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Chapter 586 Spirit Stone Mine

Chapter 586 Spirit Stone Mine

Seeing Li Kang nodding his head, Wang Peng smiled slightly and said, "It's because my Wang family discovered a small spirit stone mine in our own area, and some top-quality spirit stones were mined from this small spirit stone mine." !"

Hearing this, Li Kang secretly thought in his heart, so it is so.

This is the so-called: Every man is innocent and he is guilty!People are always greedy, not to mention in this world where the strong prey on the weak, whoever has a strong fist has the right to speak, and whoever can occupy all resources.

"My Wang family discovered this spirit stone mine, and no one outside knew about it. Only the elders of my Wang family knew about it. Everyone kept it strictly confidential and did not disclose this news.

Unexpectedly, in the end, Wang Hualong, Wang Ping and his son secretly disclosed the news that the Wang family had a spiritual stone mine and mined the highest-quality spiritual stones to the Chituzong for personal gain after we mined the top-quality spiritual stones.

They disclosed this news to Chituzong in order to become the patriarch of the royal family.

This caused Chitu Sect to destroy the Wang family and occupy the Lingshi mine.However, they are also afraid that our royal family has the news of the Lingshi Mine that has mined the best Lingshi, and let other powerful sects know about it, which will attract competition from other sects.The Chitu Sect deliberately made an excuse, that is, they want to marry my Wang Peng's daughter as a concubine.

If I disagree, they can logically destroy the Wang family and take control of this spirit stone mine.

If we agree to marry Yun'er, the Chitu Sect will find other reasons to destroy my Wang family as soon as possible and occupy the Lingshi mine! "

When Wang Peng told Li Kang about this, he smiled and asked, "Why did the head of the Wang family tell me this?"

"Without Senior Li, my Wang family would have been exterminated. The Lingshi Mine that can produce top-quality spirit stones is absolutely impossible to keep with the strength of my Wang family. If it is cheaper for others, it is better to honor Senior Li!" Wang Peng explained.

Li Kang had chatted with Lan Xuan before, and he knew that the middle plane used spirit stones.

Spiritual stones contain spiritual power. Cultivators can absorb the spiritual power in spiritual stones for cultivation, and they can also use spiritual stones to arrange formations as the power of formations, and they can also use spiritual stones to refine weapons.

Of course, the most important role of Lingshi is as a currency for transactions between practitioners.

According to the level of quality, spirit stones are divided into low-grade spirit stones, middle-grade spirit stones, top-grade spirit stones and extreme-grade spirit stones. One hundred low-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for one medium-grade spirit stone, and 100 yuan of medium-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for one high-grade spirit stone , 100 yuan top-grade spirit stone can be exchanged for a top-grade spirit stone.

The spiritual power contained in the top-quality spirit stones is the most and the purest. Many super-large formations are arranged with top-quality spirit stones, and the power will increase a little.

Secondly, top-grade spirit stones also have a lot of spiritual power and are very pure, but they are much inferior to top-grade spirit stones, and the same goes for middle-grade and low-grade spirit stones.

Among the middle planes, there are a lot of low-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones. The number of high-grade spirit stones is less than that of middle-grade and low-grade spirit stones, but the number is still large.

However, top-grade spirit stones are very rare, compared to other high-grade, middle-grade and low-grade spirit stones.

Rare things are more expensive, but the value of top-grade spirit stones has doubled. Originally, according to the exchange ratio, 100 yuan of top-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for one top-grade spirit stone, and 100 million low-grade spirit stones can be exchanged for one top-grade spirit stone.

However, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to exchange 1 yuan for top-grade spirit stones into a piece of top-grade spirit stones.

From this, the value of the top-grade spirit stone came out. Such a precious top-grade spirit stone appeared in a small spirit stone mine of the Wang family. After knowing this news, how could the Chitu sect not want to occupy it? !
"If I get these top-quality spirit stones, it will be very beneficial to my practice!" Li Kang thought to himself.

Then, he turned his gaze to Wang Peng and the other two elders, and said with a smile, "I have obtained these top-grade spirit stones, what am I going to do for the Wang family?"

Wang Peng clasped his fists towards Li Kang and said, "Senior Li, another unfeeling request from my Wang family, I invite you to be the honorary elder of the Wang family!"

Hearing this, Li Kang couldn't help frowning slightly: He came to the middle plane to continuously improve his cultivation, quickly reach the realm of earthly deity, and then ascend to a higher high plane. He is absolutely unwilling to be bound by a little top-grade spirit stone , slowing down the speed of upgrading!

Seeing Li Kang frowning, Wang Peng, the head of the Wang family, couldn't help but panic and said: "Senior, please rest assured, we will not ask you to do anything, just use your name!"

"Senior, please be the honorary elder of my Wang family!" At this time, Wang Yun'er knelt down first, and looked at Li Kangdao beggingly in her big talking eyes.

"Senior, please be the honorary elder of my royal family!"

The rest of the elders of the royal family and the elders in the meeting hall all knelt down and bowed down.

