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Chapter 123 Reappearance of Blood Recommended 7 Stars

Chapter 123 Reappearance of the Blood Recommended Seven Stars

What Li Kang just displayed was the original star skill of the Blue Star Realm that he had only comprehended not long ago: galloping horses.

To be precise, what he used was only the first level of "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping", which turned into a hundred dark blue horses and horses. With his current cultivation base of the first rank in the Blue Star Realm, he could only use "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping" at most. of the first layer.

"Ten Thousand Horses Galloping" natal star skill is divided into three layers: the first layer can transform into a hundred dark blue horses; the second layer can transform into a thousand people, the power is ten times that of the first layer; On the third floor, ten thousand dark blue horses can be transformed into real horses galloping. Its power is a hundred times that of the first floor and ten times that of the second floor.

In the previous life, Li Kang only mastered the first level of "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping" when his cultivation reached the third-rank Blue Star Realm, and mastered the first level of "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping" when his cultivation reached the sixth-rank Blue Star Realm. On the second level, the cultivation base has reached the Blue Star Realm Dzogchen Realm, and mastered the third level of "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping".

If, at this moment, he has mastered the third layer of "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping", then it is enough to kill Liu Song and others. However, Li Kang has only practiced the first layer now.

He can now achieve the one-hit kill star skill, only the taboo star skill Blood Recommended Seven Stars.

Resoluteness appeared in Li Kang's eyes, and his lips parted lightly, "I recommend Tianshu with my blood."

After he read this sentence, in the northern night sky that was originally covered by dark clouds, suddenly, a little light flashed out. It was the first star in the Big Dipper: Tianshu Star.

Tianshu star is like a charcoal fire, which burns thick clouds like black cloth, and hangs above the northern sky, shining brightly.

With the appearance of Tianshu star, Li Kang took the first step with his left foot. He used the ten-thousand-horse galloping natal star skill, and only one-fifth of the place still showed the dark blue natal star image of people and horses, which once again exuded The eye-catching blue light, the whole natal astrology showed a dark blue color, the height increased by an inch strangely, reaching a height of four inches, and the momentum suddenly increased by one point.

His brows were slightly frowned, as if that ordinary sentence just now had consumed a lot of his strength.

Immediately afterwards, Li Kang's lips moved again, and said, "I recommend Tianxuan with my blood."

As he read these words, light flashed again in the dark northern sky, and a bright star tore through the thick dark clouds and appeared next to Tianshu star.

Li Kang took another step with his right foot, and the astrological astrology of his Sagittarius burst out a dazzling blue light again, and his height strangely increased to five inches, and his aura climbed one more point.

His brows furrowed even tighter, and bead-sized beads of sweat popped out of his pores one by one.


When Li Kang said: "I recommend Yuheng with my blood." In the dark northern night sky, the fifth star, Yuheng star, appeared shining brightly.

The height of his dark blue centaur natal astrology has also increased to eight inches, exuding an extremely powerful aura.

All these are sent out, just in the counting time.

At this moment, facing Li Kang, the left minister Liu Song, who was tens of feet away from him, and the two old men with the natal astrology of the two-headed monster, finally recovered from the shock and realized that something was wrong.

Liu Song's narrow and narrow eyes showed an extremely dignified look, and there was a murderous look in them. He raised his head and glanced at the five shining stars that appeared in the dark northern sky, and then lowered his head to look at the black-clothed man on the opposite side. The height of the young man's natal astrology on his chest has strangely increased to eight inches, and it looks like he will continue.

At this moment, the boy in black gave him the feeling that he was invincible. If he allowed him to fully display the mysterious star skills, he would definitely die here.

Thinking of this, Liu Song couldn't help hissing loudly: "Quick, go and kill that boy in black, he is using a mysterious star technique related to the Big Dipper!"

The two old men with two-headed rats beside Liu Song looked at the black-clothed boy whose hair was blown away by the night wind dozens of meters away, and there was a look of fear in the old eyes: the other party's The power is too strong, even the left minister is not as powerful as him.

However, Prime Minister Zuo had already issued an order, and they had no choice but to use their star skills to kill the boy in black.

The two old men's two-headed monster mouse's natal astrology, which had already fully presented a dark gray, burst out with dazzling blue light again, and spun around, and cracks appeared on the astrology.

The old man held a dark blue long knife, and the power of astrology was poured into the long knife frantically, and the long knife burst out with dazzling light.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them slashed out streaks of light and shadows of dark blue long knives fiercely at the boy in black who was tens of feet away. It formed a circle in front of it and quickly rotated...

The two old men knew from the fight with the black-clothed boy just now that ordinary attacks could never pose a threat to him, so they unleashed their most powerful attack again.

When the two old men were using powerful star skills to attack the black-clothed boy, Liu Song, the left prime minister, once again tightly grasped the shuttle-shaped blue star treasure in his hand, frantically injecting the power of the stars into it...

