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Chapter 541 Monster Invasion

Chapter 541 Monster Invasion
Hearing this, the majestic blacksmith grinned, showing his white teeth, and said, "Alright, since little friend Li Kang likes this tripod, I'll give it to you!"

The blacksmith looked at Li Kang with kindness and admiration.

As soon as his words fell, the blood-colored cauldron emitted a dazzling blood, and it shrank rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it shrank into a mini-sized blood-colored cauldron, flying towards Li Kang.

Li Kang's face was full of joy, and he reached out to catch the bloody cauldron.

The tripod was slightly heavy in the hand, and there was still a trace of warmth, but it felt good in the hand, and he liked it very much.

"This cauldron is called the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron. It can refine all monsters. It is one of the most proud works of my life. As for how much power this Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron can exert, it is up to you! If you drop a drop of blood on this cauldron, he will recognize you as the master, and you can take it into your body!" When Li Kang was focusing on the bloody magic cauldron, the blacksmith said with a smile.

"Thank you, senior!" Li Kang bowed his hands to the blacksmith.

Then, he cut his fingertips and dripped a drop of blood onto the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron. As soon as the blood drop fell, it turned into a cloud of blood mist and was absorbed by the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron.

Immediately, the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron emitted a dazzling blood-colored brilliance, and the flowers, birds, insects, fish, and animals on it moved as if they had come to life.

At the same time, Li Kang felt that he had established some kind of mysterious connection with the Blood Light Demon Refining Cauldron. Immediately afterwards, the cauldron turned into a red brilliance and sank into his body. The blood tripod mark exists.

In addition, there was a strange magic trick that entered Li Kang's mind, and this magic trick was exactly the magic trick of the blood-light alchemy cauldron.

"Little friend Li Kang, since you have obtained the things, I should go too!" At this moment, the thick voice of the blacksmith came to Li Kang's ears: "The fifth to ninth floors of the Tianmo Pit, You don't have the strength of a human being, so if you go, you will die. The monsters from the sky will soon invade the Xingyuan Continent, so you should go back too!"

Li Kang came back to his senses after hearing the words.

I saw the strong blacksmith in front of him, together with the various weapons around his body, suddenly became illusory, as if he was about to disappear immediately.

"I don't know how to call the senior, but the junior must remember the gift of the treasure from the senior!" Li Kang said loudly, looking at the strong blacksmith who was constantly blurring in front of him.

As soon as his words fell, the blacksmith and those weapons in front of him had all disappeared.

"Name is just a symbol. After a long time, I also forgot what my name is. Now, everyone calls me blacksmith!" time and space.

"Thank you, senior blacksmith!" Li Kang bowed and cupped his hands in the direction where the blacksmith disappeared.

This time, the senior blacksmith did not reply.

Li Kang looked at the empty top of the mountain in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned. Everything he experienced just now seemed like a dream. If it wasn't for the clear mark of a small bloody cauldron on his arm, he would have thought that everything just now was just a dream. .

With a thought, the blood-colored small tripod mark on his arm flashed a dazzling blood-red brilliance, and a large tripod the size of several people appeared in front of his eyes.

After Li Kang confirmed that the tripod was really in his body, he took it back with a thought.

Then, he took out the animal skin and prepared to leave the Tianmo Pit. The senior blacksmith just now must be a great extraterrestrial expert. He said that the extraterrestrial monsters are going to invade the Xingyuan Continent. Temple and tribe.

Li Kang injected a trace of the power of his natal astrology into the withered wood-colored incomplete animal skin. Immediately, the animal skin emitted a dazzling blood, wrapping his body.

There was a sound of "嗖", and it turned into a blood-colored brilliance, rushed towards the blood-colored sky, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


In the land of Zhongzhou, a red brilliance suddenly appeared in the sky around a valley with billowing black and red magic fog.

This red brilliance is precisely Li Kang who came out of the Tianmo Pit with the help of animal skins.

He is driving the shining black nebula, ready to go back to the extreme south.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"... At this moment, there were earth-shattering loud noises, and the entire Star Continent couldn't help shaking.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably huge silver halberd, a pitch-black giant bell, and a golden giant qin appeared in the sky above the Star Continent at the same time, emitting monstrous power.

At this moment, the sky suddenly turned blood-red, and the blood light shrouded the entire Xingyuan Continent in blood light.

There are countless ferocious monster phantoms, flashing from the sky, as if they want to break through the blood-colored light film and enter the Star Continent.

The phantoms of these ferocious monsters come in various shapes: those with human appearance, those with blue faces and fangs, and those with several hideous heads... In a word, every phantom of a monster is very terrifying and frightening.

At this time, Xingzu's three Xingyuan Continent's most powerful artifacts, the Shaking Halberd, Haotian Bell and Fuxiqin, all emitted a dazzling light, rushing towards the hideous blood-colored monster phantoms in the sky.