Li Kang knew what the head of the Wang family meant. They wanted to use their own tiger skin as a banner so that no other forces would dare to touch the Wang family.

That's right, a man like myself can kill the Chitu Sect with a strong man in charge of him alone, leaving him defenseless. Only he promises to be the honorable elder of the royal family, even if he is the overlord of Lingxi Island. The Lingxi sect would not dare to embarrass the Wang family.

"Well, I can promise you that I will use my name to provide you with protection, but the ugly words come first. First, if your Wang family uses my name to do evil, I know that you will not let your Wang family go ;Secondly, even if your royal family encounters another catastrophe of extermination, I will not help, because I will leave Lingxi Island and go to the Holy Land of Fire soon!" Li Kang said in a deep voice with a serious expression on his face. .

"Senior, don't worry, we use your name to protect ourselves in this world of the weak and the strong, and we will never use your name to do evil. In addition, with the senior as our honorary elder, we are here on Lingxi Island. No force in the family dares to embarrass my Wang family anymore, after all, the Chitu Sect is the best precedent!" Wang Peng promised with a look of joy on his face.

Hearing this, Li Kang nodded.

"See Supreme Elder!"

"See Supreme Elder!"

"See Supreme Elder!"


The elders of the royal family in this meeting hall couldn't help being overjoyed when they found out that Li Kang had agreed to be the honorary elder of the Wang family.

Soon, all members of the Wang family knew the news. Immediately, the entire Wang family fell into joy, making them feel that since then, the Wang family can finally be safe and will not be bullied by others anymore.

Not long after, Wang Peng, the head of the Wang family, came to hit Li Kang with a storage bag, handed the storage bag to him respectfully, and said, "Senior Li, this storage bag contains 5000 yuan of top-grade spirit stones." , it is all the top-quality spirit stones mined in the past six months after our Wang family discovered the spirit stone mine, please accept it, senior!"

Li Kang was also polite, and took the storage bag with a slight smile on his face. He probed into it with the power of his soul, and found that there were piles of "stones" the size of an adult's fist, with colorful halos flowing on the surface.

He has already confirmed that this is the top-quality spirit stone. Lan Xuan had described the top-quality spirit stone to him before.

"How many top-quality spiritual stones can be mined from that spiritual stone mine?" Li Kang said after receiving the top-quality spiritual stones, looking at Wang Peng.

"Senior, according to our estimates, at least 2 yuan of top-grade spirit stones can be mined from that spirit stone mine. As for top-grade, middle-grade, and low-grade spirit stones, a lot can also be mined!" Wang Peng replied truthfully.

Hearing this, Li Kang nodded.

Next, he returned to his exquisite and luxurious house and began to count the spoils.

He opened all the storage bags. One of these storage bags belonged to the strong man Xu Qingsheng at the human level, and the other 29 storage bags also existed in the Nascent Soul stage.

He opened all these storage bags, and it took him two full hours to count all the spoils.

This time, Li Kang got a total of: 500 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, which were found in the storage bag of Ren Zun Xu Qingsheng;
Top-grade spirit stones are 10 yuan, middle-grade spirit stones are 500 million fast, and low-grade spirit stones are [-] million yuan;
There are more than 200 bottles of pills for practitioners in the Nascent Soul stage, and dozens of bottles of pills for treating physical injuries;
Most of the magic tools used by practitioners in the Nascent Soul stage are low-grade or medium-grade, and there are more than 60 pieces;

There is also a low-grade spiritual treasure, which is the blue fan used by Xu Qingsheng;

In addition, there are many materials for refining tools and alchemy.

In addition to the harvest in these storage bags, Li Kang also obtained 22 blue sky airships from these elders of the Chitu Sect. Each of these blue sky airships is worth at least [-] million spirit stones.

After Li Kang counted these things, he collected all the instruments and the low-grade spiritual treasure blue fan into his dantian, so that the starry sky transformed by the star map would emit white star brilliance. Upgrade their grades.

It took less than half an hour for him to extract these more than 60 magical artifacts and that low-grade spirit treasure.

The magic tools of the Nascent Soul stage cultivators were directly upgraded to the middle level, some were upgraded to the top level, and the magic tools of the middle level were upgraded to the top level.

As for the cyan spirit baby fan, it was upgraded from low-grade to high-grade.

After Li Kangti tasted many treasures, he found that the stars of his starry sky, even the same low-rank treasures, can be upgraded to different levels. Some can only be promoted to middle-rank, while others can be promoted to top-rank. It is related to the potential of the treasure itself.

After raising all these treasures, he called Wang Peng over and asked him to take the sixty pieces of magic tools used by the Nascent Soul stage cultivators to the market to sell them and exchange them for spirit stones.

Li Kang decided to keep the blue treasure fan that had been upgraded to the top grade and use it for himself.

After all, it is a little scary to take out Dibaolai as soon as I make a move.

In addition, Li Kang also asked Wang Peng to take those unnecessary refining tools and alchemy materials, fifteen blue airships, to the square market to sell and exchange them for spirit stones.

(End of this chapter)

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