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Chapter 355 Unfamiliar Land

Chapter 355 Unfamiliar Land
At this time, Wu Xingzi in gray clothes, Anthocyanin in peony clothes, and Liu Xingjian in green clothes, faced the jet-black animal skin with dazzling purple brilliance, their faces were as pale as paper, and their whole bodies began to tremble violently. trembling.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them knelt down with a "plop", facing the pitch-black animal skin, as if they were facing a god, which made them unable to resist at all.

To be precise, facing this pitch-black animal hide, the three of them felt that they were not even counted as ants, and they were terrified!

At this moment, the pitch-black animal skin seems to have turned into a vast and endless cosmic starry sky, in which there are countless stars shining. The colors of the stars are golden, green, yellow... and there are meteors with long tail flames. In the broken starry sky, there are starry black holes of different sizes that are constantly devouring the light projected by the surrounding stars, which is extremely mysterious.

Afterwards, all the stars and black holes in the endless starry sky transformed by the pitch-black animal skin all started to move, revolving according to special trajectories... Soon, a huge starry sky vortex composed of countless stars and black holes appeared. Filled the entire endless void, rotating in a counterclockwise direction...

The rotation speed of the vortex in the starry sky was getting faster and faster. In the end, even the stars in it could not be seen clearly. At the center of the endless vortex in the starry sky, an extremely bright light suddenly burst out.

Immediately afterwards, a transparent phantom came out from the center of the vortex in the starry sky. After careful inspection, it was clear that this was a little girl who was as transparent as crystal. Her transparent hair was braided into strands of braids. She had a round face with cute baby fat, and her eyes with long eyelashes were tightly closed and did not open.

The little girl with transparent crystal walked out of the vortex of the starry sky, walked barefoot on the road of starlight paved by countless stars, and walked to the purple light group surrounding Li Kang and others, opened her small transparent mouth, and blew out a crystal-like The transparent bubbles, the surface of the bubbles have stars and shadows flickering non-stop, and there is a faint purple-gold brilliance flowing, it is really beautiful.

The transparent crystal bubbles blown out by the little crystal girl rapidly increased in volume, instantly enveloping Li Kang, Pozhen and Huang Xiaoxiao who were already unconscious.

On the surface of the crystal bubble, there are countless phantoms of stars surrounding and rotating.

Immediately afterwards, the transparent crystal girl turned her head to the side, her baby-fat face was facing Wuxingzi, Anthocyanin and Liu Xingjian.

Immediately, the three of them felt dizzy, and an extremely mysterious force forcibly made them unconscious. The three of them fell towards the sea below like three heavy stones, making three dull sounds.

The transparent crystal girl let out a leisurely sigh. He turned his head and looked at Li Kang, Pozhen and Huang Xiaoxiao who were surrounded by the light ball with his tightly closed eyes. The transparent crystal girl stretched out her hand and waved lightly towards the sky sleeves.

Suddenly, the sky seemed to be paper, and a huge hole was torn open, and the violent space force swallowed everything around.

The transparent purple crystal bubbles enveloping Li Kang, Po Zhen, and Huang Xiaoxiao were also absorbed by the huge space crack.

At this time, the transparent crystal girl walked back to the center of the vortex of the starry sky on the road of starlight without looking back, and finally disappeared without a trace.Immediately afterwards, the entire endless starry sky disappeared, and turned into a palm-sized pitch-black animal skin again.

The jet-black leather turned into a black ray of light, flying towards the transparent crystal bubble swallowed by the space crack.

Then, the huge space crack in the sky completely healed.

The sea area has regained its tranquility, and there are a few white cotton-like clouds floating leisurely in the sky. They move with the wind and constantly change their shape, sometimes like a horse, sometimes like a cow, sometimes like a bird...

On the surface of the blue sea, only the sound of waves could be heard, and the sea breeze was blowing slowly.

At this time, three figures rose from the deep blue water, driving the red nebula. These three were Wu Xingzi in gray clothes with snow-white eyebrows. Liu Xingjian was cut with a knife and an axe.

The eyes of the three of them were full of confusion.

"Master Hua, after we chased Li Kang to this sea area, why did Li Kang disappear? Why did we fall into the sea?" Wu Xingzi, with white eyebrows, looked at Hua Qingsu with puzzled eyes. .

When Liu Xingjian heard this, he was also full of doubts, and looked at Anthocyanin.

Anthocyanin, who was dressed in a peony flower dress, didn't know what happened at this moment. Her memory stayed at the moment when Li Kang was trapped in the sea where he lived. She was also very confused about what happened next.

"I don't know why Li Kang suddenly disappeared!" Hua Qingsu sighed.

Next, no matter how hard the three of them tried to recall, they couldn't remember what happened after Li Kang was surrounded in this sea area, as if that memory disappeared inexplicably.

In the end, the three helplessly flew towards the direction of their sect, driving the bright red nebula.


I don't know how long it took, Li Kang slowly opened his eyes, his head was groggy, and there was a feeling of time and space confusion.

He felt as if he had a dream, slept for a long, long time, and seemed to travel through endless time and space.

After Li Kang opened his eyes, he couldn't see anything, the surroundings were pitch black, and he couldn't see his fingers.

He doesn't know where he is now.

Li Kang just remembered that when he was hit by the powerful star skills of Wuxingzi, Anthocyanin and Liu Xingjian, suddenly a purple brilliance appeared in front of him, and after that, he didn't know anything.

"Am I already dead? This is the legendary hell, full of endless darkness?" Li Kang thought to himself.

However, his question was quickly answered, he did not die, because, at this moment, he clearly felt the pain from his body, his whole body seemed to be falling apart, unable to move!

This was due to the fact that he had consumed too much essence and blood when performing the Seven-Star Taboo Star Technique of Blood Recommendation.

Li Kang couldn't help being overjoyed when he thought that he hadn't died yet: Only those who have truly experienced the moment of life and death can experience this feeling of remaining alive after a catastrophe.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the last moment, when he took out the white jade vial containing Wan'er's soul, he couldn't help being surprised when he thought of it, he was afraid that he would lose the white jade vial.

However, Li Kang's worries were obviously superfluous. There was a cold feeling in his right palm, and he held something in his hand. He knew that it was the white jade vial containing Wan'er's soul.

 I don't know why, it's getting harder and harder to write! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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