Star map

Chapter 540 Black Sword Peak

Chapter 540 Black Sword Peak
Not long ago, Li Kang had collected treasures from another place with bloody spots on the animal skin map.

In that area, Li Kang collected ten six-leaf blood soul grasses and five hundred purple star treasures.

On the third floor of the Heavenly Demon Pit, except for the two places where the six-leaf blood soul grass had monsters, there were no monsters in or out of the other places.

Now, Li Kang stood before the passage from the third floor to the fourth floor, hesitant in his heart.

On the third level, blood-colored monsters equivalent to the Black Star Realm appeared, and the number was eight or nine hundred. So how powerful are the monsters existing in the fourth level?
Now, I have collected eighteen six-leaf blood soul grass and more than 700 five-leaf blood soul grass. These blood soul grass should be enough for me to raise the power of my soul to the peak of the solid state, so that I can try to attack Consolidated Realm.

This trip to Tianmo Pit has been very fruitful for me!
If he goes to the fourth floor, he will encounter unknown dangers. If hundreds of Venus-level monsters appear, he will most likely die.

How to choose, Li Kang hesitated for a moment.

Regardless, a look of determination flashed in his eyes soon, and he already had a decision in his heart: go to the fourth floor!
Cultivation is to go against the sky. If you want to cultivate diligently, how can you not take risks? If a person dares not take risks, then for a long time, he will only be complacent.

I haven't felt the bottleneck of the Great Consummation of the Black Star Realm yet, and there are signs of loosening, which means that there are still some things missing in my realm.

After Li Kang made a decision in his heart, he no longer hesitated. He controlled the black nebula, turned it into a black brilliance, and rushed towards the bloody vortex above his head.

In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared into the bloody vortex, without a trace...

After an unknown amount of time, Li Kang felt his feet stepping on the solid ground, opened his eyes, and saw a blood-red color, the blood-red earth, the blood-red sky, and the blood-red vegetation.

He took out the incomplete animal skin of the color of dead wood, which flashed dazzling brilliance, and a new map flashed out. On this map, there was only a blood-red light spot, which was very eye-catching.

Li Kang knew that this spot of light was a place where precious treasures existed.

He looked at the bloody spot on the map in his hand, and his eyes were full of anticipation: What kind of precious treasure exists in that place of bloody spot?
With anticipation, Li Kang steered the black nebula, ready to head for the spot where the bloody light was.

At this time, he was surprised to find that after he controlled Nebula, the pressure on his physical body increased by more than ten times, and the consumption of the power of his natal astrology also increased by dozens of times, and he felt a huge pressure.

If he flies in the nebula, most of his natal astrological power will be consumed within a few hours, and at the same time, his body will be seriously injured if he bears such a huge pressure.

Li Kang took a deep look, the blood-colored sky had to close the nebula, stood on the ground, and walked towards the place where the blood-colored light spot was, and left quickly.

This fourth level of blood-colored space, like the third level, is also very desolate, without much life breath.

He looked at the animal skin map in his hand, and reckoned that with his current speed, he would be able to walk to the bloody spot closest to him in at most two hours.

Time passed quickly, and two hours had passed.

Now, Li Kang has arrived at the base of a pitch-black mountain with a thousand feet. This black mountain is like a long black sword pointing at the blood-colored sky, exuding extremely powerful power.

This mountain is where the bloody light spot shown on the animal skin map is located.

Along the way, Li Kang didn't encounter any monsters. Even so, he felt a little tired, because the pressure on the physical body here was too great.

Even if his physical strength is comparable to that of a demon beast at the peak of the demon emperor, it is still a bit difficult.

He thought, if an ordinary Venusian astral body came here, he would be able to walk a few miles away at most, but he couldn't bear the strong physical pressure and had to withdraw.

Feeling the huge physical pressure, Li Kang couldn't help gaining a new understanding of the mystery of the Heavenly Demon Pit. It's really not something ordinary people can set foot in.

It took him two hours to walk at an extremely fast speed, almost seventy or eighty miles away.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding!"

At this moment, there was a sound of golden swords clashing into his ears, and every "ding" sounded, the earth couldn't help shaking, as if an extremely powerful existence was beating the black dragon with a giant hammer. Jianfeng.

Li Kang listened carefully. The voice seemed to be coming from the top of the black mountain. He couldn't help but look up at the thousand-foot-high black sword peak.