The dense blood-colored monster phantoms in the sky were hit by the brilliance emitted by these three Xeon artifacts, and they all screamed and disappeared without a trace.

However, the three Xeon artifacts killed a wave of blood-colored monsters, and there were more ghosts of blood-colored monsters, ready to charge towards Xingyuan Continent, ready to smash that huge blood-colored mask.

Li Kang thought that the bloody mask should be the same existence as the star array, but its defense ability is much stronger than that of the ninth-grade star array, so it can stop the attacks of those extraterrestrial monsters.

Li Kang glanced at it, then drove the nebula, and flew towards the extremely southern and fierce place.

If these extraterrestrial monsters break through the blood-colored mask, even if there are three Xeon artifacts of Xingzu, so many extraterrestrial monsters will definitely escape the slaughter and enter the Xingyuan Continent.

A large number of extraterrestrial monsters entered the Xingyuan Continent. For the creatures of the Xingyuan Continent, it was definitely a catastrophe.

Li Kang didn't dare to imagine such consequences.

He only hoped that Xingzu's powerful artifact and that bloody formation could protect the Xingyuan Continent and prevent alien monsters from entering it.

At the same moment, the astonishing vision in the sky above Xingyuan Continent has startled all living beings on Xingyuan Continent, no matter if they are powerful astral warriors, astronomers, monsters, sea monsters or not. Ordinary human beings with strength looked at the sky above Xingyuan Continent with eyes full of horror.

"My God, those hideous things should be monsters in legends, why are there so many terrifying monsters in the sky of Xingyuan Continent, what happened?!"

"If these monsters enter the Xingyuan Continent, we will definitely be eaten by them, and all creatures in the Xingyuan Continent will die!"

"I beg the heavens to have pity on us mortals, and we must not let the monsters break through the defense. I hope that the three artifacts can kill these monsters!"


At this time, ordinary humans on the Star Continent knelt down and prayed to the supreme existence in the sky.

At this time, many powerful families of star cultivators who were originally hidden from the world and many strong people who practiced in seclusion were born one after another. They looked at the astonishing celestial phenomena in the sky in amazement.

The ferocious extraterrestrial monsters in the sky were killed batch after batch by the three powerful artifacts of the Star Ancestor, and countless monsters disappeared without a trace.

However, even though countless monsters have been killed, there are still more monsters from outside the sky, like a tide, rushing toward the Star Continent.

They are not afraid of death and continue to impact the bloody mask on the Star Continent...

However, that seemingly thin layer of blood-colored mask has an extremely strong defensive ability, and it will be impossible for the monsters outside the sky to break through it for a while.

However, Li Kang, who was in flight, looked up at the inexhaustible monster, but he was extremely worried. No matter how strong the defensive power of the large formation was, facing the inexhaustible monster, it would sooner or later be broken by it.


It's nighttime soon, but at night, the magnificent galaxy and five mysterious star fields can no longer be seen in the sky above Xingyuan Continent. The sky is full of blood-colored ferocious extraterrestrial monsters, Xingzu's most powerful artifact The Shaking Halberd, Haotian Bell, and Fuxiqin continued to kill these monsters.

Two days later, Li Kang returned to the entrance of the extremely southern fierce land by driving the black glowing nebula.

He looked at the billowing black mist below and plunged into it.

As soon as he entered the extremely southern fierce land, he arranged two golden fires, ten black fires, thirty purple fires and one hundred red fires at the entrance and guarded the entrance.

In addition, he also asked Po Zhen to arrange the largest guardian array of Wanyao Mountain, an eighth-rank star array, at the entrance of the extremely southern fierce land.

Li Kang also asked the elders of the Presbyterian Hall to keep an eye on the changes outside, and asked them to continuously purchase a large amount of resources.

After making these arrangements, he entered the Saint Grade Star Vein Pool in Xingyuan Valley.

Li Kang was about to break through the bottleneck of the Great Consummation of the Black Star Realm. This time he went to the Tianmo Pit, and he felt that the bottleneck that had been confining him had loosened.

Now, the extraterrestrial monsters are about to invade the Xingyuan Continent, and I must quickly break through to the Venus level. The stronger I am, the better I can protect my people.

After he entered the star pool, he sat down cross-legged, calmed down his mind first, and allowed himself to reach a state where his mind was like still water...

On the second day, a huge colorful nebula appeared in the direction where Xingyuan Valley was located, and the star power in the entire extremely southern fierce land was gathered towards the location of Xingyuan Valley like Wanchuan returning to the sea, and there was no end to it ...

Although the extremely southern fierce land only has an area of ​​[-] miles, the star power it possesses is not necessarily less than that of the entire Xingyuan Continent, because there are three holy star veins and one hundred extreme star veins here. And one thousand high-grade star veins.

(End of this chapter)

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