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Chapter 361 Qingmang Tribe

Chapter 361 Qingmang Tribe
The old Elder Muhua recovered from the shock after hearing the words, and hurriedly bowed to Li Kang and said, "Don't worry, Senior Li, I will issue an order now, and your news will spread throughout the north and south within a few days." The village in the northwest of the territory!"

"Go!" Li Kang nodded.

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the elder's house and returned to his place of residence.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Li Kang took out a bright red star shell from his arms and injected the power of his natal astrology into it. The star shell emitted a dazzling blood-red brilliance and slowly opened it.

Then, a book was taken out by him.

On the surface of the book, there are four powerful characters written like golden hooks and iron scratches: The red moon seals the sky!

Li Kang was preparing to comprehend "The Red Moon Seals the Sky" while waiting for news from Po Zhen and Huang Xiaoxiao.

He slowly opened the book, and looked at it with a serious face...

Time passed, and five days passed quickly.

On this day, Li Kang sat on the main seat in the living room, and in front of him stood the old Elder Mu Hua, whose face was not very good.

"Elder Mu Hua, have you heard about my two friends?" Li Kang asked calmly.

The old Mu Hua nodded solemnly when he heard the words, and said: "Senior Li, I got a letter from the Qingmang tribe. They claim that the male friend you are looking for is in their tribe. If you want To bring back your friend, you must bring 500 million high-grade star stones and [-] Lingyun grass to exchange!

Moreover, they said, you must bring your treasures to the Qingmang tribe within a month, otherwise, if the time is exceeded, they will kill your friends! "

"What a big appetite! This is obviously extortion!" After listening to Mu Hua's words, the expression on Li Kang's face did not change much. Tell me about the situation of the Qingmang tribe."

The old Muhua looked at Li Kang with a smile on his face, and said worriedly: "Senior Li, the Qingmang tribe is the largest tribe in the northwest of the northern border, and the number of star warriors in the tribe reaches 10. There are thousands of stars in Blue Xingxuan, ten in Huang Xingxuan, and the one with the highest cultivation level is the late Huang Xingxuan.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Qingmang tribe is a giant. In its eyes, our Tianfeng tribe is just like an ant!and also……"

At the end of the elder Muhua's speech, he hesitated to speak.

The expression on Li Kang's face remained unchanged, and he said, "What else? Elder Mu Hua, just say what you want!"

"What's more, the people of the Qingmang Tribe have always been ruthless and will do anything to achieve their goals. Therefore, Mu Hua boldly implores Senior Li to give up looking for your two friends!
In addition, the news given by the Qingmang Tribe may not be true, they may have seen the high bounty given by the seniors, and gave a fake news casually. "The old Muhua Elder said with a sincere expression on his face.

After Li Kang heard this, there was a frightening light in his eyes, and he said: "I will not give up, my two friends. Even if the Qingmang tribe is a dragon's lake and a tiger's den, I will go through it. You will give up the Qingmang tribe Give me your detailed address, and I will leave today."

Seeing that Li Kang insisted on this, Elder Mu Hua sighed and said, "Okay! Senior Li, I will write you the address of the Qingmang Tribe right away!"

After Elder Mu Hua finished speaking, he went to the table next to him, took a pen and paper and began to write.

Soon, Elder Mu Hua wrote down the detailed address of the Qingmang Tribe on a piece of paper, and handed the paper to Li Kang respectfully.

Li Kang took the paper, glanced at it, and put it in his pocket.

"Elder Mu Hua, let's leave now!" After he finished speaking, he left the house.

A dazzling orange-yellow brilliance flashed on Li Kang's chest, and a one-foot-tall orange-yellow centaur natal star emerged. Immediately afterwards, his body flashed a dazzling yellow light, and a brilliant yellow nebula appeared under his feet. .

He steered the brilliant yellow nebula, lifted into the sky, and flew towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Elder Mu Hua, who was standing in the open area of ​​the Tianfeng tribe, looked at Li Kang's back, his eyes were full of shock: "It turns out that Senior Li is really a star in the Huang Xingxuan realm!"


half a month later.

The Land of Heavenly Punishment, the northern border, the northwest, the largest tribe, the Qingmang tribe.

The Qingmang tribe is located on a plain hundreds of miles in size, with densely packed wooden buildings and a population of millions. On the top floor of a huge spire-shaped stone building in the middle of the plain, there is a hall hundreds of feet in size. middle.

In the empty hall, there were ten men in purple clothes sitting in a circle, each of them exuding a powerful aura.

These ten purple-clothed men are none other than the ten elders of the Qingmang Tribe, the top ten stars of the Huang Xingxuan Realm.

"Great Elder, do you think that the person surnamed Li from the Wind Tribe will come here with treasures? It has been half a month now!" One of the big men in purple clothes with a sturdy face looked at A gray-haired old man in purple clothes said.

Hearing the words, the old man in purple had a cold smile on his face, and said, "Don't worry, the seventh elder. If a person surnamed Li from the Tianfeng tribe comes to my Qingmang tribe to pick him up, we will let him come and go. If so, If the person surnamed Li does not come to our Qingmang tribe within a month, we will go to the Tianfeng tribe to find him, kill him, and take his treasures!"

"Haha, the great elder is right, no matter whether the person surnamed Li comes to our Qingmang tribe or not, we can get the result we want!" A fat man in purple laughed.

"I just don't know, does this person surnamed Li really have many treasures?" One of the thin purple-clothed men said worriedly.

"Through the information obtained from the interrogation of the fat man in Huayi who was captured by us, and the information sent by the person surnamed Li using the Tianfeng tribe, I think that the person surnamed Li must have a lot of treasures on him. It is possible that the treasures on him The total value of it exceeds all the wealth of our Qingmang tribe!" The grizzled elder analyzed.

"That's good, kill this person surnamed Li, take his treasures, and use these treasures to greatly increase the cultivation base of our ten elders!"


When the ten elders of the Qingmang tribe were talking about Li Kang.

There is a dazzling orange brilliance, flying from the sky towards the place where the Qingmang Tribe is located. This yellow brilliance is a shining yellow nebula, on which stands a young man in red, and on his shoulders stands a A little white fox with a whole body of snow.

The eyes of this young man in red are as bright as stars, exuding light. This person is Li Kang.

(End of this chapter)

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