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Chapter 122 Alarming Yanjing

Chapter 122 Alarming Yanjing
When the two old men with the natal astrology of the two-headed monster heard the words, they said in unison: "Follow the orders of Lord Zuoxiang!"

These two old men of the third rank of the Blue Star Realm are a pair of twin brothers. When these two old men were not the Dzogchen Astral Body of the Green Star Realm 20 years ago, they were hunted down by their enemies and almost died.

It was Liu Song, prime minister of the left, who rescued the two brothers and avenged their killing of the enemy. The two brothers took refuge in Liu Song and became his loyal guards.

Later, Liu Song rewarded them with a large amount of cultivation resources. The two broke through the bottleneck of the Blue Star Realm and became astral warriors of the Blue Star Realm.

They were loyal to Liu Song, and Liu Song told them to go west and never go east.

After hearing Liu Song's order, the two old men exuded a dazzling blue brilliance, and the natal astrology of the two-headed monster spun around.

In the hands of the two of them, each held a long knife with bright blue light. On the surface of the long knife, there were nine phantoms of stars spinning around. It turned out to be two middle-grade blue star treasures, only one star away. Then step into the ranks of the top grade.

The power of the two-headed monster mouse's natal astrology was crazily injected into the long knife, and the light on the surface of the long knife became more dazzling, making a happy buzzing sound.

The two old men quickly swung the big knives in their hands, and saw light and shadows of blue long knives that were about ten feet long emerged. The front of him spun around.

One after another, the shadows of knives are densely packed, forming a huge circle, constantly turning clockwise, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

When 99 sword shadows appeared in front of each of them, the two old men shouted at the same time: "Go!"

It can be seen that the hundredth knife shadow flew out from the dark blue broadsword in the old man's hand, and directly penetrated the circle formed by 99 rotating knife shadows in front of him.

After the long knife shadow flew out, the tail of the handle immediately flashed a dazzling blue light, which made people dare not look directly at it. The 99 knife shadows that were originally spinning seemed to be soldiers who had been ordered by the general. Immediately after the hundredth knife shadow, it flew away.

Moreover, these 99 sword shadows, in the process of flying, quickly submerged into the hundredth sword shadow.

The hundredth blue light of the sword shadow flashed, and the phantom handle of the knife began to solidify, and then, the blade began to solidify.

When the 99th long knife light and shadow absorbed the energy of the other [-] light and shadows, it completely transformed into a ten-foot-long dark blue long knife that was as solid as it was.

Two old men with the natal astrology of the two-headed monster rat said in unison: "Oneness!!!"

Their hands were shaped like sword fingers, pointing towards the dark blue long knife that appeared not far ahead, and the power of dark blue natal astrology flew towards the long knife.

I saw that the two absorbed the shadows of other knives and turned into a substantially one-foot-long dark blue long knives, and quickly merged together. The blue light flashed again, and a huge blue light ball appeared, which made people feel uncomfortable. Dare to look directly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a humming sound from the ball of light.

The huge blue light ball began to twist and change sharply, and a five-foot-long dark blue long knife appeared, exuding a chilling power.

At this time, the five-inch-high two-headed monster rat's natal astrology on the two old men's chests had all turned gray and white, and this blow used all the non-origin power of the two of them.

Satisfaction appeared in the old eyes of the two of them. The power of this blow, let alone a small astral warrior of the first rank in the blue star realm, even a fifth rank astral warrior in the blue star realm without the best star With the protection of treasures, they are confident that they can kill with one blow.

The soldiers of the green star realm and the soldiers of the non-green star realm under their feet saw the five-foot-long dark blue long knife, and their faces unconsciously showed expressions of horror, even There were also drops of sweat oozing from his forehead.

"The power of such a mighty dark blue long knife will definitely shake the world, and such an attack is beyond human's ability to bear!"

This is the thought in the hearts of these thousands of soldiers, and their hands holding weapons can't help trembling slightly.

Left Prime Minister Liu Song on top of their heads, at this moment, extremely strong murderous intent appeared in those long and narrow eyes, and the shuttle-shaped natal star treasure wrapped in light and shadow that indicated that there were three strange cicadas had already flown back. in his hands.

A shuttle-shaped light shadow that was several feet in size and also exuding astonishing power appeared above the blue cicada pupae. Inside the blue shuttle-shaped light shadow, there was also this huge phantom of three strange cicadas.

The soldiers below saw the newly appeared shuttle-shaped light and shadow, and their eyes also showed horror. Their hands holding the weapons trembled even more, and the sweat on their foreheads remained like rain.

"You all step back from the truth!" Liu Song glanced at the soldiers below with his long and narrow eyes, and shouted loudly.

The soldiers below, suddenly, as if they were about to receive an amnesty, they quickly ran towards the distance.

