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Chapter 585 The Gap Between People

Chapter 585 The Gap Between People

At this moment, Li Kang, who was standing in mid-air, exuded extremely powerful coercion, sweeping away everything.

The coercion of all the Yuanying stage elders of the Chitu Sect and Xu Qingsheng, who is at the human level, is not as strong as that of Li Kang alone.

At this moment, he had already flown out of the royal family's protective formation, and the jade pendant around his waist flashed a dazzling white light, and then, a cute little doll with ruby-like eyes appeared in front of him.

"Xiao Hei, I'll leave the other cats and dogs of the Red Earth Sect to you!" Li Kang slightly pulled the corners of his mouth to the sides, and said softly with a smile.

"Master, don't worry, I will definitely not let any of them see the moon tonight!" After Xiao Hei finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot.

At this moment, Xu Qingsheng of Chitu Sect had cast a magic weapon to attack Li Kang. It was a dark green dagger, which looked unparalleled in sharpness.

Li Kang glanced at it and said with a sneer, "It's just a magic weapon! I thought it was a spiritual treasure!"

Facing the dark green dagger flying towards him, he didn't dodge it, and he didn't use other defensive methods. Just when the dagger was about to stab him, he stretched out a hand, pinched two fingers, and squeezed The dagger was clamped, preventing it from moving forward.

Immediately afterwards, he put more force on his two fingers, and there was a crisp "crack" sound. The dark green dagger between his two fingers was broken in two, and the light on the surface dimmed instantly, turning into a pair of scrap copper and rotten iron. Falling towards the ground.

Seeing this, Xu Qingsheng on the opposite side couldn't help showing shock in his old eyes: the guy in red on the opposite side has such strong physical strength, even stronger than a human-level monster Not a lot.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Qingsheng suppressed the shock in his heart, and a fiery red round bowl appeared in his hand, and mana frantically gathered towards the round bowl in his hands.

Immediately, the round bowl magic weapon exuded a dazzling fiery red glow, and there was a clear cry, and a fiery red strange bird phantom flew out of the round bowl, and came towards Li Kang with murderous aura.

This round bowl-shaped magic weapon is the most powerful magic weapon for practitioners in the Nascent Soul stage, and its power is infinitely close to that of a spiritual treasure.

Xu Qingsheng went through a lot of twists and turns in order to obtain this magic weapon, and the power of this treasure is also impressive.

At this moment, Li Kang's actions were unexpected. He still didn't move, and punched the phantom of the fiery red strange bird that was attacking him.

"Boom" came a crackling sound, and the phantom of the fiery red strange bird exploded directly, turning into a little bit of brilliance and disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this, Xu Qingsheng's eyes were once again filled with shock: This is his grandma's, what a perverted body.

"Boy, if you have the guts, take my Lingbao's attack!" He gritted his teeth.

Immediately afterwards, a fan-shaped cyan spirit treasure appeared in Xu Qingsheng's hand, and the coercion emitted by it was much stronger than the round bowl in front.

Li Kang recognized at a glance that this cyan fan-shaped treasure was a spiritual treasure, to be precise, it should be a low-grade spiritual treasure.

Xu Qingsheng crazily injected mana into the fan-shaped Lingbao, and immediately, the Lingbao emitted a monstrous blue light.

"Roar", "Roar", "Roar"

Then, three loud roars rang out, and three cyan dragon lights and shadows flew out of the fan-shaped spirit treasure, and came towards Li Kang with their teeth and claws. tiny cracks.

Facing the three ferocious cyan dragon phantoms, Li Kang narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't know whether his physical strength could resist the Lingbao's attack.

However, he wanted to give it a try, so he didn't use any defenses, and was going to directly force the attack of the three green dragons with his physical strength.

Li Kang clenched his fists tightly towards the three green flood dragons that were flying towards him, and punched one after another continuously.

"Roar", "Boom"...

A loud roar and a violent roar sounded at the same time.

His whole body was covered by three cyan dragon phantoms, forming a huge cyan light group, with a roar coming from inside.

Seeing this, Xu Qingsheng, who was standing in the opposite void, had a ferocious look on his face. He continued to frantically use his mana towards the low-grade Lingbao in his hand, and once again attacked Li Kang's place with three blue floodlights.

After activating the Lingbao twice in a row, more than two-thirds of the mana in his dantian was lost. After all, he had just broken through to the realm of human respect, and he only had the cultivation base of the first level of the beginning of the human respect, so his mana was not very much.

Xu Qingsheng felt very strenuous.

At this time, Li Kang's body was completely submerged in the cyan light group, and there were loud roars coming from the cyan light group.


After a few breaths of time, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the cyan light cluster surrounding Li Kang's body exploded and disappeared without a trace.

His body stood up in the air again, staring at Xu Qingsheng opposite him with a mocking look on his face, and said sneeringly: "The power of the low-grade Lingbao is nothing more than that!"

