Star map

Chapter 356

Chapter 356
Li Kang wanted to hold the small white jade bottle in his hand, but he couldn't do it. He was too tired.

At this time, he thought of Po Zhen and Huang Xiaoxiao who were with him, and wanted to call them to see if they were by his side, but found that he couldn't call out no matter what.

All he can do now is to quietly open his eyes and look at the dark space where he can't see his fingers.

Li Kang wanted to inject the power of his natal astrology into his eyes and use his star skills, but he couldn't do it either.

His consciousness gathered in the astral space, and what he saw was an orange-yellow space, and on top of it was a vast and endless starry sky.

In the center of this yellow astral space, there is a transparent crystal bubble with lavender-golden brilliance, inside which is a one-foot-high gray Sagittarius natal astrology.

There is a purple-gold light cluster above the head of the Sagittarius natal astrology, and the natal astrology itself is covered with dense cracks, there are thousands of them, and it looks like it is about to break.

Seeing this, Li Kang knew that the power of the natal astrology must not be used now. If it was used again, it would be bad if the natal astrology was broken.

Immediately afterwards, he reluctantly withdrew his consciousness, and then entered the consciousness into the Xinghui space in his mind.

Immediately, at the center of the gray space of stars, there was a fiery red ball with a size of one foot. There were clusters of fiery red flames burning on the surface of this ball.

At the same time, on the surface of the round beads, there are also strange patterns engraved on them, revealing endless mystery.

This round bead is the "star pill" of astral practitioners. The size of the star pill is one to three feet in the early stage, three to five feet in the middle stage, five to nine feet in the late stage, and ten feet in the complete stage.

Today, Li Kang's cultivation base of Star Mind Master is in the early stage of Star Core Realm.

Seeing that the Xingdan still exists intact, he feels much better. With the Xingdan, he can still use the astrology of the star master.

Then, Li Kang withdrew his consciousness from the Xinghui space, tried to contact Xiao Hei, and soon got in touch. Xiao Hei was staying quietly in the spirit beast bag.

At the same time, he also learned that the little white fox was also in the spirit beast bag.

With a thought, the spirit beast bag at his waist opened, and two creatures flew out of the spirit beast bag.

These two creatures are exactly Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai.

Xiao Hei's blood-red eyes, like two blood-red lights, appeared in the darkness, especially conspicuous.

The lavender-gold hair in the middle of the little white fox's head also flashed a faint purple-gold brilliance.

However, relying on their faint brilliance, Li Kang couldn't see anything clearly.

He couldn't speak, but with a thought, he asked Xiao Hei to go nearby to see if Po Zhen and Huang Xiaoxiao were nearby.

Xiao Hei got the master's order, and flew away to the distance with a "swish" sound...

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Heifei returned to where Li Kang was, and the master communicated with him through consciousness, knowing that Po Zhen and Huang Xiaoxiao were not nearby.

After receiving this news, Li Kang felt a little lost.

Next, he gave Xiao Hei an order to protect himself.


In the desert at dawn, the originally dark horizon in the distance suddenly shone with a soft white light like old cotton wool.

Soon, a faint red light engulfed the white light like a tide, and a huge fireball forcefully squeezed out from the darkness, wantonly spitting out its furious fire.In an instant, the darkness was quickly burned away, and light and warmth returned to the world.

On the dead branch of a withered big Populus euphratica tree in the wasteland, there is a group of black vultures clasping the dead branch tightly with their claws, and a pair of sharp black eyes are nailed into the dead branch like nails. under the tree.

Under the dead tree, there is a person, a man in red with his eyes closed. He has thick black eyebrows and a thin face, revealing a sense of determination.

This young man in red is none other than Li Kang. He slowly opened his eyes, and the little white fox not far from him was sleeping on the ground at this moment, with "baji, baji" from its pink mouth from time to time. , baji” sound, and the saliva flowed out, obviously it dreamed of something delicious in its sleep.

Xiao Hei stayed on his shoulder, staring forward with a pair of blood red eyes.

At this moment, those vultures staying on the withered Populus euphratica saw that the young man in red had opened his eyes. They knew that they could no longer eat the carrion of the young man in red, so they flapped their wings and soared into the air to find the next bird. A goal now.




At this moment, suddenly there were loud roaring sounds, and Li Kang heard these sounds clearly.

His eyes couldn't help showing vigilance: From the roar, it can be judged that someone is fighting not far from him.

"Now I can't move my body, and the power of my natal astrology is exhausted. If a powerful red star realm astral body appears, then I will be in danger!"

Li Kang thought in his heart.

He immediately ordered Xiao Hei to prepare for the battle, and if anyone threatened him, he would kill the enemy.

Not long after, several figures quickly came towards Li Kang's direction.

These several figures are a strong man wearing animal skin clothes and a young man. Each of these strong men exudes a powerful aura.

However, at this moment, their faces were full of anxiety and horror.

Because, hundreds of feet behind them, there was a huge black figure chasing after them.

This huge black figure is a ten-foot-tall black bear demon, exuding an extremely fierce aura. It has a pair of dark blue eyes with a fierce light shining inside.

The black bear demon can cross a distance of more than ten feet in one step, the ground trembles slightly, and the distance between it and the several people in front is getting closer and closer. According to the development of this situation, the black bear demon can catch up in just a dozen breaths. on them.

Several people were running fast, at this moment, they saw a young man in red lying under the withered Populus euphratica tree not far away.

They felt that although the young man in red was very weak, the strange black and red creature the size of a baby's arm on his shoulder was very powerful, as if it was stronger than the black bear demon chasing them appearance.

"Senior, help! Help!"

"Senior, help! Help!"

"Senior, help! Help!"


The strong man and the young man yelled at Li Kang one after another, and at the same time, they ran quickly towards where Li Kang was.

They regarded Li Kang as a lifeline.

When Li Kang saw these strong men and young men, and the black bear demon hundreds of feet behind them, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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