However, he didn't find anything. The top of the black sword peak was shrouded in a blood-colored cloud.

Immediately afterwards, the power of his soul was released and stretched towards the top of the mountain.

However, as soon as his soul power approached the black mountain, it was bounced back, and he couldn't detect it at all.

Seeing this, Li Kang couldn't help being taken aback, frowned and thought for a while, and then prepared to go to the top of the mountain to have a look.

This giant sword-like black sword peak has a winding stone road extending towards the peak.

There are two ways to get from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain: one is to directly display the Nebula skill and drive the nebula to the top of the mountain. This is the easiest way; Steps, up the stairs.

The first method Li Kang thought of was the first method. A dazzling black brilliance flashed all over his body, and a black nebula appeared under his feet. His body soared into the air, ready to fly towards the top of the mountain.

He had just ascended a distance of ten feet, but he couldn't bear the huge pressure, and his physical body was on the verge of collapsing.

Li Kang was stunned, and hurriedly landed on the ground: It seems that the way to go up to the top of the mountain with the black nebula is not feasible, unless my physical strength reaches the level of a demon saint, it will be possible.

"I can only go up the mountain by those stone steps!" He murmured to himself.

Then, Li Kang adjusted his breath, walked to the foot of the mountain, and stepped on the black stone steps extending towards the top of the mountain.

As soon as he stepped on the first step of the stone steps, he felt the pressure on his body increased a bit compared to before.

Li Kang looked at the stone steps under his feet, his eyes as bright as stars flashed thoughtful, and he continued to walk up.

The next step, like the physical pressure of the first step, has not changed.

After Li Kang walked up fifty steps, the pressure on his physical body remained unchanged, the same as the first stone step.

However, when he stepped up a stone step, he found that the pressure on his physical body increased a little, which was one tenth of the original increase.

At this moment, a series of mysterious blood-colored brilliance emanated from the stone steps and sank into the flesh along his feet.

Immediately, Li Kang felt that his physical strength had increased slightly. Although the increase was very small, it could not escape his powerful spiritual perception.

When he discovered this, he couldn't help being overjoyed: he didn't expect that walking the stone steps would have such benefits.

With excitement, he continued to step up the stone steps, but one step, 52 steps, 53 steps... There was no increase in physical strength just now.

Until Li Kang reached the hundredth step, when he took the one hundredth step, there was a little bit of red brilliance again, which radiated from the stone steps of the one hundred and one step, and all of them disappeared between his legs. middle.

At this time, the blood-colored brilliance that appeared was a little more than that of the first step.

Li Kang felt that his physical strength had improved again, and when he saw it, he guessed a possibility: walking on the stone steps, every fifty steps, there would be a mysterious power-enhancing body emitted from the stone steps. strength.

In addition, when he took the one hundred and zeroth step, the pressure on his physical body increased by another tenth.

Li Kang continued to walk up quickly step by step. There are a total of thousands of steps on this winding stone path that extends to the top of the mountain. It is not easy to climb to the top.

Time passed quickly, and three hours passed.

At this time, Li Kang had walked more than 300 stone steps, and the pressure on his body had increased a lot. Now he felt strenuous every step he took.

Where he is, there are still close to a thousand steps away from the top of the mountain.

Li Kang has not used the power of the natal astrology to bless the physical body now, because there are still about a thousand stone steps to walk, and the pressure on the physical body will be even greater. If he uses the power of the natal astrology to bless the physical body now , What about the last stone steps?
He could only continue to rely on pure physical strength, walking up step by step, the current speed was much slower than when he first started.

"Ding ding ding!" The closer they got to the top of the peak, the sound of the jingle chirping became louder and denser.

Time passed slowly, Li Kang walked another hundred steps, and his foot stepped on the [-]th stone step. Immediately, there were streaks of blood-colored brilliance overflowing from the stone steps, sinking into the stone steps. into his body.

Immediately, he felt that his physical strength had recovered a little, but the pressure on the stone steps in front also increased a little.

Li Kang rested for a while, then continued to walk towards the peak...

Time passed slowly for three hours, and Li Kang had already reached the three thousand stone steps, and the pressure on his physical body was already extremely huge.

Every time he took a step, his body began to shake a little.

There are [-] stone steps in front of him, and these [-] stone steps are the steepest, almost at ninety degrees to the ground.

Li Kang took a breath, his eyes flashed with determination, and he walked unsteadily towards the third thousand and first stone steps...

(End of this chapter)

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