At this moment, Xu Qingsheng felt as if he had seen a ghost. Even monsters at the Human Venerable Yuanshi Realm didn't dare to attack his spirit treasure just now.

However, the young man in red in front of him completely resisted the attack of his spirit treasure with his physical strength, how could he not be afraid.

He immediately used the technique of flying away, and flew towards the sky at a very high speed. He has no intention of fighting anymore: keep the green hills, don't worry about running out of firewood, and it's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge... The ancient admonition appeared before him in the mind.

Li Kang's figure also disappeared from the spot, followed closely by Xiang and Xu Qingsheng.

At this time, in the land of the royal family, there was a red figure, like a demon from Shura, constantly harvesting the cultivators of Chitu Sect.

All the cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage were killed by one move if they couldn't do it with one move.

This evil spirit is a little doll, with a cute face that is harmless to humans and animals, Xiao Hei with a pair of ruby-like eyes.

After he killed a Nascent Soul cultivator, he conveniently put away their goblin's storage bag.

At this time, the cultivators of the Chitu Sect were terrified and prepared to escape in the blue sky airship, but Xiao Hei's speed was too fast, and they couldn't do it if they wanted to escape.

Twenty breaths later, all the Chitu Sect Nascent Soul Stage existences were killed by Xiao Hei, and he grabbed all their storage bags in his hand.

Xiao Hei put some blue airships in the sky into blue boxes. These blue boxes are also storage treasures of space, which can hold a blue sky airship.

At this moment, the members of the Wang family in the royal family's protective formation looked at Xiao Hei, their eyes full of horror, and they were terrified.

Xiao Hei didn't pay much attention to the reaction of the people below, he just stood quietly in midair, with a pair of ruby ​​eyes, looking at the direction where Li Kang disappeared, he was waiting for the return of his master.

Half a cup of tea time passed, and there was a red light spot in the sky, flying towards Wangjiashan.

This red light spot was extremely fast, from far to near, and soon reached the top of Wang's house.

The person who came was Li Kang, who was dressed in red. After a battle with Chituzong Xu Qingsheng, he finally killed Xu Qingsheng, and his soul was imprisoned by him.

He is going to wait a while, and then perform the soul search technique to search Xu Qingsheng's soul. He needs to know a lot of information about Guangyu Huoyan Realm.

At this time, Li Kang had a faint smile on his face, looking at the cute little girl: "Xiao Hei, are you done?"

"Yes, all the Nascent Souls existed and died. Their storage bags are with me. There are also dozens of blue sky spaceships!" Xiao Hei said respectfully, and put those storage bags The bag and the box containing the blue sky airship were handed over to Li Kang.

After Li Kang accepted these things, he entered the Wang family.

Everyone in the Wang family looked at Li Kang and Xiao Hei in awe at this moment. In their feeling: Li Kang and Xiao Hei are existences like Tianwei, and they are too powerful to fight against. .

Soon, Wang Peng, the head of the Wang family, the elder Taishang, and Wang Yun'er came to welcome him.

"Thank you, senior, for helping my Wang family resolve the danger of genocide!"

"Thank you, senior, for helping my Wang family resolve the danger of genocide!"

"Thank you, senior, for helping my Wang family resolve the danger of genocide!"

The three knelt down together and said gratefully.

The young master of the Chitu Sect came to the Wang family last time, and this time the master of the Chitu Sect came in person. If Li Kang hadn't taken action, the Wang family would have been wiped out and there would be nothing left.

All the members of the royal family also knelt down gratefully and thanked Li Kang.

"Everyone get up, I helped you resolve the crisis because Miss Wang Yuner saved me. If you want to thank you, thank you kind Wang Yuner!" Li Kang said with a smile, and stepped forward to help Wang Yuner up.

After Li Kang spoke a few words with everyone, he was brought into the Wang family's meeting hall by the head of the Wang family and the Supreme Elder.

At this time, another elder from the Wang family who went out to collect pills for him also returned.

There are hundreds of people gathered in this meeting hall. They are all the elders of the Wang family. The two Supreme Elders are both in the Nascent Soul stage.

Wang Peng, the head of the Wang family, exchanged glances with the other two elders of the Wang family, and received affirmative glances.

He looked at Li Kang, smiled and said, "Senior Li, you should be very curious. My Wang family is just a small family. Compared with a second-rate sect like the Chitu Sect, which is rich in resources, it is nothing more than a big family." It’s just a small shrimp. And the Chitu Sect is trying their best to destroy my Wang family?”

Li Kang was really curious. The Wang family had some resources, but it wouldn't cause sects like the Chitu Sect to peek at them. Could it be that the Wang family has some great treasures?
There was also a slight smile on his face, and he nodded towards the head of the royal family...

(End of this chapter)

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