and bigger, and the light became more and more intense.

At this moment, Li Kang, who was inside the cicada chrysalis, felt cut off from the outside world.

He wanted to use the nine-turn maneuvering skill, but he couldn't do it without this cicada chrysalis.

There was an extremely dignified look in Li Kang's eyes, and at this moment, he finally confirmed the inference in his heart.

The shuttle-shaped high-grade blue star treasure in Li Song's hand should be a natal star treasure.

The so-called natal star treasure is a star treasure that matches the natal astrology of the astral body person. Such a star treasure will exert a power beyond its level in the hands of a specific astral body person.

For example, if the same sword-shaped Blue Star Treasure coincides with the natal astrology of an astral person who has a sword-shaped natal astrology, and the astral body person uses this sword-shaped Blue Star Treasure, it will be more powerful than other stars. The warrior uses this sword-shaped Blue Star Treasure to exert greater power, sometimes it can exert twice or even more power.

When an astral warrior with a sword-shaped natal astrology crazily injects the power of his natal astrology into the sword-shaped Blue Star Treasure that fits with his natal astrology, and reaches the state of "unity of human and sword", the power exerted is even greater. huge.

The shuttle-shaped Blue Star Treasure in Liu Song's hand coincided with the natal astrology of the three strange cicadas, so it displayed a power that surpassed that of the top-grade Blue Star Treasure.

Just now, three strange cicada lights and shadows appeared on the surface of the shuttle-shaped Blue Star Treasure, which means that it has reached the state of "human and shuttle integration".

In the land of the Nine Kingdoms, due to the extreme shortage of star masters, star treasure masters are even more scarce. Liu Song was able to obtain a top-grade shuttle-shaped blue star treasure that matches his natal astrology, which shows that his luck is not shallow.

Li Kang owns the natal astrology of a man and a horse. If he has a good-grade bow-shaped star treasure that matches his natal astrology and becomes his natal star treasure, his strength will increase a lot.

Of course, it doesn't mean that for astral warriors with sword-shaped natal astrology, any sword-shaped star treasure is their natal star treasure.

It is said that every star treasure has spirituality. The higher the grade, the higher the spirituality. Generally, the blue star treasure has higher spirituality than the green star treasure. high spirituality.

Among them, the spirituality of the Green Star Treasure is the lowest, even the top grade Green Star Treasure is also very low in spirituality.

Only when the star person's natal astrology and the spiritual and mysterious existence inside the star treasure resonate harmoniously, and the two are mutually recognized, can the star treasure become his natal star treasure. This process is very difficult.

The natal star treasure is related to the natal astrology of the astral person.

After thinking about it clearly, he whispered to himself, "I have to break through the wrapping made up of this weird blue light thread, otherwise, I will definitely be slaughtered!"

At this time, the little white fox on his shoulder stared at the surrounding wall made of bright blue light threads with a pair of round, dark, spiritual eyes without blinking, and there was a strong curiosity in the eyes. color.

In front of Li Kang, the dark blue centaur natal astrology spun again, emitting a dazzling light. The three-foot long sword in his hand was clenched tightly, and he was about to use the sword shadow to break open the package made of blue light threads.

After making up his mind, he swung the three-foot blue long sword, and struck out a sword shadow of blue light, which hit hard on the wall made of light threads.

A dazzling light burst out, and there was a loud rumbling noise.

In such a small space, the loud noise shook people's eardrums.

The little white fox on Li Kang's shoulders stretched out two small furry front legs, pulled down the two erected ear leaves, plugged the ears, and disgust appeared in the eyes.

Li Kang's brows were also tightly frowned. The sword shadow just now attacked the light wall composed of light threads. After the light disappeared, it only broke a little bit of light threads.

Based on such results, even if he attacked dozens or hundreds of sword shadows at once, he still couldn't break through the weird light wall.

"Hey, boy in black, don't waste your energy. If you want to break open my chrysalis, you just need to rely on your first-rank cultivation of the Blue Star Realm and a top-rank Blue Star Treasure. Go ahead and dream! Unless, You have comprehended the natal star skill of the Blue Star Realm!"

At this moment, Liu Song's words with a strong Yandi accent came.

"Quick, hurry up and protect Mr. Zuo Xiang, don't let the thief escape!"

"Search carefully to see if this thief has any accomplices. If there are accomplices, kill them all!"


Immediately afterwards, Li Kang heard various noisy voices. He thought that his attack must have alarmed the guards of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

At this moment, his eyes are fixed on the bright blue wall of light, and the natal astrology is spinning slowly. He is about to display the powerful blue star realm natal star technique he just learned not long ago, breaking through the weird package in front of him things.

Liu Song, the left prime minister outside, still stood in the air, with his hands forming sword fingers, and continuously shot out streaks of dark blue natal astrological power towards the shuttle-shaped blue star treasure wrapped in the light and shadow of the three strange cicadas.

The shuttle-shaped treasure continued to spin rapidly, continuously shooting hundreds of light filaments toward the cicada pupa, and the weird cicada pupa became bigger and thicker.

"Hmph! Boy in black, you just wait to die inside the real chrysalis!" Liu Song's long and narrow eyes were full of fierceness, staring closely at the cicada chrysalis that was getting bigger and bigger. , said coldly.

At this time, thousands of murderous soldiers in dark green armor came to Liu Song's feet with weapons and torches.

Immediately afterwards, two nebulae with bright blue light appeared beside Liu Song, on which stood two old men with white beard and hair.

The appearance of these two old men is the same, even the natal astrology is the same, both are a five-inch tall dark blue two-headed monster mouse with a palm-sized five-color halo on it, which is the earth-level natal astrology.

"Master Zuo Xiang, please forgive the late arrival of the escort!" The two old men clasped their fists at Liu Song and bowed.

Liu Song's long and narrow eyes were full of murderous intent. He looked at the two old men and said in a deep voice, "It's not too late for you to come here so soon. Together with the truth, you can unleash the most powerful star." Skill, kill the boy in black with one blow, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

(End of this chapter)

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