After they threw them out of the big courtyard, Liu Song shouted again: "Kill!"

As soon as his killing sound fell, the five-foot-long dark blue long knife and the several-foot-long giant shuttle-shaped light and shadow fiercely slashed towards the dark blue cicada chrysalis below.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Liu Song's fleshy face, but the smile looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

The other two old men with the natal astrology of the two-headed monster mouse also showed smiles on their old faces, which were equally bloody and ferocious.

They believed that in the face of such an attack, a little guy at the first rank of the Blue Star Realm, even if he was against the sky, would undoubtedly die.

Their attack from the outside of the cicada chrysalis will not be hindered in the slightest, and its power will not be reduced.

However, just when the five-foot-long blue long knife and the huge shuttle-shaped light and shadow were about to attack the blue cicada chrysalis, an unexpected scene appeared.

I saw that there were dense spider silk cracks on the surface of the huge dark blue cicada chrysalis, just like the dense cracks that were glued together again after the ceramics were broken.

At the same time, there were one after another neighing sounds of war horses coming from the blue cicada chrysalis, as if there were thousands of troops and horses in the cicada chrysalis.

Immediately afterwards, there was a loud bang, and the ground could not help shaking.

The cracked dark blue cicada chrysalis was torn apart, turned into stars and disappeared without a trace, and then, a full fifty dark blue horses appeared with the upper body of a man with a bow and arrow, and the lower body of a majestic horse. in front of the crowd.

Each of these fifty dark blue men and horses carried a strong fighting spirit and astonishing power. They rushed towards the five-foot-long dark blue long knife bravely, and rushed towards the huge sword. Dark blue fusiform light and shadow with three ghost cicadas.

The centaur, the dark blue long knife and the fusiform light and shadow are like fire meeting water, the two can never be compatible.

Immediately, a huge light group with a size of tens of feet formed in the air, exuding a dark blue light that people dare not look directly at, just like a round of real dark blue scorching sun appearing in the sky above the prime minister's mansion. There was a constant roaring sound.

This huge blue scorching sun turned the entire huge Prime Minister's Mansion into a dark blue color, and also enveloped the magnificent Yan Palace, which was only one street away from it, and the Yan Palace turned blue. Even the Grand General's Mansion several miles away and the surrounding dwellings were shrouded in blue.

At this moment, the small half of the capital of Yan Kingdom was shrouded in blue, and it became a dreamlike world, beautiful and beautiful.

Such a situation alarmed everyone in the prime minister's mansion, everyone in Yan Wang's palace, and everyone in the general's mansion.

At this time, everyone who saw the dark blue couldn't help but focus their eyes on the direction of Yan Xiang's mansion, their eyes were full of inconceivable colors.

The high-level astral warriors know that there must be masters from the Blue Star Realm fighting in the Yan Xiangfu.

At this moment, standing at the corner of the General's Mansion, a big man with a simple and honest face carrying a load of goods, stared at the huge blue light ball in the direction of the Prime Minister's Mansion, dazed.

As an ordinary person, he had never seen such a beautiful ball of light before, and he was stunned for a while.

Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly came back to his senses, put down his burden, took out a dark cylindrical object from his arms, held it tightly, and trotted towards the direction of the General's Mansion.


Immediately afterwards, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, as if a thunder had exploded.

Wang Daxi, with a simple and honest face, felt the ground tremble, couldn't help but staggered, and fell a dog gnawing on the mud.

However, he immediately got up with a face full of horror, and continued to run towards the gate of the General's Mansion.

This Wang Daxi was exactly the simple and honest man Li Kang asked him to give.

At this moment, Li Kang, who is above the Prime Minister's Mansion, is driving the blue nebula, and his eyes are full of murderous intent. The old man with the natal astrology.

Liu Song and the two old men were also shocked at this moment. A boy of the first rank of the Blue Star Realm, under the situation of dying, unexpectedly had a big reversal, and Xianyu turned around, which was really unexpected.

At this time, several dark blue brilliance rose from the palace and came towards the prime minister's mansion quickly, and there were also dark blue brilliance that rose from other directions and also came towards the prime minister's mansion. .

Li Kang found those blue lights coming towards here quickly. He knew that these were astral warriors from the Blue Star Realm. Their arrival would definitely be bad for him.

A resolute and ruthless look appeared in his eyes full of murderous intent.

He had a decision in his heart:

"While Liu Song and his two subordinates are still in a daze and before launching a new offensive, use the most powerful star skills to kill Liu Song in the shortest possible time. Otherwise, wait for those Lan who control Nebula After the star realm powerhouse arrives, I have no chance to do anything, and my life is very likely to be confessed here!"

(End of this chapter)

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