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Chapter 360 Red Star Shell Relic

Chapter 360 Red Star Shell Relic

Soon, Li Kang checked all the treasures in the Red Star Shell.

Inside the Red Star Shell, there are 5000 million high-grade star stones, 1 yuan top-grade star stones, and countless middle-grade star stones.

There are [-] Lingyun grasses of the upper, middle and lower grades, and more than a dozen Tianlai branches.

There are thousands of other rare and rare healing medicines. These healing medicines can be used by astral practitioners in the Yellow Star Realm and Red Star Realm.

There are two third-rank star arrays and one fourth-rank star array.

Dozens of middle-grade and top-grade Huangxing treasures.

There are some other rare materials: monster bones, fur, monster pills, all kinds of wonders...

In addition, there are many cheat books on astral skills, most of which are the astral skills of astral warriors in the yellow star realm, a small number of astral skills of astral physique warriors in the red star realm, and two books on the astral skills of astral physique warriors in the purple star realm, the highest star technique of the Chi Yuezong. ——The taboo star technique Chiyue Fengtian is also among them.

Today, what Li Kang values ​​most is the book "The Scarlet Moon Sealing the Sky". He has personally witnessed the power of this taboo star technique.

Huang Tianxin, head of the Chiyue Sect, was able to temporarily seal the lords of the three major sects, allowing them to escape.

Looking at the "Red Moon Sealing the Sky" in his hand, Li Kang couldn't help but think of Huang Tianxin, the leader, and his past experience in the Red Moon Sect.At the same time, he also remembered the pursuit of him by Five Star Sect, Xinghuaya, and Star Sword Sect.

Thinking, thinking, Li Kang couldn't help clenching his fists, staring at "The Red Moon Sealing the Sky" and secretly said in his heart:

"Don't worry, head, I, Li Kang, will definitely use the heads of the three sect masters to honor your spirit in heaven, I will definitely rebuild the Chiyue Sect, I will definitely find Xiaoxiao, and train him to become the future head of the Chiyue Sect !"

After a long time, Li Kang calmed down his excitement, and put everything in the red star shell.

Then, with a thought, the spirit beast bag opened, and the black and red little black, the size of a baby's arm, flew out of it, spinning around its owner.

"Xiao Hei, protect me. I'm going to retreat to heal my wounds now!" Li Kang said with a slight smile on his face, looking at Xiao Hei who was constantly circling in front of him.

Hearing this, Xiao Hei nodded his little bloody head with sharp needles very spiritually.

After Li Kang ordered Xiao Hei, he took out a yellow star shell, took out some precious medicine for healing and some Lingyun grass from it, and placed them one by one in front of him.

He took out a [-]-year-old blood ginseng, took off several roots, and chewed it directly in his mouth. Immediately, there was a strong medicinal fragrance between his lips and teeth...

There is no time in practice, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

During this month, Li Kang was recuperating to heal his wounds, and he never stepped out of his room.

On this day, sitting cross-legged, he slowly opened his eyes, his pupils were radiant, and he looked extremely energetic.

Li Kang's thoughts moved, and a dazzling orange-yellow brilliance flashed on his chest, and then, a one-foot-high Sagittarius with a purple-gold aura emerged.

At this time, the entire body of the Sagittarius natal astrology is orange-yellow, and the surface is as smooth as new without any cracks.

He looked at the natal astrology in front of him, and his eyes showed satisfaction: After a month of uninterrupted swallowing of Lingyun grass, he finally restored the natal astrology that was about to break; After blood ginseng, the severely damaged body was completely repaired.

At this moment, Li Kang is full of explosive power, and his spirit is exceptionally full.

The little white fox squatting on the side saw its owner wake up, immediately wagging its tail, came to the owner, jumped into his arms, and rubbed its little furry head into the owner's arms affectionately.

At this time, Xiao Hei, who was floating quietly at the gate, also flew towards the master and stood on the master's shoulder.

Li Kang looked at his two demon pets with a smile in his eyes.

Not long after, he put Xiao Hei into the spirit beast bag, walked out of the house, and headed towards the direction where the elder of the Tianfeng tribe was.

He wanted to ask if there was any news about Po Zhen and Huang Xiaoxiao.

Mu Hua, the elder of the Tianfeng tribe, lived in a circular wooden structure in the middle of the Tianfeng village. When Li Kang came to the door, two sturdy men who were responsible for guarding the elder's house hurriedly saluted Li Kang respectfully.

At this time, Elder Mu Hua's voice came from the house: "Senior Li, please come in quickly!"

Two sturdy men guarding the elder's house opened the heavy wooden door.

Li Kang walked into it, and the elder Mu Hua led him to the main seat, poured him a cup of tea, and sat on the side seat beside him.

"Elder Mu Hua, do you have any news about the two people I entrusted you to look for?" Li Kang picked up his tea, took a sip, and asked as he looked at the old man in coarse linen.

Elder Mu Hua heard the words, his old face showed respect, and said:
"Senior Li, in the past month, I have mobilized tens of thousands of young and middle-aged men from the Tianfeng Tribe, and searched all the areas of my Tianfeng Tribe, and I also asked the other three tribes who have made friends with my Tianfeng Tribe to help find them. their territory.

However, there is no news about the two people you are looking for. I think they are not within the territory of our four tribes! "

Hearing this, Li Kang had a bad look on his face.

Po Zhen can be regarded as his life-and-death brother, and he is loyal to him, and he can help him refine elixir and break the star array.If he lost his soul, it would be like having an arm broken.

In addition, Huang Xiaoxiao is the orphan of Huang Tianxin, the head of the sect. He promised to take good care of Huang Xiaoxiao. If she were to die now, he would break his promise with Huang Tianxin, the head of the sect.

Li Kang would never allow anything to happen to these two people.

"Pozhen and Huang Xiaoxiao stood behind me when I was attacked by the three sect masters. They should have been transported to this place of punishment together with me?"

"They must be in the northwest of this Northern Territory!"

Li Kang made a decision in his heart. He looked at Mu Hua, the elder of Tianfeng Tribe who was respectful in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

"Elder Muhua, in the name of the Tianfeng tribe, you are now sending a message to all the tribes in the northwest of the Northern Territory, saying, 'Whoever can send the two people I want you to find to the Tianfeng tribe, I can give you 100 million Reward him with top-grade star stones. If anyone can provide accurate information about these two people, I will reward him with one hundred thousand top-grade star stones!"

When the old Elder Muhua heard this, his wrinkled face was full of surprise.

100 million high-grade star stones, even if all the belongings of the entire Tianfeng tribe add up, it is less than one-tenth of it.

The wealth of Senior Li in front of him made him secretly tongue-tied.

"What? Elder Muhua can't do it?" Li Kang couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw the other party in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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