At this time, Li Kang was still continuing to use the skill of blood recommendation seven stars.

Only two breaths later, the two old men had cast the hundredth light and shadow of the long knife, flying towards the place where the boy in black was.

The light and shadow of the long knife solidified instantly during the flying process, turning into two dark blue long knives that seemed to be real.


The two old men shouted at the top of their lungs.

The two blue long knives quickly gathered together and burst into a dazzling blue glow...

In Liu Song's hand, a dazzling shuttle-shaped blue star treasure also shot out a huge shuttle-shaped light shadow with three strange cicada phantoms, charging towards the black-clothed boy with a sure-to-kill momentum.

At this moment, Li Kang happened to read out the seventh sentence: "I recommend Fluctlight with my blood!"

The seventh star in the northern sky, like a black cloud like a black cloth burned by a fiery charcoal fire, appeared in the night sky, forming a "spoon" shape with the six stars in front, emitting Dazzling light.

He took the seventh step with his left foot, and his natal astrology suddenly increased to ten inches in height, and the scattered flowers showed a terrifying power.

At this time, Li Kang frowned tightly, and his whole body was drenched with sweat. In his pair of star-bright eyes, there was a look of extreme pain, which also contained strong murderous intent and a look of flesh pain.

He gritted his teeth, surrounded by nineteen phantom stars in his hand, and the three-foot-long sword shining with blue light flew out, facing the five-foot-long dark blue long knife and the equally huge shuttle-shaped light and shadow.


Li Kang shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the three-foot blue long sword exuded a brilliance that people dare not look directly at, enveloping the five-foot deep blue long sword and the huge shuttle-shaped light and shadow within it.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the entire huge Prime Minister's Mansion shook violently again.

There are also a series of strong hurricanes about the size of Zhangxu scattered from the burst, tearing apart the trees and buildings below, and flying dust.

Screams came from under Li Kang's feet. Obviously, the personnel of the Prime Minister's Mansion were affected by the bursting energy of the top-grade Blue Star Treasure Sword.

A hexagonal shield of blue light emerged around his body, resisting the aftermath of the Blue Star Treasure's explosion.

In Li Kang, the little white fox on Jiang's head also showed a frightened expression in a pair of round black eyes.

When the blue brilliance disappeared, his top-grade Blue Star Treasure disappeared without a trace, and the five-foot-sized dark blue sword and the huge shuttle-shaped light and shadow also disappeared without a trace.

The two old men opposite Li Kang and the flesh-faced left minister Liu Song all looked disappointed. The strongest blow just now had once again let the black-clothed boy dodge.

They were about to use their star skills to attack again, but they had no chance.

On the top of Li Kang's head, there appeared a huge dark blue footprint, which was two hundred feet in size, exuding an incomparably powerful aura that made people unable to resist.

Liu Song's narrow and narrow eyes looked at the huge blue footprint with a size of two hundred feet above the head of the boy in black, and there was a look of extreme horror in his eyes.

At this moment, looking at this huge footprint, he felt that he was a three-year-old child holding a branch, facing a strong man who was fully armed and holding a weapon, he could not give birth to the slightest resistance.

What Liu Song wants to do most now is to escape, to escape to heaven.

Without the slightest hesitation, he crazily injected the power of astrology into the nebula under his feet, and the nebula flashed a brighter brilliance, carrying his fat body and flying away into the distance.

The two old men with the natal astrology of the two-headed monster had already run away when they saw the left phase, and then looked at the huge footprints that they were obviously unable to resist. Spinning quickly, the power of astrology was injected into the nebula, and it flew towards the distance.

At this time, the huge footprints of two hundred feet in size and shining with dazzling blue light appeared in the night sky, shocking everyone who saw it.

Several men driving the blue nebula who were coming from the direction of the imperial palace stopped the nebula at the same time and stayed in the air, their eyes flashed dazzling blue light, and the phantoms of stars came from inside. It grew out and looked at the huge footprints above the Prime Minister's Mansion.

They casted their blue star eyes, saw the footprints clearly, and couldn't help being terrified. They all had a question in their hearts: "Is this still a star skill displayed by the blue star realm astral body?"

In the direction of the General's Mansion, there were also three bright blue nebulae staying in the sky at this time.

Ma Zicheng, the general with a majestic face and a strong murderous aura, stood on the nebula, and a dazzling blue light flashed in his big eyes, with phantoms of stars growing out, looking at the huge blue footprints, With frowned eyebrows, a profound word "Chuan" appeared.

The two armored blue astral astral warriors beside him also had blue light flashing in their eyes and looked at the huge blue footprints in the sky.

Facing the powerful footprints, their hearts were also shocked, and they did not dare to act rashly!

(End of this chapter)

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